chapter 60: reno is ready | final chapter

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chapter 60: reno is ready


       I look over at Weisz, who is fast asleep with his head resting on the cafeteria table, using his sweater as a pillow. I don't blame him. Everyone who's going on the trip has to meet at the school a four in the morning so we can head to the airport together with buses they rented.

       Which meant that we had to be here before four. Since Weisz and I live in the town over and not this city, we had to wake up even earlier to drive here and make sure that we have everything we need for the trip.

       To save time, Weisz slept over at my house last night so I won't have to go to his house to pick him up. Though, Dad actually drove us there with my car so he can take it back home. I'd rather not have my car sitting at the school during the whole trip.

       Weisz and I tried to go to bed as early as we could, but it was hard falling asleep. I don't know if it's because of the excitement or because I'm not used to going to bed so early. Either way, I'm just as tired as Weisz and would sleep in the cafeteria if it wasn't so noisy. If anything, I'm surprised Weisz is able to sleep with all the chatter and laughter. 

       I just hope I'll be able to sleep on the plane for a bit.

       As soon as it hits four o'clock, Mrs. Bassow tells everyone to quiet down so she can take attendance. Of course, there are some students that aren't here quite yet. It's not rare that there's at least one person late when we're given a specific time to meet up. Some people try their hardest to make it on time but stuff gets in their way. Others see it more as a guideline of a time to show up around.

       Others just don't care.

       Because we can't leave until everyone is here, the teachers make a few calls to make sure that the students are at least on their way. Since there's quite a few of us going, it will probably take some time to get through the airport security and all that. We need to make sure we get to the airport as soon as we can.

       We have to wait for the few students who aren't here yet, so I decide to rest my head on the table as I look at Weisz. He looks so peaceful to be asleep right now. If anything, he's probably the most nervous about this trip. Even though he does a great job at taking care of his health, sometimes external circumstances happen, like that jerk who decided to come to the fundraiser despite having a cold. 

       Weisz just really wants to prove to his parents that they made the right choice letting him go on the trip. He doesn't want to get sent to the hospital and have them freak out. He doesn't want to miss most of the trip because of something like that happening. He wants to live his life freely.

       And I will try my best to make it happen. I will seriously fight anyone with a cold who comes anywhere near him, even if they're on the opposite side of the room. Okay, I probably won't actually fight them, but I will either tell them to leave so they're not spreading their germs or I will take Weisz somewhere else.

       The students that didn't come on time, thankfully, show up soon enough. Mrs. Bassow takes attendance one more time before telling us to head onto the buses. She reminds us that she will be taking attendance a few times to make sure we're all still together and to let a teacher know if we have to wander off somewhere.

       I shake Weisz awake. "Weisz, come on. We have to board the bus."

       "Five more minutes," he mutters.

       "I don't think Mrs. Bassow will hold up the trip to let you sleep for five minutes." I gently tug on his arm, forcing him to stand up.

       He sighs and rubs his eyes. "I'm exhausted."

       "Sleep wise or...?"

       Weisz nods, putting his sweater back on before slinging his backpack over his shoulder. He grabs his suitcase before the two of us follow the group outside to where the buses are. "I should have taken something to make me fall asleep."

       "You and me both," I say. "Oh well. We can try sleeping on the plane." I lean towards him and whisper, "Or sleeping together on the plane, if you know what I mean."

       Weisz glares at me. "Absolutely not."

       I smile at him. "I'm just teasing you."

       It takes some time to pack all the suitcases into the luggage compartments and pack all the students on the bus. Everyone was assigned a certain bus with their roommate so attendance can be taken easier without having to go back and forth between all the buses. Mrs. Bassow wasn't joking when she said attendance will be taken a few times. 

       Weisz falls back asleep on the way to the airport, then asleep after we get through airport security while we wait to board the plane. I wish I can fall asleep as easy as him.

       Weisz has his head resting on my shoulder as I scroll through videos on my phone to entertain myself. He snores softly and honestly, it's a few cute sound.

       I end up catching Marie glare at me and Weisz a few times. I don't know if she's jealous because she still has feelings for Weisz or she just doesn't like the fact that Weisz is doing a lot better without her. Either way, she should mind her business and get over it. She made her choice when she decided to cheat on Weisz for six months and continue to date the guy she cheated on him with.

       The only downside of the trip is having to be around Marie longer than the usual six hour school day.

       It's soon announced that we're able to board the plane so I shake Weisz awake once again. "Come on. Time to get on the plane."

       "But I'm tired," he whines. 

       "Yes, and you can sleep on the plane without me waking you up," I say. I stand up and pull him up. "Let's go. The sooner you get on the plane, the sooner you get to sleep."

       Everyone's seat on the plane were given to us based on our roommate, so I thankfully got to sit beside Weisz without having to beg someone to switch seats with me. Though, it probably would have been best for me to sit beside Weisz no matter what since his doctor also told me everything to be prepared for during the plane ride.

       To be extra safe, the doctor advised Weisz to use a portable oxygen concentrator during the flight so Weisz get it hooked up once he's sitting comfortable. "Ugh, it feels like I'm in the hospital," he says since the tube is in his nose. "At least I've gotten used to wearing these sometimes so I can still fall asleep."

       "You can rest your head on my shoulder again," I say.

       Weisz smiles before doing so. "Thanks." He takes a deep breath. "I'm nervous for the flight."

       I intertwine my hand in his. "It will be okay. I'll be here with you the whole time."

       Weisz gives me a kiss before lying his head back on my shoulder. "I can't wait until we get there, though."

       "Me too. We're going to have the time of our lives there."

       "Yeah. We will."


the end :o

fear not, for the second book will probably come tomorrow lol. i just didn't want to go past chapter 60 lol.

i mean, it is going to be a direct continuation but still. i thought it was time to start a second book.

anyway, thank you so much for reading reno and weisz! i hoped you enjoyed it and enjoyed this lovely couple as much as i enjoyed writing it!

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