chapter 25: weisz is grateful for his friends

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chapter 25: weisz is grateful for his friends


       "Are you sure we're all allowed in here at the same time?" Jane asks, gesturing to the five guests I have right now. She's always worried about breaking rules, though there isn't any for the amount of visitors I have.

       "It's allowed," I say. "There's no limit, especially since I have my own hospital room. They'd rather not give us a limit on how many visitors we have since, you know, it's cancer I have. Kind of disheartening if I can only have two people visit me at a time."

       "Yeah, Jane," Adam says. "Geez, it's like you don't want to be here."

       Jane glares at Adam. "You know that's not true. I would just rather not get kicked out and not allowed to come back if we're breaking some rules."

       "They won't kick you out for breaking rules," I assure. "Otherwise, Reno would have been banned from here a while ago."

       "Damn, what on earth did you do?" Amelia asks as she looks at my boyfriend, who's currently eating his lunch right now. Reno just shakes his head, refusing to tell our friends how he got in trouble from the doctors yesterday.

       It wasn't anything bad. Just something that caused him to be scolded.

       "Oh, so now you're embarrassed to say it?" I ask.

       Reno swallows the food in his mouth before he points to his sandwich. "I'm eating."

       "Wait, no, please tell us," Marcel says. "I'm curious. Because from what I gathered, Reno doesn't seem like the type of person to break rules."

       "He just decided to say something very inappropriate in front of a bunch of little kids when we were in the pediatric ward's game room," I say. I was thankful to finally be able to leave my hospital room and go into either the teen room or game room. 

       I regret every moment when the doctor's reminded me not to overexert myself while I was playing a game, and Reno decided to ask the doctor if that means sex is off the table for now. I'll never forget the mortified look on the doctor's face when she realized Reno asked him in front of a bunch of little kids.

       She had to scold him and told him if he wanted to know, he should have asked her when it was just me and him around.

       "Hey, they're going to learn about it sooner or later," Reno says. "I don't see how it's an issue if they hear that word now. It's not going to scar them or anything."

       I glare at my boyfriend. "They still didn't have to hear that." Reno just shrugs and continues to eat his sandwich.

       "I still want to know exactly what was said," Marcel says. "Weisz, I will give you five bucks to tell me."

       I feel a bit ashamed that I'm tempted to tell Marcel just for five dollars, but I'm able to fight against the urges in the end. It's just five dollars. I can make more than that whenever I work at the diner.

       Although, I won't be doing that for a while. I had to call my manager to tell her what was going on. I told her I won't be able to work for a long time, but she thankfully told me my job is always available whenever I get the all clear to work again.

       Reno looks at me. "Are you actually contemplating it? It's five dollars."

       "Yes, and that five dollars can buy me snacks when my diet is no longer monitored," I say. "Speaking of, does anyone want to challenge me to a hot wings eating contest later on?"

       "No," Amelia says. "You're not tricking us like that again." Amelia looks at Reno, who looks a bit confused. "Last time he was on chemo, it messed with his taste buds a bit so spicy things was one of the few things that actually had flavour to him, meaning his spice tolerance was very high. He thought it would be funny to challenge us to a hot wings contest knowing he would win. He cheated."

       "I did not cheat," I says. "I just... used my resources."

       "I kind of want to challenge you to it," Reno says. "My spice tolerance is very high too, so I'd like to see how it is compared to yours. Wanna do it once you're able to? The diner has hot wings we can eat."

       I hold out my hand and Reno shakes it. "You've got yourself a deal."

       "You know, it's a good thing your school also has the day off, Reno," Adam says. "We all get to hang out again."

       Reno snorts. "My school doesn't have the day off. I'm suspended for three days. For skipping school."

       "Huh?" Adam asks. "How much did you skip to get suspended?"

       "Three days."

       "Three... You're telling me you get suspended, meaning you can't go into the school, for not going to school? How on earth does that make sense?"

       Reno shrugs. "Beats me. My dad is going there after work today to talk to the principal because he's pissed about it. I'm still convinced the principal was just using any excuse she could think of to get me in trouble because someone keeps spreading rumours about it. Me simply being in the hallway is enough to scare people."

       "Ugh, people who spread rumours are the worst," Jane says. "Like why are you trying to tear someone's life down? You never know how much rumours can affect someone."

       "I can beat up that person for you," Marcel says. 

       Reno shakes his head, but there's a smile on his face. "No, but thanks. I can handle him. He hasn't done anything to physically hurt me, but the rumours he has been spreading gets annoying. He's literally telling people that I murdered Weisz, which is why he wasn't been at school the past two weeks."

       "Idiot," Jane says.

       "Weisz, if that dumbass bothers you when you return back to school, let us know," Amelia says. "I will transfer to that school just to kick his ass. I will do the typical movie bullying stuff. Shove him into a locker. Give him a swirly. Give him five different kinds of wedgies."

       "Five?" I ask.

       "You don't want to know," Marcel says.

       "Well, thank you for the offer, but I think I'll be fine," I say.


weisz' friends will roll up to the school one day, torment neil, and then disappear.

(reno is a menace for asking the doctor if weisz is able to have sex lmao)(reno knew there were little kids around and didn't care)


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