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Seeing the proud smile on his face, my life suddenly got much more meaning that it ever had.

The concert was still on and after my first performance the response I received was overwhelming. The kiss being the cherry on top.

After he backed away from the kiss, he questioned, "So surprise huh?!?"
I chuckled and nodded.

"This was the best thing anyone would ever give me."

There were aww's and ohh's in the audience as he backed away after leaving a last kiss on my forehead.
I glanced at my family to see the joyous expressions on their faces and my mother almost in tears.

When Austin announced that we should continue with me introducing myself and singing his songs as demands from public came in, I felt like I was in air.

I have endured a lot in my life, but everything was worth it at the end.

My second song would release a week later, followed by third which will together make my debut trilogy. I don't understand so many dynamics but the musicians and lyricist of my songs were people from very difficult backgrounds. And working with them, I felt nothing but content and love.


The concert got over and I was at the backstage changing into my normal clothes. I heard a knock on my changing room's door and so I replied, "Please wait. I'll be done in a minute."

I didn't hear anything then, and continued to put the shirt on me. Cleaning the make up that  was already starting to irritate me, I came out of the room only to bump into a hard chest that ofcourse belonged to him.

He was looking down at me smiling.

"Thank god you came. My bag is very heavy.", I kept the things in my bag and he came and took it from me still smiling.

That smile always made my day, but tonight it looks like it is permanent.

Though I thought I should approach the main topic.
"I thought you weren't coming."

"If I had the slightest idea of what you are conspiring behind my back, I would have never left."

"That is called surprise!"

He looked up and sighed, "And that is the last one coming from you. Because you don't know how worried I was since the morning. You should have atleast replied to my text."

Here comes the forever complainant.

"You would have not come if I did. I know you love your work more than me."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "That is the silliest thing you could say Erica. You were the one to force me to work and earn for us... remember!?"

I laughed, "I did. But isn't my plan successful?"

"Ofcourse it is. C'mon let's go...everyone is waiting for us at the diner.."

Leaving the venue was of the most difficult task. Firstly because Eric always has paparazzi running behind because he's so mysterious. And second, because I was the new subject of attention. I didn't like it at all. Thankfully Stephan, Henry and other team that was prepared by David did their work well, as Eric guided me through them to our car.


"Now Erica is definitely going to have many fans. Especially male admirers.", Venus chuckled, followed by everyone except Eric and David.

"She said she didn't want any special attention, otherwise we would have organised a press conference after the concert...and there are many things like interviews, talkshows and what not. People want to know everything about a celebrity's life.", Austin mused.

"I don't want to live like a celebrity.."

"That comes as a side effect of having talent Erica...no one can help that...just make sure you don't let them in..", was his advice.

Since Austin had to go with his wife Amelia for  she was pregnant and needed rest, we were all left at the diner.

"I am proud of you Erica...you were just natural...", I heard James' say and I never felt better.

This day can't get better.


Since she was tired, she dozed off on the couch with her head on my shoulder.

"Mom! I think we should leave now.", I said adjusting her properly.

She nodded and Dad called for the waiter to prepare our bill.

I smiled looking at her peaceful form. Never knew she would do something so good for me. Everyone has been telling me again and again that she did this because she knew I want her to do. She faced difficulty before because of her nervousness and anxiety but the last week she has spent in trying to be one of the bests out there. And she indeed got that.

I heard a throat clearing sound and looked up to see all eyes on me.

Aren't they creepy!?


"When are you popping the question Eric?", Said Nonna, "We realize you think she's the one, and you are happy with her..but don't you think you shouldn't delay it..??"

"What question nonna?", They looked at me like I am the dumbest thing on this earth, and David rolled his eyes, "I don't know why she loves him of all men of this earth!"

Dad rubbed his forehead as if frustrated and I looked at mom for a clue who was amused.

"What question?", I asked again.

"Wedding you dumb ass! You have to marry her one day or the other!! I won't allow her to be your girlfriend forever.", He leaned back on his seat, "I want the best for my part time daughter. And unfortunately she chose you, so I need to make sure she atleast gets her dream wedding.."

"Whoa! Hold your horses everybody! Marry her? Seriously!? We are still babies.. and we have just spent an year together...no one is running away."

The scowls I received only made me feel like I am the biggest jerk of this world.

Am I really!?


"Erica the trilogy is the biggest hit of the year!", David yelled entering in her room and tackling his sister into a hug.

She looked up at him, "Who told you? It was still 20,000 sold yesterday.."

"And it is 84,000 now!", He patted her back, "C'mon we will celebrate! C'mon you asswipe, she wouldn't like to go without you.."

I smirked, "That's because she loves me the most!"

"Most my foot! Go and see the fan mails she receives everyday. I swear she's going to fall for one of them.."

Erica chuckled and left the room, knowing this is our regular but I couldn't help but be bothered by it.

Every fucking man knows that we both are in relationship, still they think she's available.

I went downstairs grumbling to myself only to find everyone celebrating with ice creams. It has been a month since her first song release and the success that came with it was enormous. Erica has still been private except our kiss that day, that should have told them alot, but it didn't.

I sit beside her and pick up one of the envelopes from the table, while Erica served me a bowl of ice-cream.

It was still unopened so I opened it carefully only for a pink colour letter to pop out.

"Dear Erica,
I am your fan Juan, from Spain. I love your trilogy so much that I can't help but hear it thrice a day to keep myself going for the day. More than the songs, you are beautiful, charming and I just can't help but love the way your brown hair wave as you sing in the arena...
I love you and I am going to say this to you as soon as I meet you.
Your lover,
Juan Carlos."

I threw the page back on the table, while my family was still going berserk over seeing the views and sells on the laptop.

I felt Erica forward me the ice cream and then join back the conversation.

Taking a spoonful of ice-cream, I picked up another letter.

"Dear Erica,
You are so amazing I can't help but love you. It' was still surprising how you sing so beautifully when we registered how beautiful you are in person. You have definitely taken the place of my ideal woman and I couldn't help but wish to be by your side always. You have scarred me for all other women out there.
Your admirer,
Ryan King."

The ice-cream in my mother never tasted bitter than this.

I picked up another mail, and then another, and another only to see how much of a male population is after her. And that was when her interaction to them was minimal.

The Satan in me wanted to thrash all those bastards there, calling themselves fan. One of them even said he wishes he could marry her.

I picked all the letters and threw them the the shedder machine in my study. That calmed me but not considerably.

I signalled mom and she excused herself from everyone.

"What happened Eric? You look stressed?"

I shifted uncomfortably and asked her to follow me to her room.

As we entered her room, I turned and asked her, "Mom? Do you have a ring?"

"A ring!?", She asked confusedly, "What will you do with a ring Eric?"

"Uh...mom I need one urgently...I would have gone to a jewelry shop but I don't want to wait a single more second."


"Mom please..."

She nodded and went to her closet and came out with a huge box.
She sat on her bed and I followed her curiously. There were many jewelry pieces in the box, shining back at me.

She took out a smaller box from in between and upturned it on the bed. She removed two rings from the box, "These are my wedding ring and engagement ring...now see which one do you like.."

I searched from among those ten to fifteen rings, when this one flashed before me.

I looked at mom and she smiled, "Your dad brought it when you were born, that's why an E."

"Did he bring a similar one for Eve also?"

She shook her head, "That time he was happier. He brought a necklace.", She laughed.

I shook my head amused, "And then he says he loves both his kids equally."

The ring was of mom's size but since it's twenty seven years old ring, it doesn't fit her now, but I knew who it will fit better.

"Mom I am taking this one."

"But Eric...for wh....!", Her eyes widened as she realised what I am about to do.

She looked at me in disbelief, "Eric you won't do what I am thinking you are about to do?", she asked carefully.

I nodded my head, "I am doing it."

"But Eric that should be special! She should feel special..."

I shook my head, "Mom I will take her on a date later on. Right now, I need to stake my claim."

And before she could say anything else, I left the room in haste.

I hear her call me but when do I listen?

Everyone was still chatting freely while Venus was flushed and David was laughing like a maniac. He probably cracked a double meaning joke on her.

She was sitting between them and so with all the courage I could muster, I walked to her.

My sudden intrusion caused their talks to seize and I saw all eyes were now on me. Including David and Embrey. I hope they don't kick my ass after this.

"Erica?", I called her and sat on the table before her.

"Your ass will break the table Eric.", David chuckled making me glare at him.

"Shut up and let me focus!"

I took deep breaths and looked at her, who was already looking at me in confusion.

I heard mom's footsteps at the back, "Eric..", but her voice seized as she saw me.

I forgot the world for some time.

Do I want to have my forever with her? Yes.

Do I want to make her my wife and get into this commitment for life? Yes.

Do I want to tell all those chipmunk fans there that she is mine, only mine? Fuck yes!!

Do I want to have kids with her? Ofcourse.

Do I want to grow old with her? Nothing would make me happier.

I took a deep breath and took hold of her hand in both of mine, that ring pressed between our palms.

"Marry me."

Dead silence. Even our bodyguards were looking at us like this is one hell of a moment. But my sole focus was on her.

She on the other hand, looked completely dazed, opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

"Marry me Erica.", I repeated.

"Oh god! He's proposing!!", I heard nonna and then David snickered, "More like ordering."

"Eric atleast get on your knees!", Venus cheered.

"I think he got one of his bossy attacks. Someone bring some water!!"

There was chaos behind me, but I sat still with her looking deep in my eyes.

"Marry me.", I said again because truthfully I still couldn't believe I am asking someone to marry me.

"When?", The word escaped her mouth and that was when I grinned widely.

Slowly taking her hand in mine, I slipped the ring in her ring finger, "What about tomorrow?"

Her eyes widened at that and soon I received a slap on my head.

"Atleast let us plan a wedding you scumbag! She's my only sister!!"
Though he was scowling at me, I couldn't help but see the happiness in his eyes.

I stood up and hugged him, probably the first time in my life.
He hugged me back and I couldn't help but laugh when he literally jumped, "My asshole is getting married! Shit!!! Never though I will live to see this day!"

"Me too.", I laughed.

Erica who was still in shock was tackled into a hug by Venus, "He finally got the balls!"

I narrowed my eyes at her comment, only to see Erica smiling that beautiful smile.

Nothing felt better than this. She is officially mine.

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