chapter 48: reno's first valentine's day

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chapter 48: reno's first valentine's day


       "Hey, Reno," Dad says as I put on my shoes before heading out to the school's Valentine's Day dance. "How would you feel if I tell you that I'm going to be a parent chaperone for the dance?"

       I stop putting on my shoes and just stare at my dad. "You're kidding, right?"

       Dad smiles, as if he's proud of chaperoning. "Nope. I got an email from the school saying they're in desperate need of a chaperones, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know your new school."

       "So... You're going to be at the dance that I'm going to with my boyfriend?" I ask. "That doesn't sound horrible at all."

       Dad chuckles as he pats my shoulder. "Reno, if you're worried about me being a cock-block, just remember that I let him spent a few nights at the house while I was on a road trip. You had more than enough time on your own."

       "That's not the only part I'm worried about," I mutter, going back to putting on my shoes. Dad's really protective of me, so I have no idea how he'll react if he finds out that someone caused me to have a panic attack. And that another person lied about me harassing her.

       However, Dad has always been able to read my like a book. "Has anyone been bothering you at your new school?"

       I should have guessed that he would have been able to figure it out.

       I won't be able to lie to him about it so after I sigh, I say, "Not recently, but one person decided to involve me in her relationship drama. She either wanted attention from her boyfriend or to make him jealous because they were in a fight, so she told him I was harassing her. He threatened me and caused a panic attack."

       "What?" Dad asks. "Reno, that's not okay. Why didn't you tell me?"

       "Because Weisz was there to help me out," I say. "And the boyfriend hasn't done anything since his girlfriend admitted to him about lying." I don't know if I should tell Dad that I still might have problems with them in the future because the girl is Weisz's ex-girlfriend, but I leave it out for now. 

       "Okay, but please tell me if it gets worse," Dad says. "I don't want you to feel unsafe going to that school as well."

       I smile softly at my dad. "I will."

       I leave the house to go pick up Weisz so he can head to the dance together. He doesn't drive as often as he does since there are times he'll start to feel a bit weak. He feels like it would be safer if he's not behind the wheel.

       Weisz is already waiting outside of his house by the time I pull into his driveway. He walks over and gets into the passenger seat, smiling at me before saying, "You look so hot."

       "Thanks," I say. "You look pretty hot as well." While I have opted to wear a red shirt, since Weisz claims it's his favourite colour on me, he has decided to wear a light pink dress-shirt. The soft colour on him suits him perfectly. 

       Weisz smiles brightly before he leans over to give me a lingering kiss. "Thanks for wanting to go to the school dance."

       "Hey, it's not a problem," I say as I pull out of the driveway and start the drive to the school. "Apart from Marie and Dave, I really like going to East Vista. I don't feel like I'll be judged for who I am, you know?"

       "Oh, trust me, you definitely won't be judged," Weisz says. "I'm constantly hearing people talk about how hot the new guy is."

       "You sure they're not talking about you?"

       "Nah, I don't think they would talk about me when I'm so close to them. And a lot of people do know me, so they wouldn't refer to me as the new student. Oh, and I hear them talking about your piercings so it's definitely not me." He leans back in his seat. "It's a good thing people are finally starting to figure out how hot you are."

       I just smile at Weisz. If anything, I'm just glad nobody is spreading rumours about me. Apart from Marie, but I'm not counting her since she would have chosen another person if I wasn't there.

       Dad's already at the school dance by the time Weisz and I get there even though he left after me. Though I did have to go pick up Weisz, and Dad took his motorcycle which is a lot faster than my car.

       "You didn't tell me your dad was chaperoning," Weisz says once he spots Dad.

       "I only found out right before I was about to leave to pick you up," I say. "He won't bother us. I hope." 

       Amelia, Jane, Marcel, and Adam soon walk over to me and Weisz. "Yay, my favourite couple is finally here," Jane says as she gives the two of us a hug. "Dances weren't the same without you, Weisz."

       "And it probably still be won't the same since I'll be spending a lot of time with Reno," Weisz says.

       "It's still better than you not being here at all," Jane says. "You're the only one that can keep Adam under control at times. You're, like, the dad friend."

       "Hey, speaking of dads," Amelia says. "Has anyone seen that hot dad chaperoning over there?"

       Jane sighs. "You're literally a teenager, Amelia. He's not."

       "Please, I'm not going to actually date an older man," Amelia says. "I'm just enjoying his beauty. Come on, look at him and tell me you disagree with me." Amelia gestures towards the dad she's currently thirsting over, and I have to try my best not to gag at the thought of one of my friends thirsting over my dad.

       "Amelia," Weisz says. "That's Reno's dad."

       "Oh," Amelia says. She looks at me. "So are you looking for a stepmother or...?"

       "Amelia, come on," Jane says.

       "I'm kidding," Amelia says. "I just said I'm not going to date an older man. But now I can see where Reno gets his good looks from."

       "Thank you?" I say. "I think."

       Weisz grabs my hand. "Yeah, we're going to go dance now." He pulls me away from them and to the dance floor. "I'm sorry about her."

       "Don't be," I say. "It's all in good fun. It's nice having friends you can joke with. Like how I can joke with you about you having a fantasy about leather jackets."

       Weisz sighs, but there is a small smile on his face. "I'd like to say I don't and I could prove you wrong, but I bet you would prove me wrong by wearing nothing but a leather jacket one day."

       "Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

       "Mmm, then I can't wait if you do."

       This dance is a lot more fun than the first dance I went to back at my old school. No one is judging me. No one is spiking the punch and blaming me. I can just have fun with my boyfriend, and my friends, without a care in the world.

       The only thing I do have to worry about is not being too handsy with Weisz since my dad is chaperoning.

       The last slow song of the night turns on, so Weisz and I have one more dance together. Weisz wraps his arms around my waist and mine go around his shoulders. To tease him a bit, I say, "Don't be afraid to put your hands lower."

       "Right, and get an evil glare from your dad?" Weisz asks. "If cancer's not going to kill me, I'd rather your dad not be the one to kill me, too."

       I try my best not to think about Weisz succumbing to his cancer since his treatment is going well, but the thought has come to me from time to time. Weisz mentioning it just now makes me think about it. "Weisz..."

       "Hey, I'm okay." Weisz removes one hand from my waist to stroke my cheek. "I'm doing okay. It was just a joke."

       "I know. But it worries me at times."

       "It worries me too. And as much as I worry that it's going to keep coming back, I know that I'm going to keep fighting it. Because I want you to be in my life." He rests his forehead on mine. "I love you so much, Reno."

       "I love you too." I lean forward and press my lips on his. If I know one thing, it's that I'm always going to want him in my life.


i love them so much :((((((((

anyway i was rewatching julie and the phantoms a few nights ago (still forever sad they cancelled it) and thought that a lot of the cast would fit perfectly as characters in these books lol.

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