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I took a sip of the coffee, "....and that's how she had a panic attack."
David kept his mug back on the table, "Eric you know what it means! Something very horrible has happened to her!"
"I know! She mentioned that she was running away from a certain place when she was caught. And there were six men! David can you believe it! Six men torturing a fifteen years old."
He sighed and leaned forward, keeping a reassuring hand on mine, "Tross is investigating well. I think we should pass on this information to him."

My head snapped at him, "No David! It's not my place. I told you everything because I trust you with her. I don't trust any other man...and she will despise me once she knows I investigated behind her back."

"Eric that means you would let those bastards go! Just like that!"
I shook my head exasperated, "That's what kills me David. If I sit quietly, my soul would curse me every minute, and if I do something, Erica would leave this time, I am sure!"

"But what if those men pose some future threat on her. What would you do then?", That was a point!
"What should I do then?"
He sat up, "If it was for Venus, I would have searched hell and heaven for those men. Not because I wanted revenge, but for her safety! And I would advise you the same. Hide it from Erica! Because ultimately you are doing it for her...I know it involves risking your relationship. But Eric lives are more important than relationships. Life once lost can never be brought back, however relationship can be mended! And I believe and have faith, your love with Erica would never allow you both to drift apart!"

Love was a heavy word. I may have asked her to be my girlfriend but it was because I wanted to keep her with me, I have this strange fear in me that if something will happen to her, I would be dead and not because of some strange feeling called love. I am incapable of loving...

We heard some voice and I became instantly alert hoping it is not Erica. God forbid if she heard us.
But thankfully it was Venus!

"David let's go....! Eric...don't forget the date tonight. And go and calm her nerves, she's already freaking out."

"When will you both return?", They both were going to invite Venus's very far aunt, who was her only guardian and now lived in States for their wedding. The place is eight hours away.

"May be by tomorrow evening!", David mused.

"David you should have taken the jet! Eight hours car drive! Are you both serious? Take Mason, my driver instead. Stephan and Henry are with me!"

David narrowed his eyes at me, "Are you planning to take Stephan and Henry to your date!? I swear I would strangle you Eric! And yeah, we don't need driver!", He pulled Venus to him, "It will be like a long drive for both of us... we'll enjoy! Don't worry!"

I nodded and the two left after David bickering with me on which car he will take. I suggested the SUV for such a long distance, but he didn't want to take heavy cars. This man is insane.

I went back to my room, only to find Erica not absent. Then I went to her room, and saw a pile of dresses scattered over the bed. And she was pacing around the bed and talking to herself.

"I won't wear blue! I am tired of it! Black one is too long...hard to manage! The white one I already wore once....if I go and ask him, he will pull something blue, with a 'blue suits you'...", She freaking mimicked my voice.

I cleared my throat and her snapped in my direction, "What's wrong? Who are you so angry at?"

She smiled briefly, "I am not angry. I am just unable to decide a dress for myself..."

I pulled out my phone from the pocket, and dialled a number.
"Eric Ashton here!"
"Oh hi sir! The stuff has been sent. You must be receiving it any time now."
"Ok good!"
I hung up.

"It's coming..."
"What's coming?"
"Your dress!", And as soon as she heard this she groaned and took a place beside me.

I knew what the misery was about. And that amused me more.
"Blue no!?"
I rolled my eyes at her, "Just wait patiently."

We sat there silently, side by side on the edge of the bed.
Now that we had our privacy, I didn't know what to do. Should I get more touchy with her. Or we stay as we are now. Romantic talks? Hell no! I would rather banter with her.
I turned my head towards her supporting my head on my palm, looking at her.
She's beautiful. No doubt.
But she's attractive too! That queer combination of maturity and innocence is her perfect adornment.

I smiled to myself.
This woman beside me makes me feel complete. As if I don't need anything else but her. What is this rare feeling?

"You better take a photo Eric! I can't sit here forever!", I heard her and smirked.

"Being smug huh!?"

She glanced at me, "I have learnt from the best you see!"

"But believe me, you look a little different today.", I pointed.

"I am wearing loose pajamas and hair in a ridiculous bun, probably sticking out everywhere. It's bound to be different.."

"No the beautiful kind of different... something very intriguing...I can't point it out the reason!", She smirked and then mumbled something under her breath like, 'you..fool..'

"What did you say?"

"Uhm nothing...I was just wondering when my dress will come!", I smiled allowing her to place her head on my lap, as she nudged me to give her some place to lie down.

I lean down and kiss her on her lips. I can't get enough of this, "I'll never be over this feeling I get when I kiss you."

"You also feel butterflies!?", She asked amazed.

I chuckled, "I feel a whole damn zoo Erica!"

Her cheeks turned red immediately and I couldn't help the smug smile on my face.

"From Monday, I am going back to work.", Way to change the topic.

"Erica did you tell mom and dad about what conspired between us!", I am sure she must have. She tells them everything.

"Eric I couldn't bring up myself to say something like that to them. You know..."

"Just a second!", I picked up my phone..
"No Eric we can't just tell him the crude way! It should be a proper declaration."
I rolled my eyes, "You are so uptight Erica! They won't mind. Just see!"
And with that I called Dad.

"How come my son called his old man today?", I rolled my eyes.
"Dad I've to announce something!"
"Announce!? What it is?", I felt Erica going fidgety on my lap. I kept a hand on her waist, "Stay still!"

"Dad! I want to say that I have got into a relationship wi.....", I was interrupted.
"Eric! Relationship!? You? But with who??? Don't tell me one of your friends from California? God! Your nonna will kill you! And don't even think of a business based relationship!! Mr. Tyler's son got in a contract marriage with his rich business partner's daughter! The guy is regretting it now!"

I sighed, "Anything else Dad??"

"Eric you are very impulsive...don't take any rogue decision child!"

"Erica dad! Erica is the one I got in relationship with. What do you think is wrong in that?"
I mused.

"Uh...E_Eric are you serious?!?"

"Yeah dad I am very serious. By the way, we both are going on a date...when you finally absorb the shock, pass my message to mom and nonna also."
And with that I hung up.


He was gently playing with my hair, slowly trying to untangle them from one another. And the way he was focused one could say, he's going through an important business deal.
I was amused as well as ecstatic. Who knew one day we will be so close to each other? Like this.

Our reverie broke when someone knocked on my room's door. Ofcourse it's Stephan.
"Erica! Here's a parcel in name of Sir Eric."

I stood up immediately, while keeping a finger on his mouth.
"You don't have to speak and announce you are in my room!", I whispered to him.
"Stephan is not a fool Erica! He knows everything."
"But we don't have to be shameless!"

I went towards the door, and opening it a little, I took the parcel from Stephan..and offered him a smile.

Just before I could close the door, we heard a loud, "Thank you Stephan!"

Stephan chuckled and left. I was left standing on the door, blushing red!

This asshole!
"When did you start saying 'thank you'??", I seethed.

He smirked, "From today! Since you're adopting my traits, I should adopt yours!"
And then a sweet grin, that vanished my anger in thin air.
He knows! He knows what my weakness is!

"Check your dress now!"

I looked at the parcel in my hand, which was a huge box.
Keeping it on the bed, I opened the lid, and before me was the most beautiful dress I ever saw.

An exceptionally beautiful dress, of rose pink colour with a black net adorning the pink. The waist of the dress was marked with a red ribbon.
I was smiling so huge. When I took it in my hand, the cloth was so delicate, i wanted to just treasure it in my closet forever.

"This is lovely Eric!!", I squealed.
He smiled, "I saw it in a store yesterday. They said it's already bought. I just had to do some threatening, blackmailing and glaring. And the dress was mine!....I mean yours!"

I laughed, "You are so crude Eric! But that is probably the best thing you can be!"

I looked back at the dress, but this time I noticed something and that made me frown.

"What happened Erica?"
"It is off shoulder Eric!"
I looked up, "I can't wear it. It will show my marks."
"So what is wrong with that? It's not like I have not seen them before!"
I sighed, "It will look horrible Eric! It's our first date...and I don't want you to get disgusted looking at me and people giving me scornful looks!"

He cocked his head to the side, "We are not having this talk again Erica! If I brought this dress for you, then I know what I am doing. And I started adoring you after I saw your marks. You need to hide them from others not me!
I know you like offshoulder dresses but you don't wear them because of your insecurities. It's fine...but with me you are not going to hide yourself!"

I tried to protest, but the stern expression on his face told well he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I have one file to check. We'll meet downstairs at 7! Don't do much...you look pretty in the most simplest way!", He kissed my forehead and then left the room.

I sighed and sat on the bed staring at the dress.


When I said the dress was pretty, it was an understatement. As I stood in my heels, the dress trailed down beautifully, elegantly hugging my curves. I tied my hair in a loose bun, with few hair strands spilling out framing my face.
But I couldn't help grimace at how my marks spoiled the beauty of the dress.
They were as if peeping out from the dress to make me feel horrendous.

I was still looking horrible. Very horrible!

Eric should have never asked me to go.
It was past 7 but I had no guts to go down. How can I with shit like body!

Tears were beginning to cloud my eyes.
I was feeling devastated when I heard someone.

"Oh god! You can't go out like this!", I heard his amazed voice.
Or I shall say disgusted.

"I know!", You don't have to rub that on my face.

He came in, "Yeah! You can't look that desirable while there would be so many men staring at you looking like that. I want to be your date, not your bodyguard!"

I turned and looked at him puzzled, "Eric we can always cancel!" I then pointed towards my bare shoulders, "You see! It looks horrible!"

He narrowed his eyes at me, "If you don't want to go with me, you can straight away refuse! That's no way to criticize that part of your body which I love the most!"


"Erica! Why do you need to be so insecure!? Who do you need to impress? Me! Why the fuck you have to care about the world? You have me! Let them do the shit they want! I should be the only one who should matter to you! Believe me you will never be afraid of going out with those marks!"

I looked down ashamed. Feeling defeated.

I felt my chin being held and my face lifted for him, "You don't dare to look down with that expression when I'm with you!"

He then started removing his jacket, and I thought for a moment that he considered us not going at all.
But all thoughts vanished in thin air when he draped it on me, "I am giving you this jacket with the promise that when we'll be alone, you will give it back to me!"

Relieved at finally being covered, I nodded in promise.

He then took my hand and we came down.

"By the way, you are looking very beautiful in this dress!", He commented while looking at his phone.
Guess what? Mr. Eric Ashton is feeling awkward while complimenting me.

The thought made me chuckle, and he looked at me cocking an eyebrow as if asking what is so amusing.

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "You don't look too bad yourself!"

His lips twitched a little, "I am handsome! And that's an understatement...I am better than Adonis himself!"

I rolled my eyes, "Aren't you too full of yourself!? You are just okay-okay!"

"Okay-okay? What does that mean?"

God don't punish me for calling him okay okay! Because for me he is actually better than Adonis! Heck better than all the men out there!

"That means I have seen better!"

"Ah! Then you forget that 'better'! Because all you've got is me now!....."
All I want is you silly!- I wanted to tell him, but who would want to raise his already dinosaur size ego!

".....and I'll make sure you don't have to desire for more Miss. Miller!"

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