The Sacrifices are Painful yet Never Forgotten, Part Two: A Traumatic Loss

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After introducing Volt to the team and resting up, Eliza packed her bags and set off for Veilstone, ready to fight to the best of her ability while training her team along the way. No more losses, she told herself. She wasn't about to lose someone like how she had lost Zap and Crystal. 

(She didn't know how wrong she was.)

The route to Veilstone was quiet and serene as she walked, trying to spot a new friend to catch. A quick search of her Pokedex told her that there were new kinds to be caught around here. While she did want to catch more, she knew the rules of a Pokemon trainer; you could only catch one Pokemon per route. This meant that she would have to count on her luck. So far, her luck wasn't all that bad, but she could never be too cautious. She just wanted to train her team up and get a new friend.

That had been the plan, at least. 

She hadn't expected to stumble across a pack of Starly attacking a Cherubi. 

Her eyes widened, and as her reflexes kicked in, without thinking, she grabbed a Pokeball and called out, "Volt, stop those Starly!" 

"Pachi!" the Electric-type didn't hesitate to attack the Flying-types, weakening them with his Spark before attacking them with a bunch of Quick Attacks and Tackles at Eliza's command. 

While this was happening, the Cherry Pokemon weakly opened its eyes, and watched as the Pachirisu, fueled by the desire to protect this Pokemon, then used a new move, Discharge, to finally end the battle and made the group of Starly scamper off, scared of the Pachirisu. 

Once she was sure that they were gone, Eliza rushed to the Cherubi's side, asking, "Are you okay!?" 

"C-Cheru..." it smiled quietly, and its eyes... spoke of gratitude. It had been ready to die in pain... But now... at least, it could pass happily, knowing that there were kind people in the world.

"Che... rubi...." 

Then, it closed his eyes, and the body went limp. 

No breathing.

It was dead...

Volt's face drained of all colour as he saw this unfold. He... He had never seen a Pokemon die before... so... to see this... happen before his very eyes, to see someone's life leave their body, it was...

Scary, he realised. It told him that no one in this world was immortal. No one could live forever. Someone could die. All Pokemon were bound to die in their battles...

He hugged himself, tears falling down his cheeks as the thoughts raced in his mind. He didn't want to die! No! He feared it too much! What if he died? What if he ended up making trouble for the team?! What then!?

Noticing the panic in his eyes, Eliza didn't hesitate to scoop the newest member of her team up as she rocked him back and forth in the comfort of her arms. She knew the pain. She knew what it was like to see someone die... in front of you...

Zap... Crystal...

She hugged him quietly, and felt his breathing slowly grow rhythmic as he slowly calmed down, before she said, "Do you want to bury the Cherubi before we go?" 

"Chiri..." he nodded. 

And so the duo spent some time gathering the things needed, and returned to the spot to bury a hole for the Cherubi. 

As Eliza placed its body there, she closed her eyes, and said, "May you rest in peace, little Cherubi..." 

"Pachiri..." Volt looked away, hiding the streaks of water falling down his cheeks.

After they set up the makeshift grave, the two stood there, looking at the place where a Pokemon who could have been their friend was now buried... forever. 

Volt finally let some tears spill as he stared at this. How could a Pokemon's life be snuffed out, just like that?... It was... so heartbreaking...

Eliza patted his head quietly, and soon he returned to his Pokeball, allowing her to walk away from that small shrine, hoping that it found peace.

The Veilstone Gym was their fight against Maylene's Fighting-types, which they beat without much problem, so they took that chance to rest and train during the routes between Veilstone and Hearthome. She took time to bond more with her Pokemon, and she could see Eclipse finally opening up to others, especially Volt. Apparently, according to Blair, the Murkrow saw the other as a surrogate brother of sorts, and she couldn't be happier. Volt deserved that after the mess with the Cherubi and the Starly. She knew that Eclipse would be a great mentor to the youngest member of their team. 

(She was wrong. The losses didn't stop.)

Hearthome Gym's Trainers were brutal, but Fantine... Fantine was downright cruel. With a mix of French and English in her speech, she gave out commands that would have taken her down without a shred of mercy. 

Who knew that Eclipse had it in him to fight like that? 

When she had been contemplating who to send out to battle, the Murkrow had come out of his ball, ready to fight. She couldn't say no to Eclipse. Not when she knew that fire, recognised and knew it by its name, determination. 

The battle was intense. She had started off with her Drifblim, and boy did it not pull its punches. Then once they brought it down, it was her Gengar, which was no better. Her Mismagius was the hardest challenge of them all, considering that it was also holding a Sitrus Berry, which could restore a quarter of someone's health. 

Despite all those odds, though, Eclipse came out of it, defeating them all with only sheer trust in her abilities as a trainer.

And as she watched him stand there, a proud smile on his face, she was happy, thinking that this meant that there were no losses! She had kept up her winning streak--

He stumbled, and collapsed onto her lap with a weak smile on his face as her face morphed into fear, into realisation as something from the battle slapped her now; 

He had been hit by so many curses... and yet... he had persevered through it...

Her eyes widened. 

"No no no no no, Eclipse!" her tone grew hysteric. "You can't die! Please!" 

"Murk... row...." Eclipse gave a weak smile, as if saying sorry. He hadn't been around to witness the deaths of her first two lost, but he had heard the stories. This meant that this would be her third loss...

His eyes landed on Volt, and he said, "Murk murk..." 

"Pachiri!" Volt teared up. Why was Eclipse saying sorry!? He didn't have to! He wasn't going to die like that Cherubi right?! 

"Krow... Krow..." he closed his eyes, and breathed his last as he finally passed, the injuries getting the better of him. 

Volt's tears were numerous now. How... why did the world have to take away his friend, his brother?! Why?! Why?!  

Eliza and the rest were also shedding tears. Dark blue eyes watered and glassed over at the dead friend on her lap. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed once more, the pain in her heart intensifying as her heart broke once more. 

A long-time team member... was now gone...

But she knew she had to strengthen her resolve. It wasn't over yet. No, it was just beginning. If she was truly going to be Sinnoh's champion, she wasn't going to back off. 

Zap, Crystal, and now Eclipse... I swear your deaths won't be in vain! she swore to herself. 

And thus, after resting in the Pokemon center, she set off for Pastoria, determined to make this work. She had only four Pokemon so far, so she would have to catch another one in this route. 

She struck lucky, thankfully, by catching a Sneasel. 

"Sneasel's data will be added to your Pokedex!" it said as she held the ball, a smile on her face. It was getting late, so it was camping time!

"Everyone come on out!" she called the rest out, including the Sneasel, who she had named Viva, much to Blair's distaste.

Viva looked around, wonder in her eyes as she watched the others with some sort of fascination. They seemed like really cool people to hang with!

But just as she was about to join them, she found a Pachirisu glaring at her, hissing, "Pachichi! Ririsu!"

Her eyes widened, and she backed away, discomfort clear in her eyes. 

Marylin and Kuro held the little guy back as he screamed profanities and hurtful words. Words that scared Viva so badly she stayed away for the rest of the camp even though Marylin and Kuro tried to convince her to join them after scolding Volt harshly. They did share a lot of worried glances at the two, though. 

As they prepared the stew and watched this, Blair frowned and turned to Eliza, saying, "Mon mon fer..." 

"Yeah... He's gotten worse... He's downright traumatised..." Eliza agreed. 

Just like you, actually ... A dark part of her mind whispered gleefully. 

She shook her head vigorously, choosing to ignore the concerned look that Blair shot her way, "We should train, shouldn't we?" 


"I think it's better that way," she answered. "So that we don't lose anyone else..." 

(It would be a while before another loss happened, but she didn't know that.)

"Ferno!" she nodded, fire burning in her eyes as she recalled the last few losses. No more. She was not going to fail now to protect this makeshift family of theirs. 

So after a hearty dinner, the two walked away from the campsite and headed to a clearing to train.

"Use Fire Spin!" she commanded as she pointed at the tree. 

"Monfer!" she complied, trying to make sure that she hit the target. 

"Now, use Flare Blitz!" she said. 


This went on throughout the night, and the sounds of the night accompanied them through their relentless training, their strong beliefs in each other forged from the day they met each other at that lab, the day she began her journey to become Sinnoh's champion. 

"MONFEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRNOOOOOOOOOO!" she roared and attacked the dummy, burning it into crisps as she then began to glow. 

Eliza instinctively covered her eyes, "Ngh!?" 

When the light finally faded off into the night, she opened her eyes, and saw a bigger Blair looking at her as the moon seemed to make her glow more, make the fire that was escaping her body fizzle away quietly, bathing her in a beautiful light. 

Her eyes widened, "You... You evolved, Blair!" 

"INFERNAPE!" she raced to her and hugged her, giving her a warm smile that told her that she was ready to take on the challenges this world had to offer. She had evolved because of her feelings, because of her determination, and she was ready to take it on!

And that brightened her up, even though the seeds of doubt had been sowed, and just needed watering to take root in her mind...

venusaura I finally finished the second part! It should be around the same length as the first one, but I don't know. I do hope you enjoy it though! Also, I'll have to work on another oneshot request, so I do hope it's fine. 

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