Report bug

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Bug is probably a primary work product for most of the software testers. It is to alert software programmers about the defects of the developed software and gives them sufficient information to find root cause and fix the problem.

Submitting bug with detail and specific information will help programmers to reproduce and resolve bugs easily. Therefore, in order to submit a bug with good information, there are many steps to prepare.

First, the tester should make sure he is using the latest available release for on platform.

Second, he needs to check whether the bug has already been reported. He can find this out by communicating with other users in bug tracking system. If it has been filed, the tester does not re-file it to prevent duplication.

Third, a bug should have enough information such as summary, description, affected version, priority, severity, steps to reproduce, actual result and expected result. That information must be filled correctly by the tester when writing the bug.

Finally, the tester should read through the bug report again then rechecks the spelling and also rechecks all the details before submitting the bug.

In general, a good bug with correct and enough information helps reduce the software problems thus improve the quality of the software product. Knowing how to submit a bug correctly is an important skill to become a good tester.

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