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She looked taken aback? Her eyes were trained on the tattoo as if she will eat it alive.
Her eyes showed disbelief, and her actions told she didn't like it. One bit..

But I would have been shocked more if she would have been glad I got a tattoo of her name. That's what she is. Well, I don't regret it a bit but I planned to show it to her when my pain will be all gone, so I could say it isn't a great deal. Not that it is. But for her probably earth came down.

Before I could comprehend, a push came on my shoulder, "How dare you!!?? Why the fuck did you do this???"

Her eyes were already filled and her body language gave a clear message of how furious she is.

I took a deep breath, and smiled a little, "Erica it doesn't hurt. You see I have all my left shoulder inked. This is a small thing."

That if possible infuriated her more, "Yeah! It doesn't hurt. That is the reason you are wincing in pain! Are you mad Eric? Do you even know what this means??"

I sighed and walked towards her, "I know. And I even know that there's nothing better I could do!"

She shook her head exasperated, "If I would have done that it was reasonable because I. Love. You! You don't love me! Marking my name on your body, when you are not sure of what you really feel about me is utterly insane Eric!"

I was offended by that would be an understatement. Her saying that meant she thinks my feelings are less than hers, and that just because she told me she loves me and I didn't.
Does she really thinks what I feel for her lacks in something!?

I stared at her for a while, "It's not a competition Erica! I did it because this seemed right. Now, when you are looking at me with so much pain, it looks even more right knowing my pain bothers you so much! And it's my body, I can ink your name, your birth date, your favourite colour, your favourite food, may be even your face, your email, your phone number and you can't stop me!"

She clenched and unclenched her fist in obvious anger and then suddenly left the room.
I sighed to myself already distraught at the thought that she is upset with me. I pushed away the first aid box and sat on my chair with slumped shoulders, still not wanting to wear my shirt.

I think she wouldn't come back now...

But I was proved wrong, when she strolled in with some solution in her hand.

I was watching her with interest as she pulled out some cotton, and came to stand just near my seat.

She drenched the cotton in the solution, and gently removing my hand uncovered the tattoo and looked at it with anger.

Slowly she started applying that solution on it, and the chilling sensation definitely eased the burn, "You shouldn't look at it with so much detest Erica?"

She shook her head and sneered, "You can't really expect me to look at the think with love that caused you so much pain, be it my name!"

Isn't she the most beautiful woman on earth? Both inside out? I swear if I did it for any other women, she would have kissed me with eyes filled with happy tears. That's what dramatic women do.

Once done, she pulled back but I only grabbed her to bring me near, "Your kiss would work better than that!"

"You aren't getting one you asshole!!"


Her anger subsided by the end of the and worry took over.
By then, I was already ordered to wear t-shirts or better nothing. It is advised the tattoo heals easily when you leave it open in air. And that was what I did as I was lying in my bed, wait her.

"Erica! You wouldn't ask me why I made this one?"

That spiked her curiosity but she tried to look unbothered, "You mean why you did that foolishness? I would like to know. Not that I care..."

I chuckled, and pulled her closed, tangling her legs in mine, "It is in the same position where your mark is. That mark symbolises how you can give up a part of your body in my name, because you love me. Mine engraved with your name, and an apostrophe s symbolises how I am completely yours. And that you are the best thing that happened to me..."

Finally I received the most awaited kiss of the day, and allowed her to take charge so she can make me feel how lucky I am to have her.

"You're acting like those prince of a fairy tales!", She commented.

"As in the one who finds the lost shoes, or the one who kisses the princess to wake her up after she ate the poisoned apple, or the cruel queen..."

She laughed, "I never knew you had so much knowledge on fairytales."

I snickered remembering how much I loathed them, because they made me look less manly, "That happens when you have a little sister. When me and Eve went to Nonna's or whenever she came over, she used to narrate us bedtime stories. There was always a fight between us on what stories we will hear. And Eve always won, after showing me her crocodile tears."

She laughed like never before, "I love how Eve always surpassed you!"

I rolled my eyes, "She did. By the way, who told you these stories?"

Her smile faded in an instance and I almost wanted to punch myself for bringing that up. I don't know her life before sixteen, but one thing I was sure of. That life wasn't any less terrible for her.

I pulled her a little tighter, but her lips curved into a sad smile, "No one told me those bedtime stories Eric!", her voice was like a vulnerable child, who was deprived of her most precious toy.

My heart broke at that but then suddenly an idea struck to my mind.

"Hmm...but it's never too late you see?", I turned her face so I can take a look in her eyes properly.
She was confused.

"It is outrageous nobody had enough brains to tell my girlfriend some bedtime stories. But that mistake must be fixed immediately.", I said enthusiastically.


"Once upon a time...", I began but she interrupted..

Her eyes widened, "Eric..."

"..shh! Don't interrupt...so there was a prince and a girl.."

She chuckled, "Name?"

"They didn't do name game then...", I explained.

She frowned, "How can I possibly imagine their faces without name?"

"Okay....then...umm...Prince George and the girl was Kate!"

She laughed, "Bad names Eric!"

"You are acting childish Erica! Just hear the story....so the prince was very handsome, I mean very very handsome....and the girl had beautiful long, brown hair..."

She narrowed her eyes, "I think I know the asshole Prince!"

I shook my head, "No you don't! The prince was very good and generous. He had a good sense of humour..."

"Are you sure he's the Prince?", She chuckled again.

I looked at her with disbelief, "Erica you have to behave to hear the story properly..."

She kept a finger on her lips, "Okay!", while her lips were curved in a beautiful grin.

"So the prince had a huge kingdom....."


Time for David's wedding came way more early than anticipated and we were already in Italy.

I was at Nonna's, after finalizing my tuxedo for the best man. Mom and Dad were here too.

"Eric you came? David here is very confused about his tie colour.", Mom said holding in her hands a bunch of ties.

I rolled my eyes, "Mom I have already selected ties for him before, but he has to have some problem with everything. Tell him to wear all!"

Dad chuckled working on his laptop. I don't know what he is working for even after I took over everything. This man likes to have his eyes on everything despite being retired. Sometimes I wonder if I would be like this too. But I wouldn't ask my child to take over if he wanted to do something else, and not this money making race.

"You say so because you are not wise enough to get married!", David said proudly.

"Yeah, like I was the playboy who wanted to get laid by every American female that ever existed!", I said qouting his words.

"I had a youth Asshole, and you can't deny that!"

I snickered, "Yeah! The youth I spoiled after sending one picture to Venus."

He glared at me leaving me amused.

By then my eyes were already searching for her, "Where is Erica?"

"I was wondering why this whipped man here didn't ask about her already!", The dickhead comments.

"She went to her apartment. She said she wants to stay there for a while.", Mom said leaving me huffing.

"What is the problem in staying here?", I asked already pulling out my phone to give her a good lashing but dad stopped me.

"Eric her apartment is the payment of her handwork. She searched for it alot and paid herself. She just wants to cherish it. It's not bad in wanting to stay there.."

I shook my head, "But wouldn't it be safer to stay here with everyone that there alone!?"

"I asked Stephan and Henry to accompany her.", Okay, David can still do some sensible stuff.

Nonna came out of the kitchen, "Lover boy! If you want you can go to Erica's and stay there. After all you seem to enjoying around her alot!", she teased me.

David chuckled, "Nonna believe me they fuck like rabbits!"

I glared at him, "Shut the fuck up..."

Dad stood up, "I don't think I would be able to tolerate this adult stuff!", and left.

On the flight, Erica instructed me to stay with everyone, because according to her it's the least they deserve. And we both spend almost all the time together. I had to apparently focus on my family.

"Uh.. Dad!?", I decided to do something I have not done in years.

"What Eric?"

"Can I go to Erica's? I...I mean...she asked me not to come because of several reasons and stay here....b..but I wan..."

His eyes widened at the realisation that I was asking his permission and everyone went silent. Even David.

The shock on dad's face soon turned to content.
And he closed the distance between us before keeping his hand on my shoulder, "All that ever matters to us is how happy you are! That little girl makes you happy..and never in a million years, we would want to keep you away from her."

I looked at mom, "Eric she confessed she loves you. The way we found her, after living in agony for all those years, we never knew she'll be the cure to every pain. Not just ours, but yours too! Never hurt her!"

I looked down wondering what to say, I have never had such conversations with my family. Heck! I rarely had one!

Thankfully to my pleasure and distaste, Nonna chimed, "Go fuck her already!"

"Nonna she would be embarrassed if she heard you and David. You both will have to stop with your bullshit!"

David grinned, "That wasn't bullshit when he ordered Erica to move into his room! Nonna believe me he kissed her like she's the last meal on earth! And all those tricks you taught us on how to impress girls were ruined because he couldn't say a single line properly!"

"Such a shame!", Nonna joked.

And I left the place not wanting to hear while they discuss my sex life.

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