Shu x Fubuki

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Shu was excited for his first day in job. He got admitted into teaching in an amazing, all-rounder school, where most of the kids are smart beyond belief. Well, most of them. 

In every year of the school, there is a special classroom for every grades, in which the loser kids are taught. Shu, being an excellent teacher, was admitted to that class to shape those kids into better ones, and he was nervous. What if they don't like him?

When he entered the class, he saw papers being thrown around, benches upside down, kids running all over the class...but that made his determination flare. He was going to make these kids into the best. Running around like monkeys, to great personalities.

"Silence!" He said loudly and sternly, and everyone looked at him. There was a pause, then the kids turned their backs on him and started playing and running around again.

Shu sighed. Disobedient, I see.

So he decided to use his master plan.

Walking up to the bench, he sat and looked at the kids play and have all their fun, keeping a pen and notebook in front of him. The class was noisy and ignored the teacher completely for the rest of the period, which was one hour. But some students did looked at him in confusion of why he was just sitting there and scribbling away in paper, but ignored the doubt.

The bell to the first period rang, and Shu stood up, slamming a thick math book on his desk.

Suddenly, everything went eerily silent. The whole class was staring at him. Shu just smiled, "Please go back to your seats?"

The kids obeyed, probably because no one had been nice to them like that in school since forever. Shu smiled when he saw the kids go back to their seats quietly.

"Please let me introduce myself. I'm Kurenai Shu, and I'll be your full time teacher. I'll be teaching you all the subjects, and would be your guardian in all school business. I hope you would comply to them and also feel free to ask me anything you nee-"

He was interrupted by an amused loud laugh from the backseat. Shu looked at the boy with raised eyebrows, "Did I say anything funny?"

The boy snorted, "Oh please, like we need you or this stupid school behind our backs. This is all boring. Let me just ask my parents to unenroll me from this school, it's a waste of money and time."

"Oh I see. Then why didn't you leave earlier, as you look like you've been wanting that for a long time?"

Fubuki sneered, "As if I'd leave any of my dudes here." And he fist bumped with a boy in his side, who smirked at the albino. But he just smiled, "Oh, sorry to hear that."


"You can't just do anything your friend does. You have to separate sometime in the future, and if it is real friendship, you guys can hang out when it's not school time."

The boy scoffed, "As if we're not hanging out just because of school. This class is useless, come on guys." And saying so, he stood up, a few other boys following, and walked up to the door. But right as he reached of the handle, Shu said in his happy voice, "One step out of the class and I'll send a letter to your basketball coach to kick you out of the club until you score perfect A's in your subjects."

All the boys froze. The boy who made fun of Shu earlier looked at him with gritted teeth. Shu gave him a happy and amused look back, and finally, he gave up.

Growling, he went back to his seat. Shu smiled in satisfaction, "Let's begin by introducing ourselves? And it won't take much time as there aren't many here I see."

A blue haired kid sitting at the corner jumped up in excitement, "Aoi Valt!"

Shu suddenly wondered why that boy was in this class at all. He didn't look bothersome.

"Kiyama Rantaro."

"Kurogami Daina."

"Komurasaki Wakiya!" Ok, that boy looked, acted and talked bratty. Probably a rich kid, Shu thought.

"Akaba Aiga!" Looks like there are confident kids in here too. Shu smiled at the thought.

"Free De La Hoya." A boy said lifelessly, making Shu immediately concerned for him.

"Are...are you alright?" The boy yawned, "Yeah."

Blinking in confusion, Shu continued the students' introduction.

"Kristina Kuroda."

"Sasha Guten."

"Kindo Ichika."

Then there was silence.

Shu looked at the person after Ichika, to see the bully-boy sitting with him legs crossed and resting on his desk, whistling as he stared outside the window. Shu raised his eyebrows, "Uh..?"

The boy ignored him completely, still whistling and staring out of the window. Shu sighed, "Do you want me to write the letter or..?"

"SUMIE FUBUKI!" He said a bit too loudly in his panic, standing up quickly and sending his bench flying to the ground. Some of the kids laughed.

"Ok, next..."

"Ilya Mao."

"Shirasagijo Lui." The boy looked intimidating, and Shu made a mental list of who all he needs to keep a special eye on.

"I see we are done with the introduction. Now I have to revise your strong points-"

"Huh?" The whole class said together. Shu giggled.

"I made records of abilities and disabilities about all of you, and even made some points in these first hours of class. I think I might be right in some places, but I'm still not sure, so I'm revising it with you and ensuring if what I marked is correct." Shu turned to Rantaro, "Do you like sports? Like sports which use balls?"

Rantaro blinked, then slowly nodded. Shu smiled widely, "It's probably football, right? I saw you kicking around a paper ball and landing it on the same spot in the first hour of the class."

The class widened their eyes in surprise at Shu's observation skills. No teacher have ever given this much effort for their hopeless class.

"And Ilya. You draw beautifully. Do you like drawing? Though I might now like it when you draw in the desk tops, the art is quite pretty. Maybe you can draw the next one on paper and sign it on an art competition or something?" Ilya made an 'o' shape with her mouth and blinked. She always liked drawing, but never believed she was good at it.

"Fubuki. You are quite talented in basketball as your coach says. You're quite hardworking and athletic, and they make a great pair to success. You should probably keep away the grudge for the school and join the basketball team here. Everyone will literally start worshipping you after seeing your passion for it." Fubuki tried to glare at him, but failed. Not with the blush creeping down his cheeks at the compliment.

"Kristina, you wear the make-up in your face with a good style. And even your polished nails are styled uniquely. You got a good sense of style and fashion. And your dress is pretty, by the way." Kristina opened her mouth, and closed it. Then she opened it again and said, "I stitched it. You're telling me you like this?"

"I am." Shu smiled. Then turned to Sasha, "Do you like badminton?"

The bluenette looked taken aback at the question, "E-Eh?"

"You kept rolling papers and hitting them with your palm, and with Ichika too. So you both might like the sport?" Sasha and Ichika looked at each other, them back at Shu, awkwardly nodding. Shu smiled at the cuteness of the kids, even if he was just a very few years older than them.

"Daina. You are quite good at crafting. You made those origamis which look quite good, right?" Daina blushed and nodded. Shu examined the amazing craft items and patted the boy's wild hair slightly, turning to Valt.

"You're fast. Quite fast. I think like most of the class, you're into sports too? Running?" Valt giggled, nodding his head up and down. Valt was too cute and innocent. All of them was amazing. The only problem was grades, and he'll fix that.

"I did not see the talents of everyone today, but I sure will observe you and find it out. Then focus on your ambition with that talent, but please don't forget to do your school work along-"

"Why?" Aiga asked. Shu blinked, "Huh?"

"Why do we need to study if we are only interested in arts and sports?" He asked with a pout. Shu smiled warmly.

"Let me take Ilya as an example." Shu said, making everyone confused, "Suppose she grew up to be an outstanding artist, and one day, her company asked her to draw the internal organs of the body for a textbook. What would she do if she doesn't know it herself? And can't count money without knowing math. And money is an important source in our life. Then imagine if we're cooking one day. What if you add pineapple with milk because you didn't know that it was harmful? And how would you learn your government life and what if you break the law one day because you didn't knew it? What if you go abroad and don't know how to speak English? The list goes on."

The class was silent, thinking about what Shu said. Finally, Aiga sighed and said, "Ok, we'll see how good you are at teaching. Then we'll decided if we like the class or not."

Shu nodded energetically with a smile, "All good."

Shu's class was good, no scratch that, amazing! He made funny jokes during class and even did experiments in chemistry, brought models for them to see and learn, even took class outside the building at biology, so that they can see the various plants and creatures around. Everyone loved his class.

As the days went on, both Shu and the kids found themselves getting closer to each other. But yet there was a difference. While the kids showed all their pain, happiness, sadness and loneliness to Shu and received comfort, Shu never showed anything except a warm smile. He was like a omniscient, everyone would go to him for advice, emotions, studies, everything! Shu was never clueless of their doubts and answered everything immediately. Everyone loved this except...Fubuki. Yes, he liked Shu's technique of teaching and the kind exterior, a shoulder to lean on, etc etc etc. But the one thing that bothered him was Shu's smile. He never did anything but smile his whole life. So Fubuki really wanted to wipe that smile off his face, no matter how pretty it looked.

The principal was so satisfied with their recent performances. At their second-last exam, he gave the results to Shu with a smiling face, "They are improving well, thanks to you."

Shu smiled back, "They did everything themselves. I just guided them to what they liked the best."

Shu smiled as he checked the report card of all his students.

Aoi Valt-
Term 1: 4%
Term 2: 56%

Komurasaki Wakiya-
Term 1: 1%
Term 2: 87%

Kindo Ichika-
Term 1: 5%
Term 2: 72%

Kiyama Rantaro-
Term 1: 3%
Term 2: 85%

Shirasagijo Lui-
Term 1: 21%
Term 2: 96.5%

Sasha Guten-
Term 1: 8%
Term 2: 89%

Akaba Aiga-
Term 1: 15%
Term 2: 92%

Sumie Fubuki-
Term 1: 1%
Term 2: 54%

Kristina Kuroda-
Term 1: 19%
Term 2: 94.5%

Kurogami Daina-
Term 1: 15%
Term 2: 54.5%

Free Da La Hoya-
Term 1: 16%
Term 2: 96%

Ilya Mao-
Term 1: 7%
Term 2: 74%

Shu knew about Fubuki's plan of taking off his smile, so the fact of the blonde getting the lowest grade in their class didn't bother him. What made him the happiest was that everyone improved. And Lui was one of the top 5 students of their grade. It made Shu so happy!

He went to his class and was surprised to see all the kids gathered around Fubuki's seat, and they seem to be shouting at him for something.

"Kids, settle down..." Shu said with his usual smile, and all the kids looked at each other before moving back, "So, what's happening with Fubuki?"

Aiga, he quickly diverted the topic, "IS THAT OUR REPORT CARD, SENSEI!?"

Shu chuckled, "Yes it is! I'm proud of you all! All of you have passed, and Lui is one of the top 5 in your grade. I'll write down your marks on the board."

Everyone made a mess out of happiness after passing the exams with full glory. But Shu saw Fubuki's normally confident, egoistic eyes were a little dull with guilt today. Shu decided to look past it as he thought himself to be imagining it. Only when he went to the staff room later did he found out what was wrong.

He knew Fubuki wanted to make him sad, but this was too far.


The principal blasted into the class, "SUMIE FUBUKI! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?"

The entire class, already knowing the reason, stayed quiet. Fubuki bowed his head down in fear of meeting his principal's angry gaze.

"You damaged a paining sitting in Shu's staff room. Who even gave you the permission to enter!? And not to mention you destroyed something very valuable to your teacher, when he was the reason you reached so high in your grades!"

Everyone in the class blinked. Fubuki raised his head, "I-It was just a painting! I'll get him another one, I swear-"

"That was the last thing..." The kids looked at him in confusion.

"That was the last thing Shu got from his mother before she died..." He said and went out of the class, disappointment evident in his eyes.



"Sensei please..."

"Please open the door?"

"I'm so sorry."

"I'll do anything to make it up to you!"

"I-I didn't knew it was from your..."


Fubuki flinched at the usually sweet and warm voice sounding so rough and pained. He never meant this to happen. He just wanted to make Shu show emotions and not hide it painfully. But he hated himself now to go that far and destroying something of such value to his sensei. He would do anything to make Shu the happy, smiley teacher again now.




There was silence from the other end, then the lock clicked, revealing Kurenai Shu. And Fubuki regretted his actions more.

His hair was sticking up on all sides and very messy. There were red bags under his eyes. His pyjamas hung loosely on him, and his glare was so deep that Fubuki didn't recognise him at all.

"S-Shu senpai..." And without warning, Fubuki pulled his teacher in for a tight hug.

Shu's eyes widened, but it soon turned into a glare and he struggled to push the kid away. But the blonde, being the basketball champion, built boy, wouldn't let him go. Shu whimpered before giving in and sobbing on his shoulders.

Fubuki comforted him, muttering strangled 'sorry' s and rubbing the albino's back to comfort. Finally, Shu sighed in relief, feeling good that he cried his heart out.

"I-I'm really really sorry..." Fubuki said guiltily. Shu smiled his warm smile at him, "I know."

"Please...never be sad again...It breaks my heart..."

"I'm so glad I enrolled in your school as a teacher, you know?"


"At first before I saw you all, I thought you all would be spoiled brats who just loves trouble. But there's more to it, I realised. More to that wonderful ambitions and feelings of yours. You guys are so unique."

Fubuki smiled at the compliment, "Arigato, sensei."


"Sensei are you alright!?"

"Should I kick Fubuki's ass?"

"Or better, let's kill him!"


"Oh no wait wait wait." Shu said giggling at his students. The kids looked at him, concern evident in their eyes. Shu felt so lucky to have all these nice kids as his students.

"I'm all good! Fubuki apologised too, so don't bother about it. I'll take you to the grounds today to have fun, as you all improved so much."

The kids were so happy and excited. The principal had banned their class' ground sessions as they sucked in studies, but Shu actually are letting them go! They all had a lot of fun in the ground as Shu went to another class.

He got a letter from the principal to check on the class he'll be teaching the next year. It was another failure class, but from a lower grade. When he entered, a child caught his eye. He was sitting in the far corner.

"Hello, I'm Kurenai Shu and I'll be your teacher next year. Please introduce yourselves?" He pointed at the corner and the interesting boy who caught his eye before slowly rose up.

"Lane Valhalla."


"Fubuki? Is there anything wrong?" Shu said as Fubuki guided him somewhere. They went through the bushes and a lot of forested areas, until Shu saw the sight of his life.

It was a cliffside. The view was so beautiful and there was flower bushes all over the place. Shu went to the flowers and started playing with them happily. Fubuki's heart melted seeing the beautiful sight of his ex teacher playing with the flowers.

"Beautiful, right?" Fubuki leaned beside Shu and the albino blushed. He discovered his feelings for Fubuki and year ago. He was quite scared at first, but now he was getting a little hope if the younger adult would like him back. Fubuki chuckled seeing his cute face, and backed away.


Shu turned and gasped when he saw Fubuki on one knee, holding a box with a diamond ring.

"I feel so nervous right now, but that feeling is clouded by the butterflies in my stomach. My heart feels like it would burst out any second. And I would probably look like a nervous mess right now. I've felt my heart beating for you ever since we met, but I was too blind to realise my feelings back then. We've been a big part of our lives for years, three to be exact. And now I'm here, an outstanding basketball champion, just because of your coaching. When you are around me, I feel like I would explode in excitement. I just want to be with you all the time and never let you go. The way you smile, be kind to all makes me feel all fuzzy inside and I didn't knew why until a while after that. I cannot believe I even attempted to wipe that smile off your face once...But in the end, I still would wait all night, just to see a glimpse of the golden smile and happy attitude of yours. So Shu, will you...will you..."

Shu's heart beat was so fast it hurt. He cannot believe it was happening. Was it a dream? Or was Fubuki actually asking him to-

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes." Shu whispered automatically. Fubuki smiled wide, "Really?"

"Yes, I will."

Fubuki go up and took Shu's soft palm in his own rough hands, which was hard from the basketball games he played. He slipped the ring in Shu's delicate and slim finger, feeling happier than ever-


Both spun around to see Sasha taking a photo, "Hehe~" Both men blushed.


Shu huffed nervously. It finally was the day. He wore a white suit and according to the dress-up people, he was hot. And today was the day he would finally meet Fubuki's mom, as his dad left him at a young age. After dressing up, he was handed the bouquet and let behind the doors. He'll be seen by everyone behind those doors just a while later.

The door opened, and he stepped inside. He was too shy to look at anyone else there, and he walked up to Fubuki looking at the floor. The priest between them smiled at the nervous albino. 

"So, will you, Sumie Fubuki, take Kurenai Shu to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death you do part, according to God's holy law?"

"I do."

"Will you, Kurenai Shu, take Sumie Fubuki to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death you do part, according to God's holy law?"

"I do."

"In the presence of god, you made this law."

After the ceremony at church, Fubuki's mom threw a party at her mansion.

"I knew he was gay." She said, "His dad was too, and that's why he left me. But I'm good, I won't force him to stay. I hope you'll look after my son."

"I will!" Shu said. He actually started to like Fubuki's mom. They were similar in so much ways. Both appearance and personality.

Lane, who was grinning in the excitement of his best nee-Chan's marriage, whispered into his ear, "So, plans for tonight?"

Shu turned red, knowing exactly what that meant, "LANE!"



This was so awkward. They were sitting on the bed together, not knowing what to do, but Fubuki pointed to Shu's t-shirt, "Can I..." The blonde blushed.

Shu came closer to Fubuki, until their lips met. It was their first kiss. They went slow and gentle at first, but soon it became a raging battle of dominance, and of course, Fubuki won. He ran his tongue around Shu's mouth and moaned at the feeling.

The pulled apart for air, and Fubuki pinned Shu down to the bed.

"Now I'm horny." He said. Shu blushed as the younger's mouth attacked his neck, taking off the t-shirt in the process. Shu growled in pleasure and that just turned the other on more.

"Shit. I want you right now." Fubuki said and flipped him around, "Prepare yourself."

Shu gulped as he brought his fingers to his mouth and started sucking on them, making them wet and coated with his own saliva. Then added one finger in his hole, "O-Oh~"

Fubuki watched with his hardening erection as Shu fucked himself with his fingers. It was damn good to watch, and Shu's face was so inviting then. Glossy lips slightly parted and occasionally releasing moans, eyes half-lidded as a few tears fell to his cheeks form the pain and pleasure he was feeling, and the small flush of red in his cheeks. Everything just made Fubuki driven to his edge, as Shu added the second finger, then the third.


And that was the last straw.

Lunging at him, Fubuki took the fingers off Shu's hole, taking off his own pants in the process and pressing the tip in his hole. Shu squeaked.

"Just tell me if it hurts too much, ok?" Shu nodded, and Fubuki entered him fully.

"AH~" Shu screamed at the top of his lungs and Fubuki stopped, waiting for Shu to adjust, and then a few seconds later, Shu said, "Move."

Fubuki rocked his hips back and forth, first at a slow pace, but getting faster by each thrust. He didn't take long to find Shu's sweet spot.


Fubuki slammed into the spot repeatedly, feeling himself about to come, "S-Shu~"

"Fubuki! Ah, I'm a-about to come!"

Shu screamed out loud as he came, and Fubuki gave a couple of thrusts before filling up Shu as well. They both lay in the bed, exhausted.

"The memories come back to you, huh?" Shu asked, and Fubuki smiled.

"I'm so glad I was in the losers classroom."

3796 words!? OMG THIS WAS TOO LONG I CAN'T-!
Anygays, hola guys. I wrote this huge ass chapter using every drop of my spare time, so I better get a lot of votes because my head hurts now. I started it today and finished it today! Yaay! And I'll probably upload either Neko land, Mr. policeman, or beyblade burst ship book next. Apart from the question book and the random book of course!
Hope you would stay safe, happy and healthy!


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