We don't talk about Hades (an Encanto parody)

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A/N: Basically, it's the same, but with characters from Percy Jackson and Greek Mythology.
Storyline is Demeter is trying to find out more about Hades as she's been feeling increasingly suspisious of him, after what happened in the Second Titain War. Here, I've spilt Dolores's lines into two sections: the first one is Iris (since she was a messager, she would have learned a lot about Hades) and the second part, is Aphrodite.

Hera: We don't talk about Hades, no no no.
We don't talk about Hades.

It was my wedding day-

Zeus: It was our wedding day-

Hera: We were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky-

Zeus: No clouds allowed in the sky-

Hera: Hades walks in with a mischivious grin-


Hera: You telling the story or am I?

Zeus: I'm Mi vada, please go on.

Hera: Hades says it looks like rain-

Zeus: Why did he tell me?

Hera: In doing so, he floods his brain-

Zeus: Apollo gets the umberellas.

Hera: Married in a hurricane!

Zeus: What a joyous day, but anyway-

Hera and  Zeus: We don't talk about Hades, no no no.
We don't talk about Hades!

Iris: Hey, grew to live in fear of Hades stuttering or stumbling, I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling.
I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch ch ch.

Iris: It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling, always left Hera and the family fumbling, grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand; do you understand?

Hermes: Seven foot frame, rats along his back, when he calls your name, it all fades to black.
Yeah, he sees your dreams, and featss on your screams!

Hermes: We don't talk about Hades, no no no.
We don't talk about Hades!


Greek #1: He told me that my fish would die, the day, DEAD!

(No no)

Greek #2: He told me I'd grow a gut, and just like he said!

Greek #3: He said that all my hair would disappear, now look and my head!

(No no!)

All: Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read!

Persephone: He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine.

Demeter *scoffs*

Persephone: He told me that my power would grow like the grapes that thrive on the vine!

Aphrodite: He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach, betrothed to another!
It's like I hear him now!

Persephone: Hey mom, I want not a sound out of you.

Demeter: Yeah Hades, yeah about that Hades, I really need to know about Hades, give me the turth and the whole truth, Hades!

Hermes: Aphrodite, you boyfriend's here!

All: Time for dinner!

*Overlaping lyrics*

Hermes: Seven foot frame, rats along his back-

Approdite: Betrothed to another, another-

Hera: Married in a hurricane!

All: He's here!

Don't talk about Hades!

Demeter: Why did I talk about Hades?

Olympains: Not a word about Hades!

Demeter: Never should have brough up Hades!

A/N: Alright, so the parts about fate and prophecies, refere to the Great Prophecy.
"Aphrodite's boyfriend" is a refferance to Ares.

Renx out!

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