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I pulled over the floor length navy blue gown. My dress for tonight.
It was simple yet elegant.
I asked Jessica, sir James wife to design it according to me, and so she did, covering all the areas needed.

I actually had some unreplaceable marks around my nape, breast and stomach, which made me feel awfully ugly and so I did my best to hide them.

Finishing up with my make up and pulling my hair in a pony like usual, I picked up my clutch and called Mason.

Ten minutes!
Just ten minutes is what I got as I blessing from my boss, who scoffed at my appearance, when I was all sweaty because of tireless working and wanted me to look 'presentable'.

I got in the car not caring to greet my boss. He likes it that way.

However, I asked Mason, "Do you have the lists of invitees I gave. Sir needs to know about some corporates."
"Yes Miss!", He passed me the papers, and so I directed them to him.

"Sir this is....!"
"I heard that!", He took the papers and began going through them.

Good for me!

I took a deep breath to wash off the tiredness.
I don't know when will I get the comfort of my bed. I really need it.


The car stopped and I got off it after Mason opened the door for me.
My brown haired PA followed behind me.

Flashes of camera blinded my vision.
The cons of being a billionaire!

I hate this unnecessary publicity.

As they spotted me, she ran to me, only to be stopped as my brown haired PA came in front of me.

"Please stay away!", She directed to them, but I feel she was too small before this crowd of hundred scavengers.

I then saw her making calls, and just as in queue, two guys dressed in black came forward.
My bodyguards.

She gave me way to walk as the crowd was shoved away.

When we were out, I saw her turning to the bodyguards, "Mind it you both. This is the last time I am tolerating your carelessness.", she gave them a sharp look that had me slightly amused.

When we entered, I saw my parents approaching me.
"Oh my love! You look pretty!!", My mom squealed.

Pretty!? What!? They find me 'pretty'.

Studying closely, I found the compliment was directed to the woman behind me.

I turned to see what's so pretty about this one, that my parents completely ignored me.

When I raked my eyes from top to bottom, I unwantedly agreed to myself that she indeed looked better than what she was just an hour before.

Everything was different except that horse pony on her head.

"Thankfully James and Jessica. It's just that your magic works just right on me!", She smiled.

Ok! That means her lips were not made of metal and they could curve when needed. Good!

My dad smirked at me then said dramatically, "See they are color coordinated! Jessica!"

I rolled my eyes at him and went past them.
I could sense her following me, and then she introduced me to everyone, for which I had to fake a smile.
The worst part of business is wasting time in making people believe you like their presence when clearly you don't.

After my straight and simple two minutes speech, it was dad on the stage and he was already speaking for half an hour.
I could see how people faked interest in his speech, except the one standing beside me.

Yeah, my PA was clapping and smiling wide at whatever nonsense dad was speaking. May be that's how she butters up dad.

At dinner time, mom and dad were out talking with someone, while I took a seat in front on my name.
Looking at the table, I saw it's for four people.
Mom, dad, me and Erica!?
Who the hell is this PA to eat with my family!?

As if on queue, she came to take a seat beside me..
And so I spoke up.
"What do you think you are doing here!?", I asked and her face went clueless for a while.
"Yeah! Sir! I am your boss, so stay in your limits and see your standard. You are not privileged to eat with us. Go where the drivers, waitors and the bartenders eat.", She glanced at me for what looked like eternity but then went away.

Finally mom and dad came.
"So son!? How's your work going!?", Mom asked.
"How was your gym!? The equipments were imported.", She asked again.
"It has to be. Erica works with perfection.", Dad.
"Erica!?", I asked.
"Yeah your penthouse is bought and designed by her. The maid you fired was also hired by her. She was the runner up of some cooking competition. The furniture was also designed by her. Everything..."
I rolled my eyes, "She gets the payment for doing so."

Dad scoffed and searched here and there, "Where's Erica!? We shouldn't start without her."
"And why is that!?", I asked irritated.
Dad looked at me briefly, and continued his search, "She's family Eric. When you were not here, she took great care of us."

I shook my head and to my parent's displeasure started eating.

Dad called her then.

They won't let it go now.

"Child where are you!?", I don't know what she replied but dad's face fell.

"She's doing some important stuff backstage, and wouldn't be able to eat with us."
I smirked.
She's smart to not tell dad what I said to her.


I sat on a bar stool alone.
I liked it here.
It was a place hidden from all over, and I could peacefully sit here.
However, my stomach was growling because of hunger.
Not just that, but I was feeling weak.

The amount of work I have been doing is not possible for a average human.

Thankfully, I had no friends here, and just acquaintances who always greeted me respectfully.
My demeanour intimidated them. And I was fine with it, till the time, it protects my solitude.

"Ma'am anything to drink!?", The bartender asked me.
"...um...Yes...I want tequila but with mild alcohol.", I said and he went nodding.
I drink a bit, keeping in mind I attended hundred of such events with Sir James.

He said that alcohol kills the tiredness but one should take it in appreciable quantity.

When my order arrived, I started sipping it when I heard small whispers.

I didn't want to eavesdrop but curiousity got the best of me.
"Mix it in his drink, and make sure in a good quantity."
My brows furrowed and so slowly I walked to where the talk was going on, taking care I hide myself well.

There was this man, with the same bartender who served me..
After handling him a small bottle, he took out a bundle of American dollars and gave him smirking.

Who is this man!?
And whose drink is being spiked!?

The man went away, however the bartender entered the bar. Making sure I don't make myself obvious, I watched as he mixed that liquid in a glass of wine.

He then went out to serve.

Cancelling my plan to hide from the venue, after my boss brushed my status on my face, I went to the main hall.

That bartender was specifically heading in some direction.
And I quietly followed him.

However, my eyes widened when I saw him handing the glass to Eric..who oblivious to everything received it from him.

Without thinking twice, I ran towards the table where James, Jessica and Eric were seated.
Just as he was about to touch the glass to his lips, I held his hand.

He followed my hand to look up to me.
"What the hell!?", He almost yelled at me.
The drink was spiked and no one knows what kind of thing was in it.
"Please don't drink th..!"
"Who the hell are you to decide that!?", He snatched the glass away.
"Stay the hell out of here!", He yelled again and this time Sir James stood up.
"Eric apologize to the lady.", And to this he chuckled humorlessly.
"Dad..She is a mere servant!"

While all this was going on, my attention was on the glass in his hand.
His attention was diverted in arguing with his dad, and so I snatched the glass again.

If I throw it here, it would create a huge scene, and I can't do that to Ashton's reputation and so without any second thought, I gulped the whole bitter drink down my throat. And ran away from there.

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