The Beginning, chapter 1

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You sat in a corner crying like you did every other day when you were in preschool. You were the new student at your new preschool and everybody would make fun of you by calling you names and teasing you about every little thing you did or didn't do. It wasn't fair! Just because you came from a different preschool and looked a little different from them didn't mean that they had to make fun of you. Besides you already had enough trouble as it was in your short miserable life.
your father would always come home angry and beat you until you weren't able to walk. Also his beatings had left you with many fractured bones,bruises and scars all throught your tiny body.
In addition when your mother would get home from her nursing job she would always ask you where you got all of the scars and bruises from and you would make up excuses for as of where, how and when you got them.
Your mom always believed your excuses and would always patch you up afterwards. After your mother was done patching you up she would help you change into your PJ's and tuck you in and bid you goodnight. After that you fall into a blissful and dreamless sleep.

This cycle kept happening until one day when you were in preschool you said you finally had enough and just snapped. You ended up breaking one of your classmates necks and injuring and killing several others in the process. When you finally gained "consciousness" again you saw that you were laying among several other corpses. You were dizzy and not sure of what was happening. You were extremely frightened. You also faintly heard the sound of an alarm and people running towards the room you were in. You still had time to figure out was going on so you looked over yourself only to see that your clothes were covered in blood and so were your hands. This time you panicked and started to have an emotional meltdown. You stayed there crying until you couldn't cry anymore and the police had bust thru the locked door of your class room.
The police had knocked you out already suspecting what had happened and threw you into the back seat of the police car and drove towards their destination.
(End chapter)
So how did you guys like the first chapter of this new story? Amazing right? (No,i'm just kidding!😜) Well thank you for reading this and I will see all of you wonderful people in the next chapter,bye bye!😊😊😊😊

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