Excited?, Chapter 5

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Hello again my wonderful readers! (Sigh) sometimes I wonder why you still listen to me but anyway... welcome back. But anyway we are at chappy number 5! Hooray!! Well anyway the rule with the letters to represent who's talking is the same for this chapter well alright that's all ya need to know. So sit back, grab a snack and enjoy what you can!😊

You woke up around 5 am and had made your way to the bathroom to get started on your daily routine. After you were done in the bathroom you headed back to your room to get dressed while your mother who seemed to be up all night started to prepare breakfast. After you were finished you finnaly then made your way over to the kitchen table (where your food was already waiting) with all your stuff that you packed the day before. You bid your mother good morning and start to eat. Your mother asks if your excited for the trip to Chicago and you nod your head furiously and try to say "yes" while your mouth was full. Your mother just laughed and said that it was about time to leave. So you quickly jump out your seat clean your mess,grab your stuff and make a beeline for the car.
(Time skip, when you arrive at the station)
You arrived at the station just on time. You were able to see your teachers and a couple of other students walk in as well. You walk even faster with your mother following closely behind you. You finnaly make it to where you were supposed to meet everyone and you then finnaly say goodbye to your mother and then run up to your teacher Ms.kellogg and hug her. After that you went to any seat and sat down. You were so excited that you could hardly sit still! Even though you a felt a bit uneasy you tried not think of the many things that could go wrong. You were happy.
(End chapter)
Alright my wonderful readers I know it was short but.... oh well. Alright well anyway till next time. Bye, bye!😊👍

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