Tom the Demon x Reader ~Part 1~

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This oneshot is for DigitalARTAndGamingz on Wattpad! Sorry for the wait, I've been busy with school and writing other chapters. There will be a part 2! I know it's supposed to b a oneshot but I had a good idea for part 2 which I think you'll enjoy.

(Y/N) = Your name

(N/N) = Nick name

(F/C) = Favorite color

(S/F/C) = Second favorite color

You were walking to your friend Star and Marco's house from school, completely dazed and looking up at the sky, at the moon more specifically. It had been visible the entire day and bright red in color. Kind of spooky but it didn't bother you too much, if anything, you were actually fascinated by it but it was still a little bit on the creepy side. You revert your (E/C) gaze to in front of you to make sure you weren't going to bump into someone or go face first into a pole, so just to be cautious you kept your eyes straight forward. "Jeez, Marco is starting to get to me about this whole 'safe' thing." You mutter and start walking up to Star and Marco's house. Instead of being respectable and decent and doing something like knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell, you kick the door open like a boss,

"I'M HOME, BEECHES!" You yell as Marco and Star dart into the room with frightful faces. Marco sighs heavily, "Ever heard of knocking? Better yet, manners?" With that question out in the open, you looked completely blank for five seconds, registering what he said before yelling, "NOPE! NOT IN MY DICITIONARY!" Star giggled slightly and Marco facepalmed. "So why did you come over anyway?" Star asks and your eyes widened in shock. "It's movie night! Duh!" You say in a matter-of-faculty tone. Marco looked confused for a second then he remembered that every Friday, the three of you have a movie night and each of you pick a movie to watch.

Star smacked her hand to her forehead in shock and disbelief, "Sorry (N/N)! We completely forgot about it! What kind of friends are we?!?!" She shouted and grabbed your shoulders tightly, making her voice and face completely serious. "I swear on my royal family name that we will make it up to you, (Y/N)." You smile as she lets go of your shoulders, "I'm going to go down town to get some ingredients for nachos so we can have snacks." Marco said and adjusted his hoodie slightly.

"Oooooh! Downtoooown! I wanna go too!!" Star squealed and jumped up and down. You roll your eyes playfully as Marco goes and opens the door then walks out with Star following behind him, "We'll be back in twenty minutes!" Star shouted as she closed the door with a loud slam. You winced at the sound and drop your worn out backpack onto the floor, trying to figure out what you could do for the next twenty minutes to kill time. You tap your chin and go to the kitchen, automatically slipping on a few slightly melted ice cubes and fall flat on your back. For Marco to be the safe kid, how could he miss that?!

Your favorite green shirt and blue jeans were now damp with the water from the ice cubes so you walk upstairs to Star's room then walk in and go directly to her closet, opening it up and shuffling through all of her dresses which seemed to be all this girl owned. You sigh and take out a few dresses then lay them out on Star's bed to inspect them, if you were going to be forced to wear a dress it better look dang good. One was very girly with a lot of hot pink, glitter and sparkles so you automatically counted that one out. You then inspect the second dress, it was a shade of (S/F/C) with a plastic ladybug on the shoulder, it was still girlier than your personality would allow. Looking over at the third dress and knew it was meant for you to wear, very simple and tasteful and not short like most of Star's dresses, it actually seemed to be a formal dress.

It was (F/C) and ended at your ankles, it had sleeves similar to a t-shirt and the neck line of the shirt wasn't low or revealing at all, thankfully. You take the dress and go to the bathroom, change into it and walk out, glancing down at your (F/C) sneakers which actually matched perfectly with the dress. "I was never a heels person anyway." You mutter and go to the full body mirror, twirling in front of it slightly with a small smile tugging at your lips. Your (H/L) (H/C) was a little messy so you used Star's brush to get out the knots. You actually felt really happy as you started to head for the door to exit Star's room when all of a sudden flames emerged from out of nowhere directly in front of the door and a guy around your age stepped out from the fire after a second as the fire just disappeared without leaving any burns on the floor or smoke in the air at all. A boy your age appeared where the fire was, wearing a white tuxedo and dress shoes. His hair He had two large horns sticking out of the sides of his head and three eyes, one of which was on his forehead. The male glanced around the room for a moment before his eyes landed on you,

"Have you seen Star anywhere? Umm..."

"(Y/N). My name is (Y/N)."

"Ah, nice to meet you, I'm Tom. Have you seen her around at all?"

You contemplated on whether or not to tell Tom the truth but then the thought drifted into your mind that you didn't know this guy so who knows if you could trust him or not. He could be one of Ludo's minions for all you know! "She's been gone all week actually, I'm just house sitting but she's going to be back at the end of the month."

Tom clenched his fists slightly, reaching over and grabbing one of Star's stuffed animals from off of her bed and aggressively started petting it. "So tell me (Y/N), how good are you at dancing?" He asked and put the stuffed animal on Star's desk and looked at your dress with a new plan forming in his head. "Erm, I took dancing lessons when I was ten so better than most people...I guess." You finish and awkwardly rub the back of your neck, "Why do you ask?" Tom reached over and took your free hand as a fiery portal opened up a few feet in front of you,

"Because you and I are going to the Blood Moon Ball!"

"The what ball?"

"You'll understand soon." He said and guided you into the portal and to the other side of it, into a place that looked a lot like...the underworld.

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