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He held my hand as if his life depended on it. It was clear he is troubled but while others crumple, he would assume a stoic face, his lips pressed in a thin line.

"We shall remember and pray that Evelyn Ashton, daughter of Mr. James and Mrs. Jessica Ashton, may rest in peace and watch over her family and to all those loved ones, who are present here.

Now I shall request you all to pray here in the church premises and then head over to her grave and pay respect. Much love to the beautiful soul."

Everyone one by one, lighted the candles before her portrait. While some leave for the graveyard, some stay back in the church.
Since it was a service, everyone was dressed in white. Jessica was continuously in tears, while James looked as if barely alive. David was with them.

Nonna, on the other hand, was worried for her family as well as grieving herself. She requested me to stay with Eric all the time. And what I witnessed in the morning, I wouldn't dare to do anything else.

His silent figure, hunched over his arms that were kept on his knees. One of his hand was still interwened with mine, and we were sitting in a very quiet church. He was staring at the ground.

I had bought this Lilly bouquet in the morning that was resting on my other side, and slowly the church was devoid of any human, but he was still sitting. And I didn't want to disturb him, so I just sat with him.

Minutes later, David came inside, and whispered in my ear, "We are leaving for home Erica...are you coming?"

I looked beside me, and so did him.
"I don't know. Let him take his time."

"Okay...then I am leaving a car. Stephan will wait outside. He may want to stay alone, so you take him to your apartment and come back in the morning tomorrow. I am anyway taking Nonna to James place for the night.", Something flickered in his eyes as he said this, but I dismissed whatever it was.

Nodding, I waved him bye.

His silence was killing me and so I decided to break his thoughts gently.

I neared him more and kept my other hand on his torso, "Please talk to me Eric!"

His eyes wavered a little until they settled on me. They were no more red or puffy. Today in the morning it took me alot to calm him down. Though he never showed me his tears, I felt them wetting my dress when he snuggled his face over my stomach.

Eve owns a huge part of him. And it is hard not to see how much he loves her.

"It still hurts!", Were his first words today.

"That's fine. You can feel her in the form of that pain Eric. But she wouldn't want you to see this vulnerable. She adored you for your strength."

He looked at me and smiled sadly, "You know what to say when."

"I do!", I stood up, "Now C'mon introduce me to the one who knew how to keep your ass in check!"

"We are in a church. Don't cuss.", He said weakly as he stood up.

I shook my head, "You have rubbed badly on me."

Through the backdoor, we walked to the graveyard, where hundreds of graves were placed. But near one section, there was a small grave with a bundle of fresh flowers on it. It was clear that was the one.

'EVELYN ASHTON 1997-2008'
Her Earth like eyes, and her heaven like soul rest here.'
'A sister, daughter, granddaughter.'

I have been the very proof of how poised and neat he always is, especially when he's wearing his suits. But now when he sits on the grave, uncaring of the soil spoiling his shining shoes, my eyes sting.

This man when loves, he loves hard. And that is why that years old wound still hurts him.

He offered me his hand, and I sat just beside him, keeping the lilies near her name.

"Hey!", He whispers towards the grave, "See who I brought here today you!"
The gentleness his voice heard was something I never heard before.

Indeed Eve was a lucky girl. Where families like mine never cared about me, her family still grieves her loss. Her brother especially.

"You will love her.", He smiled with his eyes, "The woman who has my heart after you!"

My breathing stopped. And my heart started somersaulting.

'The woman who has my heart after you..'

Something inside me clenched in anxiousness.

"Meet the love of my life, Erica!"

My eyes teared up, and I looked at the ground. I knew I will hear these words one day, but now when I really hear them, I feel as if I want everything to stop here.

The moment people die to live, was here, before me, right now.

His hold on my waist tightened, "She knows how to tame me, just as well you did. Though, she's annoying at times, and the way she attracts men unintentionally frustrates me, but I can't resist her. After you, I never treated mom and dad like they deserved to, because I thought it was there business that took you away. The same business I am now the owner of. In fact, when I became the CEO, I wanted to do everything possible to drown their business. But certain someone simply changed my life from black to white. When I first held you in my arms, my protective instincts woke up like never before. And when I lost you I thought I will never care about somebody like that. Well, things change. I hugged someone else, and those same instincts were jolted awake again. But this time as a lover. Though she is stubborn, doesn't appreciate my interest in anthropology, nor makes me feel majestic like other girls used to, but I am ready to adjust. Because I am madly in love with her."

I look up to see him already looking at me. He was addressing her, but looking at me. His eyes were focused upon me. And I was well aware he was not used to saying so much things.
I have not forgotten how he asked me to be his girlfriend. Though, right now, at this moment, even if he'd do this in the most assholic way, I will accept it with open arms.

Because when it is him, I can't expect all roses and unicorns. He is not an ideal on the world's parameters, but for me he is the most ideal man to have ever been made for me.

"You are actually saying it!?", My voice was raspy. But I didn't want to cry and let this moment muffle into my cries.

"I am just beginning to say it. From now, I will say it forever.", No dates, no special gifts, no mighty proposals would have made me as happy as these words near Eve's grave did.

"I wanted to say it yesterday, at the place that I loved the most. An exquisite dinner, a grand setting but all seemed less. You are an important part of my life Erica. And I just couldn't feel it will be enough, to tell you those words, at a place which defines my life.
Rather, you deserve to be proposed before the person who I have loved like my own life. May be an approval from Eve will do us some good.", he chuckled and looked at the grave.

"She used to complain alot that I don't have a girlfriend, while all her friend's brothers had and that David is a shitty friend, so yeah, I have fulfilled your wish Eve, and made one of bests out there, mine."

God! Can this moment get any more beautiful.

I looked at the grave amused, "Eve! I promise I will keep a check on your brother, annoy him always, make him jealous of all men out there and tell him every day that he's the ugliest man on Earth!"

I heard him chuckling, but I had more to say, "But I will love him so much, he will forget all his pains."

I felt him turning me by my waist and then eventually pulling me in a hug, "What would I have done without you Erica!?"

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing. You would have only made other's life hell, by your scowls and frowns, ordering them around. Making sarcastic comments on people, and gaining a devilish pleasure out of it..."

"Okay okay! Stop! That's enough..", he said with a frown while his lips still twitched in amusement.

"Eric I love you!", I said looking at him from his embrace, so as to test I am not dreaming.

He smirked, "Well, I hate to admit but I love you too!"

I kissed his nose tip, "You will now admit this thrice daily, unless you chant it with every breath you take. Understood!?", why shouldn't I order him once in our life?

He looked at me with an emotion, and this time I wasn't afraid to say it out aloud that it was really love.

"Is kissing a sin? In the church?", He whispered looking at me.

"Mhmm...I don't know!", I answered frowning.

"Fuck it! Let's be sinners for a while then!", And then he smashes his lips on mine.

Okay, who is cussing in the church now!?

"I heard only those kiss in church who want to marry!", I looked up with widened eyes.

God! I got enough for a day! Is he really suggesting a wedding?

He probably understood and so he laughed, "I wouldn't propose a wedding right now Erica! We are still babies. So having our own, right now, doesn't look as appealing."

At the end, he has so something that would make me turn red!


Hands in hands walking out of the church, I make a call to Stephan and he comes at the entrance with a car.

"To my apartment Stephan!", I told him getting in the car.

"We are not going at Nonna's today?", He questioned.

"Uh no...David said that nonna may stay at James' place tonight and may be David and Venus too."

"Okay!", He said and laid his head back.

He has not blinked his eyes since midnight. Or may be even before. He looks tired.

His phone started ringing then, and groaning he had to pull it out of his pocket and then forwarded to me, "It's probably David. Talk to him."

I looked at the caller ID.

"Uh...Eric...it is some Tross."

He sat up immediately, and took the phone.

"Tross! Hey!"

"Ah..okay! So should I bring her tomorrow?"

"No No...no more investigation...I will meet you personally and explain you everything."

"Yeah... I'll text you the time I'll be there. Okay!"

Who was Tross!? I don't know him.

As if he heard my mental question, he spoke up, "Tross is that friend of mine who was investigating your molestation case."

My head snapped in his direction, "Molestation case!? That one year old case!? God! Eric! You were getting that investigated??"


This is what I was scared of. And it is not even ten percent of what was about to happen.

"Erica! This is not questionable. No way in the world, I was going to compromise with your security. That bastard basically tore your gown."

Thankful the center shield was on, so Stephan couldn't hear us.

"But Eric it wasn't needed. He was drunk and you are just wasting your time..."

I shook my head, "Do I need to remind you what kind of panic attack you had then? Or the nightmares you started having after that? Erica, you are delusional if you thought I would let go such a thing."

She sighed, "What did you investigate?"

"You told me that man said you look familiar. And when he was caught he admitted the same."

"He was one of the Watchman from the Brothel."

"One of those six!?", I questioned immediately.

She shook her head, "No Eric. You think I would have stayed fine if he was one of them?"

"He even said that you were initially...", I couldn't complete.

"...that I worked in the Brothel?", She completed though.

I only nodded.

"Then why you never asked me if you got a clue?"

I looked at her with narrowed eyes, "You think I am going to hear anything that others say. Ofcourse not! Even if he would have told me everything, I would never believe a drunken ass. I was waiting for you to tell me everything. Once, I even thought I should investigate about all the past, especially after you told me about your marks. But I was conflicted. I didn't want to lose your trust. That's why I never proceeded in the direction, even when I made my mind."

I know she'll be angry now. She had too.

"You think too much Eric! I am still alive and kicking. And now you know everything about me. So whenever such things come up, please ask me directly, instead of going around."
I nodded still testing her mood.

But when she smiled assuringly, I was good.

"I am not angry or pissed because I have already got one good thing today. And I am not spoiling my day. But you will still cook me dinner for hiding all this! Is it clear!?"

Oh shit! I love it when she bosses around me!

"Yes boss!", And I leaned in to kiss her..

I have never been this easy on Eve's death anniversary. We have never gathered together to pay service, because everyone was drowning in their own misery. Not that the misery is any less now, but moving on seems like an option.

And what has been different this year from all the past ones? Her presence.

She has shown me another side to everything. A positive perspective on things which only devastated me. And moreover, now I have someone to rely on and be my truest self with.


I felt kisses on my jaw, and cheeks, so my eyes snapped open.
"Wake up! I know you are tired but you must have dinner."

I slept for hours as soon as I hit the bed. Not just physically, but I was mentally tired to. From all those years.

"Don't start things unless you are willing to complete them.", I said in my sleepy voice to which she laughed and immediately left the bed.

My phone vibrated beside me, and so I picked it up to see a message from David.
"Embrey has been shifted to Nonna's place. James and Jessica are here too. Bring her tomorrow."

Oh no!
"Okay I will. Just make sure Ms.Embrey remains calm. She can't expect Erica to give a good reaction."

"I know. All are contemplating how to face Erica! Even James is nervous. But we can't delay it man!"

"Fine..we will be there tomorrow.", I replied.

I got down the bed and headed towards the bathroom. The thoughts and dread creeping in.

"What happened?", She questioned me as soon as she saw me. She can read me so bloody well!

"Mhmm nothing! I was just wondering about few things. Tell me where would you like to go on our next date?"

She shrugged, "Let's accept it Eric, you are not a date person. We can instead stay in, or you can show me your other home."

"Okay, then next time we'll go to California. What say?"

She looked at me with narrowed eyes, "You're joking. Aren't you? You have one more home?"

I laughed, "I have two more baby! One that I shared with David when we went on a vacation to Australia."

She shook her head, "Filthy rich! How come I am not aware about it?"

"Because you never asked. And I never thought flaunting my wealth would impress you, so I stayed quiet too."

"You are right there!", She smirked, settling on the dining table serving us both food.

Minutes later, she spoke up, "Eric! Let's end that case. Your friend wants my statement!? No!?"

I nodded, "Yeah...we can get your statement registered before the magistrate. And that is all. He will be sentenced because we have got a CCTV footage."

"He won't go deep into asking!?"

I shook my head, "We will only use the grounds of molestation. I will tell Tross to declare his statement that he knew you prior to the incident will be declared null and void. That way, no one will pry in your past."

She smiled and then leaned close to kiss me, "I love you so damn much!"

Though I am in a habit to hide it inside me, I said it out aloud.
"I love you more!"



Eric was in such a good mood, he asked Tross to issue a restraining order against me.

Bastard! Shit hole! Asswipe!

I'll be taking revenge now...;)


So, he finally said it...

How was the chapter??

Ask me anything!? My readers wanted a interview...but I'd rather write an update here. But to pacify all, I will answer any questions you ask. Personal or business. Go on!

Loads of love!

Next chapter is half done...so you better be generous with comments. You know I love them.

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