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' Come..'

Caihong left the room for Renshu to change into fresh garments. She smiled as the door closed behind her and went to don her outer robes. It was the last day of her weekend, and suddenly she found herself feeling unusually glad that she had no training in the morning.

"Ren, here," Li Liang said, taking out cream coloured robes from his bag. "Wear these."

Neither did Renshu look at him, nor did he say anything, when his grandfather placed the robes in his open hands. His eyes had the look of a hunted animal, that couldn't look at anyone squarely, only looking at someone for a few moments to calculate the next move.

When the door swung open, he lifted his head, squinting at the bright sunlight that flooded in.
When he finally adjusted, his eyes locked on a silhouette standing with the back towards them, facing the vacant courtyard. It held its hands at the back.

He didn't know whether he had spoken her name out loud or it was the sound of the door opening with a creak, but the figure turned to face them.

'C-Ca- Caihong....'

A mellow breeze gambolled wantonly with her hair, and her flowing robes fluttered like a sail on the open seas.

Caihong partially stretched out a hand towards him. She had her classic winning smile on her face.

Renshu sat on the edge of the bed, watching her warily.

Seeing that he didn't move, she raised an eyebrow and cutely tilted her head to the side. Her hand remained outstretched.

He blinked his large eyes, unable to decide anything. He tried to look away but found that he couldn't keep his eyes away from her for too long.

For now, her smile had become tempting, with a slight glint of mischievousness in it.

He let out a shaky breath.

Caihong stretched her hand out some more and nodded once.

Just through that small gesture, it was as if he could hear her voice loud and clear in his head.

' Come... Won't you come with me?'

His hands pressed down into the mattress as he began to debate whether to stand up or curl up into the covers.

She stretched out her hand totally, and this time, she took one step forward, her smile urging him, making him crumple the covers in his clenched fists.

Renshu inhaled sharply and trembled a bit, the poor sheets probably on the verge of getting torn.

There was an earnestness in her glowing eyes, some kind of an appealing shimmer, that began to stir his insides.

His eyes flitted to the side, where his grandfather was on his haunches on the floor, putting his boots on his feet. Li Liang smiled softly and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder in a gentle squeeze.

Caihong was still waiting outside with a smiling face, hand outstretched. Not a sliver of impatience was evident in her face.

She nodded again and waited.

Renshu's boot-clad feet twitched a bit. His toes curled and uncurled inside.

Noticing that barely perceptible movement, her smile widened.
Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.
She nodded again.

Renshu's eyes were now glued to her. He looked spellbound.
His feet touched the ground. Using his palms as leverage, he began to push himself up.

Caihong nodded, smiling encouragingly, as he stood up. His shaking knees almost gave way, if not for his grandfather supporting him from behind.

Both the children took deep breaths.

One wobbly step.

Li Liang's happiness knew no bounds. He could barely contain his joyful laughter, as Renshu took two more steps, looking at Caihong after each footfall.

Caihong nodded quickly, smiling from ear to ear.

For every six steps Renshu took towards her, she walked one step towards him.

At last, when he was right at the threshold, and would probably trip if he didn't look where he was going, she caught his hand and helped him cross it.


"I heard that the boy was kidnapped," a maid carrying draperies whispered to her colleagues.

"You only heard that?? I heard he was raped too!"


"Yeah yeah, I heard it too, my husband was telling me last night, he is close with the guards."

"Oh, poor boy!"

"Are you sure that it's the truth?"

"What a scandal! To think that the kid is from such a wealthy sect. It gives me the creeps."

"How disgusting!"

"I know right?!"

"Our Sect Leader won't spare those goons, I'm telling you."

"Yeah, fucking assholes. They should die in a hell hole and be left to rot in a pigsty."

"I heard, Little Mistress saved the boy."

"Oh my? How brave!"

"I also heard that she almost sent those fucktards to their death, if not for the boy who was almost dying there."

"Oh God, Jie, how do you know so much?"

"Idiot, didn't I just say that my husband is friends with the guards?"

"Such a small boy, almost of the age of my son, how could they do this to him? Aish what has the world come to?"

"Yes, really, I mean, kidnapping was fucking bad enough, on top of that, rape?"

"Oi hush, you three, shut up, Little Mistress Ruan is coming, she'll hear us."

Sure enough, Little Mistress Ruan and her companion were very close to them.

"That boy..."

"Shut it."

When the pair reached them, they all bowed low, plastering smiles on their faces.

"Good day, Little Mistress Ruan."

"Good day. And I am not little."

The maids nodded and giggled.

Caihong returned the bow and made her way through them, after making sure that Renshu was holding her hand.

"That boy... Poor thing. He's as old as my son."

"I feel so sorry for him. He could've died!"

"He's walking around quite fine now... But.."

"Stop saying all that. Of course, it's the Physician's miraculous meds."

"But still, meds won't wipe away everything. Poor baby. Kidnap-"


All the four maids were startled and turned to look.

Renshu was almost cowering before so many grown-ups before him, who peered at him with eyes that seemed to judge to him. It frightened him; he hung his head low so that he wouldn't have to look at them. He slinked closer to Caihong, making her look at him. That's when this whispered conversation came to her ears. It angered her.

"Since when have you been appointed to talk like jackdaws? Since when is Dad paying you for spending time in idle gossip? I must say, you have terrific guts for daring to prattle about our royal guests."

The maids shook their heads in denial, falling to their knees.

Caihong frowned at them fiercely, shielding Renshu with her body.

"If I hear any more of this nonsense, everyone will be fired."

"No no please, Little, I mean Second Mistress Ruan! Please spare us! We will only talk about our worthless lives from now on!"
The maids began to salute her repeatedly.

She didn't care to reply. She held Renshu firmly by the hand and led him away towards the incense room.


The Hall of Fragrance, or the Incense Room, in short, was filled with an intense, woody scent, with floral hints to it, accompanied by a clear touch of exotic spices and precious herbs.

Renshu inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the fragrance as much as he could.

Some women were solemnly making the incense with their able hands and putting them into sachets made from lotus leaves. There were also a few juvenile youths present, and they were busily carving the incense burners.

Sale of incense and incense burners had always been an essential trade in the Ruan Sect. There were very few sects manufacturing incense which could be considered as a close match to the quality produced here.
Incense was almost an everyday requirement, be it for worship or room freshening purposes. Now that the festival was approaching, the workers had to work even harder to meet up with the surplus needs.

But the frankincense of the Ruan Sect was unique, exceptional. If made with certain ingredients, it could be used for spiritual purposes; allaying anger for instance.


Ruan Fai was also present there in the hall, most probably supervising.

He smiled, patting her head fondly.
"Caihong. You're growing so tall and fine..."

"Like annoying weeds and heady wine! Hahahaha!"

"Hahaha, yeah... Hang on, where did the weeds and the wine come in from?"

"Hee hee hee!! Hehehe!!"

"Naughty brat," Ruan Fai chuckled lovingly, tucking in the stray strands of hair behind her ears.
He noticed Renshu, who was staring at their exchange with big, blinking, hazel eyes.

He knelt to his level and smiled at him affectionately.

"Good morning, Young Master Li. How are you doing, son?"

The boy looked into his eyes for a split second, before shifting his gaze.

"I'm Caihong's father. Myself, Sect Leader Ruan Fai."

Renshu responded with a tiny, almost imperceptible nod of his head.

Ruan Fai smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Aunt, please show me that one. Yes, that one. Hmmm."

Caihong was sitting cross-legged on the floor, not minding the char and dust scattered all over. She was busy choosing incense.

"No... Not this. Aunt, could you please pass me the other one?"

Even after a while, she hadn't been able to choose anything.

"No, no.. not that either. Aunt, come here.."

Ruan Fai shook his head, amused at his daughter's antics. He lowered his head to look at Renshu, who was standing timidly beside him.

"I will be taking my leave now, Young Master Li," he said, kneeling in front of the boy. Of course, he got no answer. He patted his shoulder once again, before getting up.

"Caihong, I'll be in the Courtroom!"

"Yes, Dad!"

"Everyone, please continue your good efforts."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

The lady, who had been catering to Caihong's wants, finally held out four bulging sachets of incense.

"Is this the one?" Caihong whispered, eagerly.

"Yes, this is the one for placidity, Little Mistress."

"Thank you so much, Aunt!"

She threw her little arms around the woman's neck. The woman, who was not used to such random gestures of childlike adoration, turned beet red in the face.

"Renshu! Renshu! Come here!"

Renshu, who was silently looking at the floor all this time, slowly lifted his head, at the sound of her voice. His eyes regarded her for a moment, before looking away.

Caihong beckoned to him, excitedly. "Come here! Come here!"

He moved over to where she was sitting on the floor. His knees began to shake a bit, as he began to debate whether he should sit or not.

Right then, an austere, earthy scent tickled his nostrils. Renshu involuntarily smiled and closed his eyes as he breathed in the iconic fragrance, trying to fill his lungs with it to the maximum.

His apprehension slowly edged away, feeling a beautiful sense of calm wash over him. Images of a warm, blossoming, spring flashed across his mind.

Caihong was astounded at his response. Though she had known what to expect as she held a bit of incense to his nose, she was filled with wonder.

His lips bore the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he was enjoying his thoughts, whatever they might be. His face looked akin to the glow of the last orange rays of the sun before twilight beckoned the stars.

"For you. Do you like it?" Caihong whispered.

His hazel orbs gazed steadily into her tea tinted ones, before he gave a clear nod of affirmation, making her smile shine brighter than the splendid sun.

And this time, Renshu didn't shy away from bashfully smiling back.

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