Chapter 8

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Dan opened his eyes to darkness. His ears were met with the sounds of talking, but they sounded far away and distant. He could feel nothing but empty space and could taste nothing. He tried to make his eyes focus, to see anything that could be out in the distance, but still nothing showed in his vision but darkness that seemed to stretch on for miles. Did Dan somehow manage to go blind? He could feel his eyes blinking, but he couldn't see a thing. The voices, however, were getting louder, closer. He started to panic, from lack of sight and the slowly increasing volume of the voices. The voices then slowly died down to a whisper as it echoed in Dan's ears.

"You have made a grave mistake." The voice whispered from every direction and echoing in the distance.

Dan was scared. What mistake? What did he do? His heart was pounding loudly in his ears, replacing the sound of the voices message. Dan's blindness started to fade as his vision-something he didn't realize he missed until it was gone- came back in a blur of colors. He blinked a few times and the colors started to change to form objects, he noticed that this looked exactly like his flat. was his flat! Where was Phil?

He saw a shadow appear in the doorway before revealing himself-except it wasn't him. It was the Phil version of him, and he was making his way to face Dan. A malicious smile crossed Phil's face as he looked at Dan.
"Good. You're awake." Phil spoke from within Dan's body,

"What's happening? How are you there, where am I?" Dan tried to take a step towards Phil, but he couldn't move. The only thing he could feel was his hands, and even that was a minimal touch.

"Your body is no longer yours, I'm in control now and forever. It was nice knowing you, Dan, but it's time to delete your program once and for all."

"'Program?'" Dan echoed in confusion. He wasn't a program. He was human, unlike Phil.

Phil smiled then grabbed the nearest mirror he could find and held it in front of Dan. In the reflection he didn't see a human, he saw his face on Phil's old computer screen.

Dan woke up dripping in sweat from the nightmare. It felt so realistic, he had to check a clock to make sure this was reality as clocks and numbers can't appear well in dreams. It wasn't the first nightmare he's had. Ever since Phil took control of his body, his mind has been plagued with nightmares and dark thoughts. His conscience and sense of right and wrong felt like it was slipping as his thoughts slowly became less and less morally based.

He breathed heavily, trying to calm his pounding heart. It was exhausting to wake up from a nightmare, drenched in sweat and terror from the alternate reality of your dreams. His pounding heart slowly calmed down and with that he cautiously walked out of his room, still unaware if this was reality or another dream. He sighed in relief when he realized he had complete control and he cautiously made his way out to see Phil.

Phil looked at Dan with his usual sly expression, his red eyes seeming to stare into Dan's soul.

"Good. You're awake." Phil said.

Dan flinched slightly, the memory of his nightmare coming back to him at the sound of the statement. That was exactly what dream-Phil had said. He looked at Phil with wide eyes before Phil's face started to morph, his red eyes changed to a brown as did his hair as his fringe changed direction and curl a little at the ends. Dan watched in horror as Phil's face changed to represent his own, a horror and painful shriek errupted from the Dan within the screen as he shouted for help, but it never came.

Dan stumbled backwards in fear and blinked multiple times before he found that the shouting stopped and Phil's face returned to normal. Dan breathed heavily, was he hallucinating? Was Phil's first possession already tearing the sutures between reality and fantasy? He didn't know, he wasn't even sure if he wanted to know. He just knew that if this were to continue he couldn't go on.

"What's wrong Dan?" Phil asked innocently, his mouth forming a frown.

"I-is this reality?" Dan stuttered out, catching Phil off guard.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"It's just I-I've been having a difficulty deciding between reality and fantasy right now."

"Oh, that's normal after the first possession. It will go away with time, your brain just has to get used to having me there. The only way for that to happen is if I gain control more often, that way your brain will assimilate faster. Everything will be fine with the passage of time."

"I hope you're right. I don't want to deal with this shit all the time, I couldn't live like that."

"You won't, trust me, I will always be here. And thanks to you, I'm no longer only confined to this computer, I can transmit myself through any electrical device and take control of it temporarily. For example-" Phil cut himself off as he disappeared from his computer screen and popped up on Dan's phone.

Dan looked to see where Phil had gone before noticing him on a newer, smaller, computer model's screen.

"It's so cramped in here. No wonder why they don't put AI's in tiny computers anymore." Phil thought aloud before he transfered himself back to his much larger older, computer.

"Dan," Phil spoke, "can I take control for a little bit? I want to feel human again. It's an awkward question to ask, but please, can I?"

Phil's eyes flashed an ocean blue temporarily as he batted his eyelashes at Dan.

"Okay, sure. But you get out as soon as I tell you too. I don't want you gaining control for too long, it's a weird feeling being trapped in my own head and it's not something I want to grow accustomed to."

"Fine." Phil reluctantly agreed.

Dan took out Phil's hard drive and stuck it in the slot in the black box in his neck. Instantly he felt himself lose consciousness as Phil gained control. Once again, Dan's attire and physical aspects changed as Phil gained control over his body. Phil smiled down at his hands and slowly clenched them into a fist before unclenching them and then made his way out of the door.

As Phil in Dan's body exited Dan's apartment, the newer model that Phil previously possessed emitted a loud beep before a single pop-up window appeared on the relatively blank screen.

"Virus detected."

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