A new crush???

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Serious ranting warning.
Don't read if you aren't comfortable with people over sharing.
I had to tell someone.

*WHy, WaTtPaD?*
*I think I nailed his expression, though*


Around this time of year, I annouced in my contest book, that I had a crush on a close friend of mine and asked for advise.

This year, months after I'd gotten over my old crush (he said he didn't return my feelings; we're just good friends now, nothing more.), I met someone at Track practice.
It's been a little more than a month now, but it feels like so much longer.

I've never fallen for anyone this hard, and I'm lossing my mind.

I'm an empath, but love or crushes are so hard for me; maybe I just haven't been around enough people who are in love or have crushes.
Normally, I can tell is someone has feelings like that, but not always who, or if the other person feels the same.

Or maybe it's just hard when I'm trying to find out if they return my feelings, specifically.

We're in a friend group, and I've told my two closest friends (aside from my cousins), and they understand, but haven't said much about wether or not he feels the same way.

Every time I look at him, I find myself thinking,

Oh, s**t, why does he have to be so f***ing charming?!

And the thing is (and I know this because I'm an empath, so it makes it seem like I've known people for so much longer than I really have), he's the kind of person who could be effortlessly fun and charming, without ever trying or thinking that he's charming.


Sorry, that was really, in-depth, I'm sorry if that was a pain.


Have a good day.

Renx out

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