Chapter 12, Worry

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"life is life, sure you can get hurt sometimes but you can always over come it."--Anonymus
(Layla's pov)
I must fight my's inevitable...I know that...but I don't wish to fight...even if someone may seem evil they always have a shot or a chance at redemption in life...
*Starts crying softly*
Ya know...there was once a time that my darkside had been good...but then something happened to us...I don't remember what happened...there's always that little gap in between my memories... Whenever I try to think about what happened my whole body becomes wracked with pain... it's horrible... I know that I must put my feelings aside and fight to save the ones I love...but I shall not give up! I will save you and make sure humanity is safe! Just wait!

(On the outside)
W:Mrs.kellogg? What happened to layla? Why is she like this? She is usually so full of smiles and surprises not sad and weakened by the world around why?... why is she like this?
K:I...I don't must be because of her past...somehow I reminded her of it...
W: (sigh)...well I do hope she overcomes this...I hope she can fight...I hope she doesn't slip into her head scape...
K:wait... what was that about slipping into her mind?
W:(sigh) when me and layla first met she told me that she was a little...she goes into her head scape when she's scared,stressed,or even sometimes under normal we have to be careful...
K:oh...she never told me..I never knew...
W:oh...well...I just hope she makes it...
K:me too...

(Back inside) can't slip now...I have to fight...I'll slip once this is all over...
Now...come out!

Huhuhuhuhuhuhu...stupid girl...still hasn't learned her lesson?...I think someone needs a spanking.

I froze at the words as I felt myself starting to slip.
N-no...not now! I can't slip now!
I felt myself slowly slipping and fading away. I fought for control but failed. I slipped completely into my headscape.
Hahaha! Now you can't fight me! It was then that I also felt like I was being pushed in the very back of layla's mind. What?! W-why is this happening!? (Sigh)'ve won this round layla but I'll be back!

(On the outside)
Look layla's waking up.

(Layla's pov)
I blinked my eyes in confusion. I looked around and saw my aunty Whitty.
"Aunty Whitty...whew awe we?" I asked innocently.

(Mrs.whirtys pov)
Baby...we are in a got sick and we took you here...also this is Mrs.kellogg...

(Layla's pov)
I blinked and looked towards Mrs.kellogg.
I stared at her for a minute before saying: momma kellogg! and clapping my hands rather childishly.

(Mrs.whittys pov)
Aww...Layla your so cute...
Yes I guess so...well layla are you?

(Layla's pov)
Haha! I ok. I wove you aunty Whitty...momma kewogg...
I stated rather cutely.
...momma kewogg...Aunty Whitty... why I in the howspitwal? Can we go howm?

(Mrs.whittys pov)
I don't know baby... but I can ask.
It was then that a nurse popped in and said that I was able to go home.

(Layla's pov)
Yay!we can go howm now! Aunty Whitty and momma kewogg gonna take cawe of me! Yay!
I cheered happily.

It was then that another nurse came in with a bunch of cute plushies and told me to pick 2 of them.

I choose the plushy that looked like a box with arms and another one that looked like a green eye.

The nurse told me that the first plushies was called tiny box Tim while the other was called septiceye sam.

I smiled and giggled happily while I hugged both the plushies tightly.

(Time skip,back at layla's house)
W:Alright baby let's go upstairs.
L: ok.
Once upstairs Mrs.whitty asked you to lay down on your bed.
You agreed and played. Down on your bed.

W: ok baby I am going to change you...stay still
L: o-ok...
Mrs.whitty then goes to the closet and takes put a box filled with pull ups,pacifiers,toys,and other things.
She took out one pull up and your favorite purple pacifier.
She went back to you and slipped the pacifier between your lips.
She then started to change you.

(Time skip after she changes layla)

W:there we go! All done!
L:yay! Play time!
I clapped my hands childishly.
W:yes it's time to play. Now let's go downstairs.

Mrs.whitty and I go downstairs in the living room. She sets me down on the floor and goes over to another closet and pulls out a toy box.
She hands me a coloring book and some crayons.
I began to color and once I got tired of that Mrs.whitty had popped in a Disney movie and moved me to the couch.

I fell asleep without noticing. Thankfully there was a blanket sitting on the couch. She covered me up with that and let me sleep across her lap with a pillow and my pacifier in my mouth.

(End chapter)
Hello again my fellows! I do hope you like this chapter! I tried to lighten the mood a bit since I found that the last couple of chapters were a bit what better way to lighten the mood by letting layla slip into her headscape?
Well anyways till next time my fellows~😊😊😊😊

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