Hidden Family Secrets & Quiet Doubts, Part One

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"Ohhh Slyyyy, where are you?" Tanya called out as she wandered the bazaar, wondering where her boyfriend was. How had he wandered off so quickly? She had just gone off to talk to one of her merchant friends who had been here for the bazaar, and when she turned around, this was what she was greeted with. 

The tanuki yawned slightly, but she was definitely worried about him. Sly wasn't the kind to disappear without a word. Had something happened to him?

Well, Sly did work with Mittens, so he would be able to handle it right? 

Tanya turned to her friend, asking, "Hey have you seen my boyfriend? He's a black cat with a blue hoodie on." 

The other shrugged, "I didn't notice anything, honestly." 

"Alright then, thanks," she smiled. 

"Hey, it's no problem. Take good care of yourself, Tanya, and that adorable kitten as well." 

She glared at them despite the flush forming on her face, "S-Shut it Humora!" 

"Not my problem," the hummingbird laughed. "Good luck Nya!"

Sometimes she really questioned why she was friends with Humora Crisiant, but luck just didn't really agree with her at times, so she didn't want to test fate. 

Oh if only she knew that nearby, in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the valley, her boyfriend was tied up to a chair, and just waking up to this predicament, "H-Huh, what?" 

Where was he? He had been bonding with Tanya at the bazaar... And then when she had headed off to talk to her friend, he had spotted someone watching them. He had tried to go after them but-

"Well, well, so you are Sly," an unfamiliar voice spoke up. "To think that you were the chosen one to wield the Golden Shuriken, instead of me, when I am the older brother, who has trained so hard to be worthy... only for you to take that title from me!"

"O-Older brother?" Sly felt confused as he tried to turn to the voice, only to hiss in pain at the strain his back was getting. 

"Don't even try," a person then stepped into view, their red eyes staring at him coldly. 

Wait, this person... he looked similar to him...

"W-Who are you!?" he demanded. What was going on now?! 

His answer surprised Sly a lot.

"I am Reaper, and I am your older brother, as I already said." 

OcarinaDude13 Here we go! Short but I hope you like it!

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