Lost Little Starlight, Part Four: Forgiveness at Eclipse's Foot

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"I am going to have a chat with Guru after all of this," Ashes' Father said while giving the five a glare worthy of the darkest nightmares. "You desecrated a sacred ritual. It is a wonder I haven't murdered you all and made an example out of all of you." 

Yep, the shiver down the spine was there. Gao rubbed the back of his neck. "We really are sorry for that. We didn't know-" 

"The only reason I'm letting you go is because Guru did not give you context. Make no mistake, though. Should you ever return to this place... " His eyes glowed ominously in the dark, trailing off to ensure they understood completely the consequences of doing this again. "Am I clear and understood, you five?

They hastily nodded. Darn was he scary!!!! No wonder he was-

He turned to his daughter, and the dark aura seemed to pop away as his tone became gentle, hugging her as well. "Do come over any time you want. My doors are always open to you, my little starlight." 


Bal couldn't help but smile a bit, even if the action confused him. Why did he feel like he knew this man? Somewhere, in his mind, he seemed to remember something. 

(Dragons abound in that one meet up place, and a golden serpent standing tall and proud, declaring something, a tree-)

"Bal?" Chibi Panda snapped him out of his daze. "Are you okay?" 

"I-I'm okay, bal!" Bal was unsure just what he had seen... Who on earth were those dragons? Ashes' Father (Revenar, his mind whispered quietly, almost like a voice from the past.) was one of them... 

Wait, was Azi Dahaka there...? 

He felt a headache coming up. Why was he remembering stuff after being Buddied with both Mitsuko and Gao? Was there something this timeline provided about his past beyond Azi Dahaka? Was there another reason Bunbuku had invited him back for the GGG Cup? 

He shook his head. He could think about that later on. For now, he could focus on having fun while he still could. Bunbuku and that other old guy had told him that he only had three years with the others before he had to fully stay in the future. That was fine with him. 

"We should head home now," Drum said. "Tasuku and Jack are probably waiting for us." 

Gao nodded with a smile. "Let's go home." 

The six soon walked out of the palace, Drum opening the portal back to Earth as they stepped through. 

Before she did, though, Ashes turned around and waved, a bright smile on her face. 

The other dragon practically melted inside, yet he could at least muster a wave back. 

The younger dragon beamed before she hopped back in with the rest. 

(Revenar thought about Bal as the portal closed. How small, how tiny. It had been ages ago, hadn't it?

"Balle Soleil..." he quietly spoke.) 

[Watching Ashes, Gao can't help but think back. Ashes would end up this way too, wouldn't she? She would end up losing her name, losing... 

He shakes his head. It's scary. He doesn't want Ashes to... to become...

He knows the others fear it too. 

It is always there; the fear of Ashes becoming like him.]

The rest of their friends were waiting for them at Aibo Academy, and Ashes froze as she saw Jack and Tasuku. The Star Dragon World Buddy had multiple bandages all over his body, even having a cast on his leg as Tasuku carried him. He was definitely not too hot right now, and... it was Ashes' fault... 

She gulped. "J-Jacky...."

Jack wasn't sure how to react right now. He was sure that she had been worried. Probably very terrified after what had happened.

He had been too when he saw her leave. Seeing her fly away, as if...

She pauses and looks back, eyes filled with sorrow and... Anger before she turns away and follows Mad Scientist.

Gao falls to his knees. All of them realise.

Ashes is still in there, but Gao... He failed to bring her back.

Never again, he thought to himself, after finally putting an end to Umbra Gao. Never again would he let Ashes fall.

He shook his head slightly as a smile formed on his face. He knew that danger was over. Even if the person who had masterminded everything was still about, they would get them. He refused to think otherwise. He was just relieved (and maybe in a bit of a joking mode) that she was safe.

So he placed a hand on his forehead, acting faint. "Oh, I got hurt by my little sister? What a betrayal!"

Tasuku couldn't help but laugh at that. Oh, Jack. He had always been a bit of a theatrics kind of guy, even if he looked so serious on the outside.

To Ashes, though, her heart definitely ached at that. She knew that she had been forgiven, she knew it was a joke.

Tears suddenly pricked at her eyes. "A-Ashes sorry.... Ashes didn't mean to hurt Jacky..."

Without thinking, Jack immediately jabbed Tasuku to make him move closer to the other dragon, embracing her gently as Tasuku flopped onto the ground. "It's okay, I was joking around. Plus... I know that you would never do it." 

"Jacky..." she sobbed into his shoulder, and he patted her while the others shared a smile. At least that was dealt with. 

Tasuku groaned playfully. "Jackkkkk, that hurt bad." 

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Senpai," Gao said while holding his hand out, a teasing smile forming. 

Tasuku couldn't help but chuckle, taking Gao's hand and getting back to his feet as he said, "I know. We've been together for a long while." 

The two then looked at Ashes and Jack, smiling together before Ayumi snipped, "Well, I don't know about you, but the fact that you guys are holding hands is pretty ****ing adorable to me." 

"MILADY!" Soliray looked downright mortified, but Noboru had a sinister grin. Oh no, the two had somehow become friends, hadn't they? "Is the Boy Wonder finally losing his touch?" 


And then they both realised. 

Still holding hands. 

They were still holding hands. 

Both immediately let go, faces growing red while the red just ROARED with laughter. 

Drum facepalmed. Why did he put up with this...! "I can't even with these two..." 

A knock on the door had Bunbuku sighing. Well, he knew for sure it was time to face the music. 

Opening the door, he came face to face (well, actually he had to look down a bit) with his former Buddy. "Revenar, I know that you didn't want the kid going over, but he insisted." 

"I understand. We both know that he would have found a way either way," Ashes' Father said, stepping in and sitting down cross-legged on the ground. "I came here to discuss a different matter. The eclipse from the vision we both saw... It's coming."

Bunbuku felt the shiver now. He knew what that meant. "You mean..."

Ashes' Father closed his eyes. 

The Darkness Roars Out...

"The Destroyer of All... Eclipse Dragon, Ashes, will rise..."

He spoke the words that vision had given them both. 

Tanuki looked worried. "We should do something about it, poko... Maybe warn the kids? We still have time, right?" 

"We have four months," he answered. "But no. In the end... it is Ashes who will determine her own fate."

"Fair enough." Bunbuku leaned back, eyes looking out to the sky. It was a little darker than usual for the evening. "... Don't blame yourself for not giving her egg to me when I asked." 

The Dragod couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Am I really that easy to read, old friend?" 

"Easy peasy," was his teasing response. "It's also easy to see that you keep on pretending you're stone cold when you're just a social awkward softie." 

"I am NOT a softie!"  He grumbled despite the light blush. "Solararis liked it, okay? Plus, darkness is defined by scary! I can't be soft on everyone. I need to be cold if I want to be an effective leader for the Lunar Darkness Dragon Tribe." 

"Hai, hai," Bunbuku teased. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." 

The two stared at each other for a while, before they both burst out laughing. 

Just like the old days, when he was still Revenar. 

Just like the old days, when the Dragods were still united against [REDACTED]. 

"Ohohohoho~ Hello there~ I'm afraid it is not my time to shine yet~ but soon, you'll get to see me in the flesh once more~ Do look forward to Nacht, no, the Dark Triad Queen's return~"

I think this is pretty short according to the nature of the RP we did for it, so sorry if it's shorter than usual XD venusaura. Still, I hope you enjoy it!

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