are you guys intested in this book idea?

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So, I've been thinking about writing a Legolas x reader but I want it to be different than the other Legolas x readers out there.

What do you guys think about a WOf x LOTR Legolas x reader?

Here's what the (hipithetical) disc would be

Y/n is an awckward leafwing who has a love for movies and books.
One day she puts on a necklace and finds her self in a strang world she never knew existed.
And what's even stranger, she's not herself; she's an elf.
She goes on a quest to help her new friends and she tries to find out what happened and where she is.
Her life will never be the same when she meets a certain blond boy.

I'm not sure I'll actually end up doing this, but, what do you guys think?

If any of you have any other ideas for this (or an idea to use this basic concept for a WOf x reader)
let me know!

~Renx out!~

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