Infestation, Part Four

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"Are we almost done here, Sulu!?"

"Almost there, Bones!" 

"Good! Uhura?"

"Duck's found James and Spock! They're on their way here!" Uhura reported. "I hope the two can last long enough, though. It looks like Kirk's been injured!" 

"We'll patch that up after this mess is over then! For now, Thor, how's the reinforcing going?!" He looked over at the Asgardian, who had just finished putting the final glass panel into place, allowing Shang-Chi to use his mystical energy to seal them in tight. "We're done here!" 

"Great! Let's get out of here then! The rest is up to Duck and the other two..." Bones muttered that final bit to himself as they rushed to a nearby room, fortified to keep them safe from immense power coming from various superheroes. The waiting game had begun. 

His grip on the remote for the gas release tightened. He had to be ready at any time for Duck's signal on the cameras; the moment they passed the hallway where the three had been hit with the gas, located a kilometer away from the lab itself. 

It explained the huge gas leakage, at the very least. 

Uhura tried to remain calm, but her hands betrayed her trepidation, fearing for the three. What if they couldn't save them in time? What if the plan failed? There was no Plan B here; this was the only plan they could come up with on the spot that wouldn't cause casualties. 

Sulu was feeling the same way, but his tremors were a lot more pronounced as he snapped his fingers from time to time. As much as he wanted to hope for the best, he still had to consider what could go w-wrong....

N-No, wait. He had to remain calm. They could not have any mistakes here. Everything had to be on time. 

Taking in a deep breath, he breathed. Uhura did the same as they readjusted their positions. They had been with this crew for a very long time. They would not falter now, with how high the stakes were! They would come out of this alive and well! All of them! 

Meanwhile, Duck could already feel the strain. With all the training he had done for this, it still didn't do much to help his stamina. 

"You seem exhausted, Duck," Spock's voice made him look over to one of his parental figures, who was frowning even as they ran (well, flew for Duck, but the point remained valid.) through the hallways. 

"This has been a very, very horrible birthday," he answered, but his tone became determined. "But I'm still going to do my best to rescue all the people!" 

Kirk chuckled from his other side as he said, "Kid, you're really something, y'know that?" 

"Who do you think helped me become that something?" Duck teased back, those bright eyes filled with mirth. "You guys did a lot to help me, so it's high time I start paying you guys back." 

The two shared a surprised glance, but smiles formed as despite the crazy situation, the two laughed. They had, hadn't they? They had helped this kid become someone beyond his wildest dreams, taking the potential they had been presented with and working it into him, allowing him to choose how he used the energy. It had been Duck who built up his own attack repertoire but they had given him the foundations to nurture that talent of his. 

"Well, when the kid puts it that way we really can't say no, can we?" Kirk snorted.

"Do not feel indebted to us, Duck. You have come here because of your own hard work, and we are simply grateful that you did not waste what we have taught you," Spock said to him with a soft smile. 

"I don't regret coming aboard the SSS Enterprise at all, even if it took me losing my dad to do that," he answered, even with a twinge of melancholy in his tone. 

Sure, maybe he would never be truly over his father's death, but honestly? Who could fully move on from the death of a loved one? He didn't know where dead people went, but he knew that for his dad, he would be safe and happy, watching over him. 

He had said so, once a long time ago. 

"As long... as you hold onto the memories... and remember the good times when it hurts... you will be fine. You... may never fully recover from my leaving, but... just know that I'm here for you, in your heart until the end."

How was it that only when he confronted this fear did he remember the smaller details of that time? It was almost as if it was Jack Danvers' final gift to Duck, years late but at the most opportune time. 

He smiled. "Thanks for everything you've always provided for me. I am who I am today because of everyone's hard work."

Kirk and Spock shared a proud smile. He sounded so mature now...

Perhaps it was time for Duck to be promoted. They had already planned for it before this entire mess, but this only reinforced their beliefs that they were choosing the right guy for the job. After all, they did need a combat commander aboard to defend the ship during the more dangerous missions. Duck had definitely proven himself to be the best man for the job. 

Captain Duck Danvers... you'll really be one of us soon enough, kid, Kirk thought with a grin. 

Spock chuckled as well, understanding the glint in his friend's eye even as he ducked to avoid some attacks from the horde behind them. It was a dangerous situation, but man did it only remind them why they took the job in the first place; the thrills, the desire to see justice in the universe, the galaxy they lived in. 

The three soon arrived at the corridor, and as they passed through another huge burst of gas smacked the rear part of the horde hard, halving the number. Out of the corner of his eye, Spock could see the bodies falling to the ground, adjusting, adapting to the environment while they writhed, slowly returning to normal. They were passed out, but they were back to normal...!

His eyes widened. "What in the blazes...!? This means that the gas itself is the cure!"

"Yeah! That's the strategy we figured out to help us get everyone cured!" Duck spared a glance at the horde, and his resolve grew when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd. "Mom... I promise that I'll bring you back to normal!"

"Kid, we are so going to need a briefing after all this!" Kirk yelled. 

"We will! Just don't freak out when we're stuck in the same room as the zombies!" 

"When we're WHAT!?" That was just about the ONLY time Spock would break character, and he would never, never admit to it even if there was video evidence to back its occurence. 

The two didn't have much time to protest, though. They were nearing the lab and the horde was gaining on them. If they wanted to get out of this alive, they would have to hope for the best. 

Sharing a glance, Kirk and Spock gulped. They couldn't help the worry and anxiety that spiked, but they had worked with the team for years; they wouldn't do something so dangerous without a reason, right? 

"Bones, you better know what you're doing here or I will haunt you as a zombie!" the commanding officer threatened to one of the cameras, which made Bones snort even when the other wouldn't hear it. "Don't worry, James. You'll live through this. It won't kill you." 

"You... You're totally getting back at him for stealing the last pretzel, aren't you?" Uhura said with a deadpan look. 

Bones shrugged innocently. "I'm not looking a gift-horse in the mouth." 

"You are one scary man, McCoy," Thor solemnly said, making him grin all the while. "Why, thank you. I suppose I do need to live up to some stereotypes about mad doctors, don't I?" 

"Absolutely NOT needed," was Hikaru's response. 

The group snorted a bit despite the tension. They couldn't redo this; they didn't have any other plan up their sleeve and if they were not careful, their friends could die to the zombie's attacks. 

Shang-Chi held the button to shut the doors and release the gas tightly. His thumb was growing stiff on it to the point he worried that when the time came, it wouldn't move, so he decided to switch to another hand, allowing his thumb to stretch without accidentally pressing the button, before hovering it over once more. "I really, really hope this works." 

"So do I, Shang-Chi. So do I..." Even if he wasn't showing it, Bones was very, very scared that this wouldn't work. For all his jokes, he was the one sincerely hoping the most that this was going to work. He had to trust in the little evidence he had. 

Please, please, please, don't make it so that I've sent my best friends and the kid into a death trap... he mentally thought to whoever was listening. He wouldn't have been able to handle the guilt for the rest of his life... 

The group watched the camera feed with bated breath. Watched as the three finally entered the room, with the horde following them in, no questions asked. 

The moment the last zombie was in, Bones returned to serious mode. "Check for any other zombies!" 

Uhura looked over all the cameras, and even ran a scan on the ship for the signature of the virus outside of the room.

To her immense relief, it was clear. 0% virus detected. "It's all clear!" 

"Prepare the scan once more! Shang-Chi, NOW!" 

The finger went down without hesitation just as Duck flew out of there with Kirk and Spock, and those glass doors closed up. The mist covered the entire lab while the three collapsed onto the floor. 

Duck had no clue what possessed him to leave the room. He just... saw an opening and went for it. It was a tight squeeze, but they made it. 

For a while, they waited. Watched from outside. Breathing in and out like waves. No words, they dared not say anything that could jeopardise it even the slightest bit. 

"... Run the scan again," Bones said softly after a while. 

"Got it."

The mist inside the lab began to recede as she did this, and Duck's eyes widened. 

Spock and Kirk shared exhausted but proud smiles. 

A hand placed itself onto the glass pane separating them. A relieved smile formed on that tired, pale, sickly face. 

One Duck would recognise anywhere. 

"The entire ship is clear, Bones. We can let them free now," Uhura reported with a grin, fondly watching the camera feed in front of the lab. 

"Good. Shang-Chi?"

"On it!" 

The glass doors opened, mist seeping out like water as the woman stumbled out of the room, struggling to rush to Duck but failing, almost falling to the ground. 

He was there in a flash, holding her up firmly with a happy smile. Tears fell down his cheeks. "M-Mom, you're alright...!"

Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, smiled as well, her own tears streaming down. "Duck...! Oh, Duck!" 

As much as her weakened body would allow, she hugged him back tightly. He reciprocated the gesture, the realisation hitting him full-on. The most nightmarish birthday he had ever had... second to only his father's death... It was finally over. 

It was over

And he couldn't help it. He hugged her really tightly, crying out, sobbing. He had... he had nearly lost his own family again... But he had saved her. 

Dad, are you watching over me? Are you proud that I rescued Mom? He thought to himself. 

He felt like the answer was a resounding yes; after all, he had made that promise. Jack Danvers would never break a promise, even in death. That, he was sure of. 

It was over, at long last. The mess that was the Darwinian Virus... had ended with no casualties. 

"You... You're going to promote me?" Duck gaped at the commanding officer. 

Kirk smirked. "Kid, I would never kid about stuff like this." 

Spock smacked the other's head on the back, earning a protest, but nodded. "We have had ample time to discuss this with Bones, and the decision has been made. In light of recent events, Duck Danvers, we are promoting you to become a captain aboard the ship we are on right now."

There were cheers, congratulations echoing in the air as Duck's eyes teared up. He... He... 

Without thinking, he surged forward and hugged the two he had come to see as father figures. Tears stained their shirts as he sobbed. "I-I... t-Thank you..." 

"Hey, don't sweat it, Duck," James said while hugging back with a smile. Spock mirrored the gesture, a fond smile on his face with pride over how Duck had grown exponentially over the years. "You're always gonna be the youngest, but you're one of the best we have. It would be an honour to continue fighting alongside you if you choose to accept the new title." 

"I... Of course, I accept!" he said. 

"Then welcome aboard, Duck Danvers... Or should I say... Captain Blue Marvel," Spock said while patting his back. 

Duck wiped his tears off, pulling away and standing straight as he saluted. "I... I will gladly take that title on, First Officer Spock." 

The rest shared a happy smile at this. Duck was now truly one of them. He had overcome his biggest hurdle, and he was going to keep fighting to keep the universe safe. Of that, they were all certain. 

The Avengers couldn't help the pride and happiness of seeing Duck finally be officially accepted. He had grown so much over the years, and Carol couldn't help but look out the window, observing the bright sky out there as she wondered if her husband was proud of him. 

She... She swore she saw a speck of bright light pass by that window, but she waved it off as an accident, even as Jack Danvers watched over her with a chuckle. 

His family was finally safe. Duck had become a formidable fighter. One that could rival his skills. 

Duck's father smiled proudly before flying off, allowing the festivities to continue. The last thing they needed was a distraction of any kind, even if he wanted to see his son so badly.

After all, watching over him as a guardian angel was enough. 

SilverEyesCharlie I actually had fun writing this fic! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did when writing it!

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