Show Yourself

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She was once terrified of that voice, scared of the nagging feeling that it brought to her. It reminded her that she felt so, so empty inside. As if she didn't know who she was... 

But now, as she approached this place, where the one who had called her supposedly resided, she felt like she was getting closer to something. To someone she had lost all those years ago... 

Slowly reaching the place, she landed. While her body was shaking, trembling, nostalgia attacked every part of her body. 

Every inch of me is trembling

But not from the cold

Something is familiar

Like a dream, I can reach but not quite hold

Stepping into the tunnel, she looked around, its dazzling shine only accentuating the feeling festering within. 

I can sense you there

Like a friend I′ve always known

I'm arriving

And it feels like I am home

With every step, all the walls she had built up fell away, cracking and dissipating into nothing but snowflakes. 

I have always been a fortress

Cold secrets deep inside

You have secrets, too

But you don′t have to hide

Her voice grew softer, calling out to the voice. 

Show yourself

I'm dying to meet you

Show yourself

It's your turn

Are you the one I′ve been looking for

All of my life?

Show yourself

I′m ready to learn

She then closed her eyes, and repeated the words it had said. 

Avenge us~

Come seek us out~

Learn the truth~

And as if summoned, light came from behind her. The voice was guiding her on where to go within this glacier. 

I've never felt so certain

All my life, I′ve been torn

But I'm here for a reason

Could it be the reason I was born?

She created ice stepping stones to cross the abyss before her, a skip in her movements as she followed the light, as if it was a friend, a close, a sweet, sweet friend. 

I have always been so different

Normal rules did not apply

Is this the day?

Are you the way

I finally find out why?

She kept on clearing the way, her powers pulling each of the pillars up and placing them where they belonged (where she belonged, this felt like home, this felt right). 

Show yourself

I′m no longer trembling

Here I am

I've come so far

You are the answer I′ve waited for

All of my life

She broke the screen before her, creating the crystals that she had created at the very beginning of this mess. 

Oh, show yourself

Let me see who you are

Come to me now

Open your door

Don't make me wait

One moment more

The crystals pulled together, and they began forming crystals. Four crystals that she pulled to the ground.

Oh, come to me now

Open your door

Don't make me wait

One moment more

She was the final piece. 

As she had that fateful day on the mountain, she stomped on her feet, the ice crystal forming under her feet and activating the dome she was now in. 

The main room was beautiful. A dome that reached out to the top, similar to her ice palace on the mountain. As light filled it, memories popped up on its walls, showing-

Where the North wind meets the sea

Ah-ah, ah-ah

There′s a river

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Full of memory (memories, memories)

She saw her mother twisting her father's memories. She saw them meeting on a trip, and her mother becoming the queen because of it. 

And yet in the end, if she hadn't, Rose wouldn't have been born. The world... would have never gotten the fifth spirit, perhaps. 

Forgive me, my darling

That... was all she needed. An apology for everything she had done, but entrusting her to do the right thing. The apology did not have to be accepted, and she could carry those negative feelings for a long time. 

But she had found out the truth, and now... Rose was ready to move on from her trauma, from everything she had gone through. No matter how hard it was, she was prepared to right the wrong and protect those who didn't do anything wrong. 

She had found her true calling. 

I am found

The magic surrounded her, filling her with a glowing warmth, of home, of happiness

Show yourself

Step into the power

Grow yourself

Into something new

You are the one you′ve been waiting for all of your life

All of my life

Oh, show yourself

She felt her clothes glow. The mist was now at her command. Her new pendant glowed with iridescent colour. Her love for Mao Mao had kept her going for so long. He had been the one who kept her sane, and she was so grateful for that. 

"Thank you, Mao."

Rose was ready to finally step into a brighter future, with the people she cared for so so much, knowing herself fully now.

No longer would she fear her power, would she fear the person she saw in the mirror! 

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Ah-ah, ah-ah

The fifth spirit... had finally reached her time of advent.

Finally done! Hope you like it! 

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