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"I didn't force her but she will have to get comfortable around Embrey.", I said to Dad who was scowling at me.

"Eric it is very difficult for her! You should understand!"

I shook my head, "That's the problem dad! You all want to keep her so safe that you allow her to hide from her fears. She will remain scared forever if she doesn't face them."

Dad was about to say something when David interrupted, "I think you both are thinking way too much. I don't want you both to get into a quarrel while Erica is making up with her mother. Act a little adult please!"

Dad chuckled, "Look who is talking about being adult!"

Mom shook her head while nonna was looking at us amused. Venus was cooking dinner for Embrey as she has been advised very specific food to eat.

Erica was at the hospital with her mother. I left her there forcefully because she thought I am not noticing but since Embrey has woken up she has avoided staying alone in the suite with her. One of us had to be inside the room so she stays. And so today, after a week I decided to take things in my hands.

"Lunch is done...now please settle and eat...!", We scurried towards the dining table as Venus called upon.

I sat across David who looked deep in thoughts. And this has been going on since Embrey has woken up. I don't know what is wrong with this sibling pair. But something definitely is.

For Erica, I understand but for him, it is pretty unusual for him to think stuff to himself. He'd rather say shit that stay silent. And I know I was not the only one to think so, because the very next moment, mom spoke up.

She ruffled his hair, while sitting beside him, "What's wrong David? You know we are here."

He looked up from his plate and smiled at mother affectionately, "Jess, I have been thinking about something lately..."

I chuckled, "Tell us what we don't know dickhead!"

Mom glared at me, "We are at the food table Eric! Stop cussing!"

Now it was his turn to chuckle, "Yeah this fucker doesn't understand gentleman etiquettes."

Nonna snickered while Dad rolled his eyes.

"You are changing the topic David..",  it was Venus this time.
Even she was pretty concerned, so much that she approached me to talk.

He cleared his throat and looked at Dad, "James! Ashton family has done a lot for me. In fact all I have is because of you, except my surname Wellington..."

Dad looked at him suspiciously, "David! Kid I told you always you don't have to think about it. I and my family have never thought of you as an outsider. We have done no favours to you. You were Vince's departing gift to us.."

He smiled, "I know and I can never be more happy for that. But there is something I want from you all. I don't know if it is appropriate or not but I want to voice it out once."

I would do anything for him. And I know anyone from this family would. David has served as a link between me and my parents for years. Though I never said explicitly but I have had a brother in David. He was a playboy, jackass, irritating and annoying, but we always had each other's back.

"What is it you want David?"

He looked down nervously and then glanced up at me, "I_ I feel like I have a responsibility towards Erica and Embrey now. If dad was still here, I am sure she would have been my step mother, and probably I would have already assumed the role of a brother to Erica. Though Dad is not here, I still feel as if Erica is the only trace of him on this earth, and now that I know of her, I can't just let that go.
James, Eric, Jess and Nonna, I want Erica and Embrey to live in my father's home with me and Venus, the place that rightfully belongs to both of them."

I was taken aback by this sudden wish of David. It was understandable but I never thought that he would want them to stay with him. At the Wellington mansion.

"David...",Dad said but was interrupted.

"James! I still want your approval. I know I can't just outrageously claim my rights on them. It was you all who have taken care of Erica...so I will be alright if you refuse..."

He won't be. He won't be alright if he is refused of this. He never asks of something he is not passionate to have, and right now I can see that desperation in his eyes. Though we never let him feel aloof, somewhere I was aware there's still a void. It is just that he is pretty good at hiding while I am not.

I spoke up this time, "You should..."

Instead he shook his head. What is with this interruption!?

"Eric! I know you are hell possessive of her, and you want her all to yourself. I am just expressing a wish.."

"Will you stop your rants David?", It was Venus, "Atleast hear what Eric and James have to say about this."

Dad looked at me briefly and I tried to pass him a message.

He looked away and cleared his throat, "David..first of all, just because you got to know about Erica now, that doesn't mean you have any less right on her. We would have told you everything, but we didn't want to burden you with a responsibility at such a small age, and Erica, she was still not ready to allow access to anyone in her life. Lest sudden relations. She didn't react badly to having a brother, and you know why? Because her brother was you. And I have seen how much close you both are, even when you were not aware of your real relation. About staying in the Wellington mansion, if you have Embrey and Erica's permission, I would never stop you. In fact I would love to see that abandoned mansion bloom once again."

He smiled wide at that, happily, but his grin vanished the moment his gaze fell upon me, "You don't have any objection Eric? Do you?"

I rolled my eyes, "As far as I get to share a room with her, I don't. I need to keep a check. You may fill her mind with filth against me."

I saw visible relief in his eyes but he scoffed at me, "That I can do even in front of you. I don't need her alone for that."

Well, back to the original form.


I glanced in her direction once and saw she was already looking at me.

"Come Angel...sit here..", I mentally winced at that name, but nodded nonetheless.

I took the chair that is mostly occupied by David or Eric and sat near her bed. I have been avoiding this so much unless my so called 'boyfriend' threatened me that if I don't talk to my mother, he won't talk to me.

Imagine how berserk he would have gone if I did the same while he was not behaving well with his mother. Hypocrite!

"Your hair have grown thicker.", She commented trying to initiate a talk.

"Jess has taken good care of it.", I said but then I realized it wasn't appropriate to say that and taunt her. I promised Eric I will behave nicely.

She looked away for a brief second with hurt laced expressions but then looked at me again and smiled, "I will thank her for doing what I didn't."

I preferred staying silent.

"Eric is a nice boy for you..", that grabbed my attention and I looked at her with interest, "We were talking about you one day. He loves you alot."

Something warmed up inside me hearing that. He said he loves me, but hearing it from my mother looked like an approval I never knew if I will seek.

I stayed quite though, but my eyes gave up as they lit at his mention.

"He lashed out on me one day about how bad a mother I was. He is very protective of you."

Tell me about it. He's so protective that this morning when I cut my finger while making our breakfast, he first gave me a good scolding about being careless and then threw all the knives in the dustbin. He even ordered electronic vegetable and fruit cutters.

"He is.", I smiled unconsciously.

She looked at me, "Do you want to spend your whole life with him? As in marry him?"

That Question caught me off guard.

"Uhm..w_we have never thought till that extent.", I said uncomfortably.

Marrying Eric will be like a dream come true. But that asshole took so much time to ask me to be his girlfriend, and then finally confessed his love to me after so much deliberation. He is a tortoise in this sector. I don't expect him to propose me to marry before ten years. That guy only loves to boss around.

"But I have already declared him my son in law and he has accepted me as his mother in law.", She wiggled her eyebrow playfully only for me to turn red at that.

Whole hospital thinks he's my husband. I had to protect him from the creepy receptionist who made advances towards him, by kissing him on his lips, with a 'i hope you had your dinner HONEY!'

To which he smirked and said, 'Ofcourse love! I did. I was just waiting for you so we could go and tug our kids to bed.'

Venus teased me for two days straight while David doubted we already married in LasVegas and have secret kids. And promised to beat Eric to pulp for 'manipulating his innocent sister'.

Her chuckle brought me out of that embarrassing memory.

"I hope I live enough to see the beautiful day, when you both will finally marry."

We went silent after that. I had nothing to say and probably she too ran out of ideas.

I contemplated for a while and then finally said what I wanted to say from long.

"Eric will always be my first priority mum.", The word 'mum' sounded strange on my mouth and I felt her lightly gasp at that.

I continued, "James and Jessica have had their respective roles in my life. And no one can replace them. But Eric is the centre of my world. He gave me what no one could. He was never gentle or soft in his approach. Nor he ever held any sympathy for me. He looked at me just like I am. His ways were often harsh and had me panicking, but it was with him that I realized that no matter how hard it gets, there's always a way out. And he is my way out. I don't know how my relationship will be with you, but if it ever comes to choosing, them it is him for me, above everyone."

I expected her to be not pleased about it but she was anything but that.
"That boy deserves your love. However he thinks he doesn't and is pretty insecure when it comes to you, but he really does."

I smiled at that.

He deserves everything in this world.


I felt a blanket being wrapped around me and some gentle touch on my forehead, "I'll take her home now."

The next time when I woke up, I panicked a little seeing myself in a car, "Shh! It's me. Sleep now."



"I am craving for your pasta.."

I felt his chest vibrate with a chuckle, "Next time you open your eyes my majesty, your pasta will be before you."

And with that I drifted away.


Lazily, I felt the bed beside me only to find him gone. I grumbled to myself and opened my eyes sitting up.

I washed my face and walked out of the room, only to find him busy talking on his earpod, while moving around my kitchen.

"Yeah...I am not taking up that deal. It looks rubbish are would only tarnish my company's image.", He came forward and pecked my lips, and then went back to cooking.

I grew impatient and he smirked to himself while still talking to someone who I assume was Petersons. He is comfortable with the old man, and so doesn't cringe on the idea of using words with him.

"Yes....we are a little busy, but I'll fly back soon. I have things managed here, and if I don't then David definitely will cover up for me. Yeah..ah okay...I'll ask Erica to see if some slot is available..", he finally removed his earpods and just then placed the tasty bowl before me.

He filled one for himself and then I saw him fetching two glasses of wine from the refrigerator and keeping them on the table before he settled himself.

"You were sleeping like a log.", I heard him mumble before feeding himself.

Now looking at him, all my thoughts about all what I talked today refreshed. Marriage and kids. I looked away when I realized I am turning red again.

"I know I am handsome and you want to creep on me whole day but what's with the blush? Did you imagine me naked on our bed?"

I punched him  on his bicep as a reply not letting myself get distracted from the food before me.

"Ouch...you are a cave woman Erica! Hitting a poor soul like me."

"Yeah! A poor soul. You are doing the dishes if you don't behave Ashton! I was pretty upset when you went away leaving me alone at the hospital with a threat."

He laughed, "It worked. Didn't it!? You atleast talked to her instead of chickening away everytime."

"What if I didn't succumb? You would have not talked to me then? No?", I hated that idea.

He looked at me, "No! I would have done worse."


"I would have denied you sex for a week."

Someone please call in a mental hospital. Not for him. For me.


"You are insatiable woman!"

"I didn't beg for round four!", I hissed at him.

He chuckled and flipped us so I was now above him. I sighed and rested myself on his bare chest, seeping in the warmth that really makes me feel so good.

But then a thought occured to me.

"Eric.... tomorrow I'll visit the doctor for my birth control prescription. We need to be sure."

He bent his head to look at me, "You are not taking any birth control. I searched online and it said these have side effects like nausea, blood pressure, headache, bleeding and what not. Even depression in worse cases!"

I looked at him irritatedly, "That's in rare cases. Not everyone's body is as sensitive Eric!"

"No means no! We'll be using mechanical protection only. And that too just me. Not you."

"But they often fail!", I sat up covering myself in the duvet.

"You want me to sign a contract where I will promise to take complete responsibility if our protection fails? I will. And if it is about career plans and all, then don't worry, I will be careful unless ofcourse i am too deep lost to think straight. Now c'mere!", And he pulled me back onto his chest and I complied frowning.

"Venus said it will be fine...", I said in a small voice to myself because I knew fighting isn't worth it. And somehow I know he's concerned, so I can't really complain and be bitchy about it.

He hugged me under the duvet while his fingers went to trace the one mark on my right breast, which he always does whenever he gets chance.

"I love you Erica .... and just to have sex with you freely and without any tension, I can't cost your health. I know most of the people use them, but many still feel mechanical protection is best. If you want we can go and meet a doctor.", He said softly.

That's all required to melt me, "I'll do whatever you say...just be with me forever.."

"... always."

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