Prom Night

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  He pulls his hands away from mine. I want to cry but I don't want to seem sad.

"I'm sorry. We where just not ment to be..." he says looking down on his feet

"What did I do wrong?" I ask starting to get louder. He doesn't say a word.

"Tell me!" I say wanting to cry.

"Remember when you saw me after 4 months you said I can't wait to show my freinds. There going to die. Really Y/N!?" he says starting to yell. I started to feel guilty. He looked so handsome when I saw him.  I should've told him he looked great instead of that.

"I'm sorry..." he says.

"Can't you just stay here after a few hours?" I ask. At this point I'm worryed sick. Angela thinks I'm lieing. She doesn't believe I had a real boyfreind She always wants to kick me out of the group. It's like she wants to be the leader. She has been trying to make me look bad for a long time now. But my freinds thinks shes nice. Angela always is trying to dig up imformation to use against me. If she realizes that Alexandro broke up with me she would try to convice my other freinds that I was lieing. She wants to turn my freinds against me. She always has. I just can't believe my freinds can't see what she is trying to do.

"I got to go its a long drive home." he says pulling out his car keys.

"Fine go!" I say kinda yelling.

"Never want to see you again!" He says smiling. He was a jerk. I don't know why i liked him in the first place. After he walks away. I start to get desperate. Thoughts wasn't controlling my mind anymore. Desperation was. I notice this guy with a a shirt wearing a 'I love cat' shirt. He starts to read a book. Why was he just sitting in his car outside of prom reading?  I realize I don't have a ride home. Thank goodness my freinds where inside. . .
waiting for me to bring a guy that I bragged about for the last 2 months. I had no choice but to go up to the guy in the car reading. I knock on his car window. He rolls it down.

"Umm hey." I say.

"Hey?" he says closing his book.

"Do you go to this school?" I ask. Hoping he didn't so My freinds wouldn't see him at school.

"No. I just went here to drop off my sister."

"Oh good. Congrats you get to be my date!" I say.

"Uhhh. . . " his raises his eyebrows.

"Do you live close? Becuase you arent going in with that clothes. And maybe some hair gel would be great." i say.

"I'm just going to roll up my window now." he says.

"No! Please no!" I say stopping the window from rolling up. Had I ever seem so desperate?

"My ex-boyfreind just broke up with me. You probably saw. Plus my freinds don't think he existed. Long story short I need you to be him." I say. He just looks at me.

"It will be way more fun than just sitting here in the parking lot." I say. At this point Im so desperate. I felt so crazy.

"Ummm...still no." he says.

"I CAN PAY YOU!" i yell out. He raises his eyebrows.

"Im sure you can try calling 1-800-HOOKERS or something." he says. I just rolled my eyes. And smiled.

"You know that number!" i say. He gives out a slight laugh.

"If you feel weird I'll owe you something."

"Owe me what exaclty?" he says.

"Umm...if you ever need a fake date, I'll be there for you." i say smiling.

"I'm not usually in need of a fake date. But ok."

"Usually?" i say. We give out a slight laugh.

"Fine." he says. I really wanted him to say yes but fine will do.

"Ok go home and change into something more. . . prom like." I say to him. He rolls his windows up and starts deiving away. I stand there for a while. I pull out my phone and go on twitter wondering of Alexandro said anything on his twitter. There was nothing. I wasn't suprised amyways. He is rarely online. Thats also one of the reasons Angela thinks I was lieing. I tucked my phone back into my clutch that matched the dress perfectly. Another 15 minutes past. I thought replacment Alexandro wasn't coming back. I started to make up excuses in my head to tell my freinds. I sigh. This is pathetic. I just needed to tell the truth. My eyes started to sting from the tears started to run down my face. This was going to be the last peice of evidence to prove Angelas false claim. 

  Me and Alexandro met in a cafe at UCLA when we were there for a film festival my older brother was involed in. My parents always thought he was to old from me even though i was a senior in high school ans he was only in his first year of collage. Since UCLA was 3 hours away he never met my freinds. Amd now it was over. I just couldn't lose my freinds in one night. I threw back my shoulders and faced the gym doors. I never needed a date. I always thought my freinds always liked me regardless of who I was or wasn't with. As I started to walk towards the gym where the prom took place headlights wemt on my face. I turned around as the loghts turmed off. The guys stepps out.

"Were you going to go in there without me after all that begging?" he says in a nice suit with a blue tie. I start to wipe my tears away and smile.

Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this! Remember if you arent smiling your doing it wrong!

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