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I saw him in the kitchen preparing coffee for both of us, in nothing but his towel. I rolled my eyes, and settled on the dining table.

Seconds later he was standing in front of me forwarding me my cup of coffee.

"James and Jessica are going today. We should go with them till the airport.", I suggested.

He sipped his coffee, hair still slightly damp from the recent shower, and then looked at me, "It's not necessary. They have their bodyguards."

"Eric we are not going to protect them.", I chuckled, "We will see them off."

"I don't think they will mind if we don't go. Also, I don't really go and drop people to airports. They have cars. A lot many for that."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You went to drop David and Venus!"

He looked at me, "That is different. I will drop Nonna tomorrow."

I know what is the background of this.

I sighed and shifted my chair a bit, so I was just beside him.
"That's not different Eric. They are your parents. Your father and your mother. You love them and..."

He stopped me, "You are wrong. I don't love them. Did you not see how I behave with them?"

His posture was stiff and for a second, I swear I saw the cold exterior of the man, who I met an year ago.
I leaned forward and made him look at me. His eyes softened considerably but the demeanor didn't.

So I leaned in to kiss him.
I well knew my responsibility to make him do correct things without being hard on him.

"Erica...", He sighed as we pulled away from the kiss, "I know what you are trying to do. But my relationship with them is long distorted. There's no going back."

"Eric with family, there's always going back. We never know when who will be taken away from us. I know the importance of family because I never had one. You too should not take them for granted."

He looked at me briefly, and then looked down, "I will ask Henry to take you.", with that he stood up with his no-negotiation face, picked up his coffee and left the table.

"Eric you can't just walk out on our conversation.", I said exasperated.

His head snapped in my direction and he clenched his jaw in anger, "I can. And I will if you talk nonsense."

A hard thud of the door and he was out of my view.

It's been long since he has talked to me like this. Genuine anger. I wonder what could have happened that led to this. It was James who requested me to do this. Evelyn's death anniversary was near. And he said Jessica is hysteric at that time.

I have seen Jessica sulking through the past years, but I never felt it is my position to ask them the reason. The reason is pretty clear now. She lost her daughter, and her only son refuses to acknowledge them.

They said it was better this year as he atleast talked to them because of work. Or something related to me. One of the reasons why James wanted him to take over completely was to establish some reason for them to contact.

I know if Eric goes today, Jessica too would feel better knowing her son has not limited their relationship to formal exchanges and greetings. But I guess, I will let them down again.


I walked in my room to get ready. He was sitting on the study table, typing furiously on his laptop.

I should try once more.

I went in the kitchen and brought breakfast for him, "Before you kill your laptop of overwork, C'mon let's eat something."

His movements halted, and he looked at the tray I was holding in my hand, "I am not hungry."

I sighed, and placed the tray on the table, pushing his laptop away and then closing it.

"Erica..!", He opened his mouth and I stuffed it with the sandwich.

He looked taken aback for a while but then slowly chewed on it, making me breath in relief. I waited for him to finish his breakfast and then talk.

He wiped the corner of his lips with the tissue and looked up at me, with a smile.
Oh man! I can kill for that one smile.

I smiled back and we just stayed there letting our hearts have an own conversation which was out of the reach of our understanding.

He looked away and then cleared his throat, "About earlier...!"

"Please reconsider!", I said without letting him complete.

He looked at me blankly for few moments, and thus, I continued, "Eric try to think like a son for once. They need you in their lives. Hug them, tell them you are here to look after them. Absence of Evelyn bothers them alot, and now you......!"

I couldn't complete because he banged his hands on the table, making the tray fall on the floor, the cutlery shattering into pieces.

I looked at him to see him seething and this time the anger was very much directed at me.

"Just because we are in relationship, I will not allow you to meddle with my life. I am not your slave. You cannot change me Erica! Have this thing straight embedded in your head!", He seethed at me with so much hate, that I had to look away from his eyes.

My eyes teared upon his words.
And here I was thinking we both are changing for eachother, for good.

I looked at him one last time, "We have to move to Nonna's tonight.", and with that, I left the place.


"I am sorry James!", I said again and James sighed.

"How many times will you apologize my child? It's fine. I know how my son can be. He's being stubborn, but he will come around. But tell me one thing, he didn't say anything to you? Did he?"

I shook my head, "No No!"

"Okay. We shall try again in future. Inform me when Nonna leaves tomorrow, so I will pick her up."

I nodded, and went to Jessica. Although she was not aware that we have asked Eric to come, she was hoping he would.
And her disappointed expression when she saw me alone was clearly visible on her face.

"Take care Jessica. I am hoping you all will be back sooner than scheduled, so we would be able to spend some time together."

She nodded, "Yes, we will try. It all depends on Nonna's doctors."

Just then Jack and Lucas arrived, their bodyguards, "Sir! There's some problem in crew coordination. We will have to wait for fifteen minutes."

James nodded, "That's fine with me." And then he turned to me, "Erica, you should leave child. You have a more important work at hand. And yeah! All the best!"

Jessica came forward and hugged me, "All the best my love! We are proud of you. I never knew when we both saw you on that road, that you are our fallen angel.", she kissed my forehead and I felt the warmth of a mother I never had.

"Thank you so much both of you. I owe you both my life and whatever I will do with my future, I will carry your name forward as my parents."

Bidding them bye for one last time, I left in my car, nervous and excited.


"Stephan make it fast.", I nudged Stephan impatiently.

He drove faster and I finally sighed in relief when I saw the airport.

Yeah, I was going to see off mom and dad. I don't know why, but my heart suddenly revolted against me. Her words ringing in my head every now and then.
On top of that, I was already regretting my own words. I regretted them the moment I saw her eyes filled. I am okay with everything but seeing her upset because of me.

"Sir we are here!", He announced and I took no time in getting out of the car and running to our personal unit where our jets are alloted to take off.

I was panting hard when I reached the runway, where the jet was still standing.
"Dad! Mom!!", I called out loudly, as I saw them standing in the security circle.

They turned to me, and their faces glowed up in a blink of an eye.
I gulped in hesitation and walked to them awkwardly.

It was dad who spoke up first, "Eric! We thought you wouldn't come!"

Yeah! Even I thought the same.

Mom probably saw me breathing hard because I heard her telling Jack to bring some water bottle.

She came forward, "What happened Eric? Is there any problem?"

They think I will only come them when I will be in some problem.

I looked here and there for a while, "Uhm...i..I came to see you off."
I saw her smile so wide, I felt my world stop.

My own smile, which I am very much proud of is something I inherited from my mother, and I swear I have never seen her smile like this in years. May be not after Eve.

My father came forward and ruffled my hair, like I was that four years old, "You made our day Eric! Thank you son."

I nodded still maintaining a stoic face.
I don't know how to talk to them without any business related topic. That is how it has been between us in years.

"Sir! The jet is ready!", The pilot approached dad and greeted me as he saw me.

Mom looked as if she was in a daze, probably not believing I came here, "Son! Take care of yourself."

I nodded at dad.

"Uhh...when you both will be back?"

He smiled, "We will be back very soon. As soon as Nonna gets her check up done."

"Jess...we should leave now.", He said to mom.

They moved back from me, while I could see mom's hesitation in leaving.
I reminded myself those words and went forward before they could leave.

I hugged my mother. While I was still small, she would engulf me in her, but now today, I actually realized how grown up I have become. I was the one hugging her with all my might. Our roles were reversed. And for the first time in my life, I thought of how much I have missed in all those years.

When I backed away, I saw her wiping her tears away. I kissed her forehead, "Take care."

I felt like a son today. All those things which I abandoned years ago, came crashing down upon me.

"Am I being neglected again!? I am sure my Eve would have never let this happen to her father!!", I heard dad say, and turned to look at him. He had a playful expression yet he looked at peace.

A chuckle escaped my lips remembering some instances from my childhood. How I was a momma's boy while Eve, her dad's princess. We always had fights over this.

I went forward and hugged my father. It feels strange, but I managed. Dad to me was nothing more than a man whose business I have to take forward. Not that I ever said that explicitly, but surely made him feel so. And now I regret my behaviour.

There would have been reasons why things happened.

I moved back, "I...I wanted to p..pay Eve a visit on her..."

"Ofcourse you should Eric!", Dad said knowing I can't complete that sentence without pain..

I looked at them both, "...if you both can return before that...we can...uhm..go together."

There eyes widened considerably, but as soon as they understood my meaning, they nodded.

"We will come Eric."

"Our daughter will finally rest in peace.", Dad sighed , " We will pay her service, that she very much deserves."


I walked back and forth, Nonna watching me, her eyes oscillating like pendulum.

"What was the important 'errand' I have no idea about!?", I said frustrated.

"It has to be something important Eric! And she has a life, that will not only revolve around you!", Nonna glared at me.

"C'mon nonna! I am scared for her safety. She must have atleast taken Henry with her! I asked her to."

"And..are you her daddy, she should always listen to what you say!?", She retorted.

I shook my head, "David has corrupted you nonna!"

"Oh no! He sa....!"

She stopped as we heard footsteps entering through the main door, and there she was. The infuriating love of my life.

I looked at the huge wall clock. It's fucking eight at the night, and she was out all day!
Told everyone, she's out to run an errand and me not even that. OK I was a jerk, but I was worried too.

I went to stand in front of her, but completely disregarding me, she walked past me to Nonna.

"How did it go?"

She nodded happily, "Very good."

"Now go change and we can have dinner. It's just us tonight.", She scurried away to our room in an instance and I had to run after her to catch up.

"Where were you!?", I asked her only for her to walk to our bed and open her bag searching her night clothes.

"Your pajamas are in my bag!", I was the one to pack for both of us, as my punishment yesterday. Don't really remember for what I was punished though.

She went to the other side and too out her clothes from the bag, and was about to leave for the bathroom when I got in between the door and her.

"You are so not ignoring me. Tell me where were you!"

She looked at me warily, "Although we are not to interfere in each other's life while being in this relationship, I can assure you that I was not with another man."

I squinted my eyes in confusion, "What!? You know I didn't mean that! I was worried Erica! Why was your phone switched off?"

"Because I didn't want to be bothered."

"I bother you Erica!? I was worried about you damnit! There was no guard with you. Mom and Dad said you are alright but can't tell me where you are!? David was talking in such a way, I felt he also knew where you were. Everyone except me!? Seriously!?"

She sighed, and looked at me, "You are not going to walk all over me in your anger and then tell me that you were worried about me! I am not going to change you, but I am not going to change myself even! I love you... certainly...but I don't love you blindly. Come to me when you have enough strength to keep aside your ego and apologize."

I opened and closed my mouth many times, but nothing came out.

It is clear she's pissed off.

I moved out of her way to give her space to go in. And she immediately went in.


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