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"I will come in few minutes."

And he has been gone for hours.
James was sitting with his face down, and Jess was already shedding tears.
Nonna was trying her best to console her, but herself was drowning in the misery.

What is happening here!?

Is it something I need to know!?

I know I am an outsider but may be I can help.

I can't call David because he is running behind Venus to explain why he went to another woman, when he already announced her as his girlfriend.
I didn't like Sir's approach in the beginning, but realized it was necessary for David.
He needs to know the importance of being loyal in a relationship.

I headed towards James, "James...What is happening!? Tell me...May be I can do something."

James looked up with eyes having unshed tears.
And seeing such a strong and jovial man like James in this condition literally broke my heart.

I felt a sudden surge of anger towards my boss, who was the cause this family is in grief.
It was a simple dinner.

On the other hand, a voice inside me says it was not a simple dinner.
Because as soon as we arrived here, I saw him lost in some other world, and in spite of maintaining a stoic face, his eyes were looking as if trapped in a storm.

"There is nothing you can do Erica. We should have accepted that this place is not good for Eric. We deliberately pushed him into this hell."
I couldn't understand a single reason why I can't help..

I walked away from him and decided to go upstairs, where Sir went.

But just as I reached the end of the stairs, I saw him coming down, with his jacket in his hands, and while folding his sleeves upto elbows.

Just as he was to go past me, he stopped.
I couldn't see his face because he was looking straight.
"Book my tickets for the next flight to States."

Before I could digest the shock, he went past me and his family to take his place in the dining table.

His food was already served, and so he started eating.
But when I saw him properly, he was not actually eating, rather shoving food in his mouth, as if that's a courtesy.

Dazed and Shocked, everyone took their place around him, including me.

Nonna spoke up, "Eric..Child go slow...You'll chok."

But he didn't stop.

This time I was sitting in front of him, and I saw his face.

It was nothing like I saw in the last few days, rather the unfamiliarity was so much, it looked like I don't know this man.
His eyes were red and swollen.

No one touched the food.

And when he was finished eating, or more precisely pushing food down his throat, he stood up.

"Nonna I am leaving to States, I have got some important work.", And with that he walked away.

Jess burst into sobs, and I ran towards her, but James stopped me, "Erica you please go with him. He needs someone by his side. I will ask the driver to drop Mom."

And so I ran in his direction.

He got in the car, after snatching keys from Stephan.
I gave Stephan an apologetic look and he nodded in understanding.

He was about to start the car, when I got in the passenger seat.

Completely unbothered by my presence, he started driving.
I didn't utter a single word because I knew better.

While he was driving like there's no tomorrow. His knuckles turning white due to his grasp on the steering wheel, and the distance that takes ten minutes usually took just four minutes in total.


I packed my bags as fast as possible, and reached Nonna's place just two hours before the flight time.

James came to me, "Erica please accept the job and stay beside him in States. He will push you away, but please bear with him. I will never forget this favour of yours."

Jess nodded in affirmation, "I am his mother and I know he hates this fact. You are the first person he shared a smile with, after David. Take care of him."

Our talks were disturbed when he came down, carrying his bag.
"Stephan let's go!", He didn't even spare a glance towards his parents and only nodded towards nonna.

I knew it's time to speak, "Sir I will come with you."

For the first time he looked at me, "No need."


"I can manage.", Think Erica. Think!

He started to walk away, "Hey! Listen! You promised me that you'll give me the job!"
I ran and stood before him.

He looked at me with cold eyes, his style of scaring people away.
But I stood there, "You can't break your promise."

"Move Erica!"

"This is not done Sir!", I became stern.

And then extracting the papers from my blazer pocket, I showed him, "See I have signed my appointment letter. Only your sign is left."

He glanced at the paper, and then at me, and then back at the papers.

James was amused, and I felt relief seeing him smiling.

Nonna felt the need to intervene, "My grandson never breaks his promise.. you can't doubt him Erica."

He glanced at Nonna, supposedly glaring, "You yourself is pushing herself into hell. Don't regret later."

He took the papers and signed them.

"Come!", I danced mentally as he walked past me.

Waving everyone a goodbye, I sat beside him only to find him glaring.

Had it been the day, when this man walked in my life, I would have been scared as shit.
But now after being with him, for this long, and staring in his eyes for almost two months, I know there is a man behind that hard exterior, who melts as easily as ice. The one who cares, the one who protects, the one who smiles, the one who jokes, the one who laughs, the one who loves.


"Where to Miss. Miller!?", Stephan asked.

She isn't having a place to stay but stubborn woman she is.

"Uh...Take first to Sir's penthouse. We'll drop him first.", See that's what I said.

I was not in the mood but this situation amused me.

"Erica did you read the clauses on the appointment letter!?", Of course not! She was too eager to become my PA.

She smiled nervously, "Uh..Sir.. I'll..."

"Read the clause number 5."

She readily fidgeted to bring out the papers from her bag.
Probably guessing.

"The employee needs to stay with the employer for the sake of convenience in work. It has to be accomplished from the day of appointment.....", Her voice trailed off.

I ignored her then, "Stephan take us to the penthouse."

He was amused too.

Once at the penthouse, I ordered her to settle in the guestroom, and make some other room as guestroom.

In my room, when again my misery started clouding over, it became difficult for me to stand straight.

I sat on my bed, and pulled out the white coloured paper from my pocket.
Was written in bold. It was Eve's gift for me on my 13th birthday.
The catch is she could never give me this.
And I could never scowl for the same.

Yesterday's visit to my childhood home, deepened all the wounds which I thought have faded with time.
Yes, I was sad before also, but recently started smiling. That is what I have to avoid.

My little Eve died of pain.
How can I smile with the image of her corpse in my head!?
Atleast not in this life.

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