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The path seemed soft, intangible even. It was a smooth passage, lined with the chocolatey depths of a dark, dank space.
One only had to walk along the dark passageway, which had nothing but blank front doors, to feel the sense of isolation.

A tall figure dressed in sheer, night robes, ambled along, holding a jar full of fresh fruit wine in his hand. He tripped over a vase that was lying carelessly on the floor and would have fallen flat on his face if he were a bit tipsier. He cursed, and kicked it, sending it rolling off to some unlighted corner.

He smiled, as if he had achieved some major feat, and stumbled on.
Darkness stuck to his face as he walked down the empty corridor.

The doors of his room swung open with a loud creak, as he staggered in, leaning on them for support. His glassy, bloodshot eyes which were so black that they were almost purple, looked around the whole room. He moved his fingers recklessly through his glossy hair, which was of the same colour as his eyes, in a slurry effort to move them out of his face.

He flopped down on a long seat and placed the wine jar down with exaggerated caution. He smiled as he ran his dainty fingers over the lukewarm porcelain, and lay down on his front among the cushions.

"Ahhh," he sighed, as the alcohol mingled seamlessly with his blood. He tilted his head, as he took a swig from the jar, and his watery, liquorice eyes landed on an object on the table in front of him.

A turquoise divination sphere.

His long hair which was loosely tied in a half ponytail draped his chest like a curtain. His upper robe slipped from his shoulder, exposing the fair skin. The man smiled maliciously, as his hand reached out towards the ball.

Each swaying movement of his hips, each alluring twist of his body as he raised his body from the comfortable pillows, was a seductive tale of entrapment.

The sphere began to shimmer brightly and steadily, as his palms slowly caressed it. The light lit up his charming countenance and cavorted with the glint in his eyes.

It was sinful, lustful.

His tongue left a wet trail on his smirking, luscious lips, and his teeth replaced it soon after.

"Pick those dogs up!" A voice sounded from within the crystal ball. "Throw them into the cage!"

It was a tall man with sterling grey eyes, which were now ablaze with fury. His hand, which was glowing with crimson runes, held a huge flaming ball of fire, lighting up the whole alley.

The soldiers accompanying him bowed to him and covered their nose and mouths for the alley stank dreadfully.
There was a swarm of locals, taking in all the fun. There were various whispered comments that he could hear, but he didn't pay any attention to them. Rumours, after all, are just rumours.

He was about to lean back at the thought of feasting his eyes on the small corpse of a certain hapless ten-year-old boy. He chuckled, his fingers trailing his bare, exposed midriff temptingly.

The sound of clinking of heavy metal chains resounded from the crystal.

He shot up, not bothered as his robe slipped even further down his shoulder, and stared, as the soldiers lugged three chain-bound males out of the alley.

"This can't be... It's not possible!!" He shook his head rapidly, his fingers now tugging at the roots of his ebony hair. He blinked to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Alas, he wasn't hallucinating. The three men he had sent after the kid were being thrown into a cage, with a whole throng as a witness. His insobriety vanished.

"Fuck!!" He clenched his jaw, as he watched the thugs being carried away. "Were those palace guards?!" DAMMIT!! HOW COULD I BE SUCH A CRETIN!! Oh, fuck..."

He began to walk briskly around his room. A sheen of sweat appeared on his white skin. His throat felt crammed.

He whipped his hair away from his face, as he held his trembling hands over the divination ball. "The kid... Where the hell is the kid?!"

To his consternation, the sphere was blank, other than emitting its usual turquoise glow. He took a deep breath and whispered the incantations again.
Over and over again.

The divination crystal revealed nothing.

He clasped his head in shock.

"FUCK!!" He yelled. He grasped the wine jar, and gulped down its contents in one go, and hurled it at the wall. It was instantly smashed into bits.

"Fuck, what do I do now? Hopefully, they're dead, but what if.. they aren't? Oh hell, how could I be such a moron?? How could I have not thought of this earlier?? What do I do?? How will I face Master now?"

He buried his face in his hands.

"What if they wake up and confess their deed?"

He rubbed his face in anxiety. Feeling frustrated, he groaned loudly, raking his fingers through his strands. He now had no way of communicating with them, let alone erasing their memories, or even better, shutting them up for good.

"HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE SUCH A BLUNDER?!" He bellowed. He sat down for a moment, panting heavily. Beads of sweat rolled down the sides of his face. His eyes landed on the crystal sphere, which was still glowing, completely unaffected by the rage of its owner.

"What will I do now? How will I show my face to my Master?"

His fear-induced rage. Suddenly there was the explosive sound of a second crash, as the crystal lay in pieces on the floor.

He sank to the floor, his fingers gripping the carpet.


In another room, a figure lay on a large bed. His hair which was the colour of chalk stood out as a striking contrast against his black robes. On hearing the loud sounds from outside, his albino eyes fluttered open and he sat up. He looked a bit dazed on being shaken awake, but he quickly composed himself and pulled on his black hooded cloak.
He slipped out of his room, becoming one with the darkness.


"What will happen if they say it all? Will Master be in danger? Oh fuck, what have I done?!" The tall man in dishevelled night robes wept, bringing his fist down on the floor, where the shards of crystal and porcelain lay. Tears of trepidation and pain dripped down his chin.


He froze, as a deep voice came from behind him. The voice was controlling, dominating, and it raised goosebumps all over his skin.

"Chun. Tell me."

He stood up and turned around to face the black hooded figure standing at the door. His Adam's apple bobbed and he threw himself at the latter's feet.

"Master! Master, please forgive this undeserving servant of yours! Please pardon my mistake! Chun has committed a grave blunder, please forgive him," he wept, clinging to his master's knees.


"Please punish me, I beg you."


"Please forgive this unworthy servant, Master. Please."

"Chun, listen..."

"Master, I have been a fool. I don't deserve your kindness, Master. I-"


"Master, it's because of me, that your life is in danger!!"

Both of them fell silent, the only sound in the room, being Chun's ragged breaths and light sniffles.

'Master, I failed. But please, believe me, I tried. I tried my best.'

"A-Chun," the deep voice of the hooded figure came from above him. At the same time, fingers caressed the warm ivory skin of his bare shoulder and clavicle, igniting a flame at the pit of his stomach and yet sending shivers down his spine simultaneously.

"Get up," the fingers brushed the nape of his neck.

Shivering slightly, Chun got up and followed his master, as the hooded figure made its way towards the long seat.

"Sit," they both sat down. The figure then moved his thumbs over Chun's high cheekbones, wiping the tears away.

"Tell me." He purred.

"Master, the men I had sent after the kid, they're being held captive now. It never occurred to me that they would get caught like this, or I would have done something. Oh, I have been such a fool, I'm so unworthy Master, I didn't think of other circumstances, I.."

Chun buried his face in his hands and rubbed his face.

Suddenly he found himself half sitting and half lying on the cushions, and let out a short yelp.

"So, long story short, you want to say that we're in the potential danger of getting caught and being brought to book. Right?"

Chun nodded, his head swinging a bit due to the wine in his bloodstream. To his utter surprise, his master laughed.

"Master.. you're..."

"A-Chun, A-Chun," the figure chuckled, shaking his head. "How innocent you are, but of course, I had already known this for a long while." His hand stroked his chest, making Chun gasp.

"I beg you, Master, please, please forgive me."


Chun tried to sit up, a horrified look on his face, but the figure firmly held him down.

"Master, I... it's my fault."

"A-Chun, you are my most diligent accomplice. Never forget that."

"But your accomplice has made a serious blunder, Master. He's now unworthy of that title."

"No, you aren't. Chun, you have done so much for me, so many things which would have been impossible for me to accomplish alone, if not for you. I'm indebted to you, A-Chun." The figure caressed his hair. Heat rose to the latter's come-hither face, he inhaled sharply.

"Master, I-"

The figure placed his slender fingers on Chun's plump, red lips, gesturing him to be quiet.

"A-Chun, you have been working so hard to obtain the spirit controlling chains, and making sure that they work. You may think I don't know, but I do. It made me feel so guilty, asking you to find those thugs for the job, amidst all that you were doing. You looked so drained and yet, I told you, because I trusted you so much."

Chun gazed at him. "But, Master, I left a major flaw in the whole plan. Now, if you fall into trouble, I'll never be able to forgive myself. I can't imagine how I missed such an important-"

The figure promptly shut him up from blabbering again. As his master's hands touched his diaphragm, the latter realised that the strings of his upper robes were almost undone.

"Chun, calm down."

The deep voice, followed by the liquor in his system, served to lace his veins with fire and send electric jolts to kiss all his nerve endings. He bit his lips to hinder the moan that was threatening to escape his throat.

"Why are you bleeding?!"

"H-huh?" Chun exhaled. "OUCH!" He cried as the hooded figure plucked out a chip of crystal from the gaping wound in his hand. The figure was about to bring the cut to his lips, when he sat up, and snatched his hand away, saying, "Master, you're not supposed to taste my blood. Neither the blood belonging to any of my kind."

The figure fetched a bottle of medicine and dressed the gash. Chun couldn't help but wonder whether it was just him, or was his master's hands lingering on his for longer than usual.

"Thank you, Master." He sincerely replied.

"You broke your divination sphere. I see."

"I was so worried and mad at myself that I didn't know what I was doing. I'm sorry, Master."

"Show me."

Chun blinked, confounded.

The figure leaned towards him and breathed him in, making the air hitch in his chest.

"Show me yourself," he spoke in a baritone voice, making the other almost arch his back in scorching anticipation. The figure ran his thumb along Chun's bottom lip to free the soft flesh from being further abused by his sharp teeth.

Chun's liquorice orbs began to gleam in a brilliant electric blue. He had a high colour to his cheeks.

The caresses and sensual fondling thrilled both of them, they wanted more.

"A-Chun, you don't need to worry about those goons anymore. I had taken care of the matter already."

The person being spoken to sat up excitedly. "What did you do, Master?"

His master tucked his jet black strands behind his ear. As he withdrew his hand, his fingers brushed against his mastoid, making Chun's glowing blue eyes roll back into his head.

"As I said earlier, I was feeling very guilty for burdening you with so many tasks at once. I could only sit back and keep a watch on the soul binding circle, and mend it as and when it was destroyed. And thus, when they had met you in the forest glade, a spirit had followed you on my bidding."

Chun went pale, "Master, I-i-I killed it."

"I know. I don't mind at all. It was weak." The figure replied, reassuringly. "It just had to do its job. As soon as you left, their memories were altered. I had no more use for it anyway, scattered and dead or whole and alive."

"Ohh.." Chun sighed in relief. But the very next moment, he arched up as his beloved master's fingers trailed along his covered thighs, pressing an erogenous spot next to his patella.

"They don't remember anything, other than the fucking brat and their concupiscent needs."

"Thank you, Master," he whispered and gave him a sultry smile, and raised his hands towards the hood. He paused. At an imperceptible nod, he pushed the hood off.
A man with snow-white hair was revealed. He looked older than Chun, but he was remarkably attractive with sharp features, despite having an albino skin tone, which seemed to be glowing in contrast to his black garments, and reddish-pink pupils.

He smirked, as his touches made the intoxicated Chun pant and clutch his arms urgently. His fingers expertly rubbed the other's sensitive areolas, making his copper pink buds harden with need.

"You know your next task, A-Chun. Right?" he purred in the latter's ears, nipping them.

"Y-y-yes, Master," he moaned.

"Do it. Cast it away. I want to see the real Chun."

Chun's upper robe had already slipped off, revealing his flushed torso. A few moments later, his perfectly sculpted body began to shimmer. The warm ivory skin of his right arm which had been plain was now adorned with phthalo blue enchantments. A golden bracelet materialised on his left wrist.


The reddish-pink pupils dilated as they devoured the alluring sight in front of him. The electric blue eyes that were blinking back at him were watery, making them seem even brighter, and yet darkened with desire.

"A-Chun," his master's rich drawl vibrated in his ears, and he felt a pair of hands teasingly squeeze his clothed hips, too close to a particular aching spot that was now sobbing for attention. "Enthrall me tonight."


Mastoid- part of the skull bone behind the ear.

Patella- also known as the kneecap, it is a flat, rounded triangular bone which articulates with the femur (thigh bone) and covers and protects the anterior articular surface of the knee joint.


Hey, back with an update sooner than I had expected lol.

Today we came to know what Nuan's dad looks like. I hope you remember who Nuan is. And we now know what his companion looks like as well.

Btw, can anyone guess what type of spiritual powers Chun might have? Lemme know in the comments below!

(Hint:- he oozes sex appeal, has the power of enthrallment and has runes on his body. He uses a deceptive appearance, called a glamour, to hide his true identity.)

I know my readers hate Nuan's dad and Chun, because of what they did to our baby Ren, but can I be honest?
Chun, though evil, is very dear to me, because he's one of my special characters, identity wise. Please don't hate me, okay? *gives big puppy eyes*

Love y'all loads.
Yours ever,
Erus555 💓

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