A Bump in the Road - Nathan Prescott x Reader

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This was requested a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago, and I just recently *cough*like a week ago*cough* found the inspiration and motivation to do it. This was previously requested on Fandom Oneshots, in which has been converted into Animated/Cartoon Character x Reader Oneshots. Anyhow, this is for Emilypizarro100! Hope you like it, sorry for the wait!


Spring in Oregon is always your favorite time of any part of the year. Watching everything that died and grew dreary pop back up with so much color, life and resilience. It was almost like everything had simply taken a nap through Winter and woke up in the beginning of March looking as beautiful as ever.

You sat in your dorm room on your twin sized bed, waiting for your roomate to arrive back from her classes as well, the sound of your laptop keys clicking as you typed were the only sounds in the room.

"Hey, Tiger." A familiar voice greeted as she plopped onto her bed on the opposite side of the room.

"Hi." You smiled briefly before continuing your work.

The blonde haired girl strained her neck from her pillows to see what you were typing up.

"Love letter?"

You scoffed and shook your head, "I think we both know that's far from true."

Rachel sat up quickly and pinched the bridge of her nose before she let out a groan.



You saved your file quickly before closing the laptop and setting it on the nightstand. "I told you not to drink so hard with Chloe last night."

"I was at a party this time, not Chloe's."

It was always one of a handfull of things with Rachel Amber when it comes to where she is at night, she was either at Frank's, Chloe's, a party, or somewhere else that she never mentioned. All included drinking and/or drugs at some point.

"Oh, by the way, Nathan asked me about you again."

You laughed, "Not going to happen."

"Aw, come on, Nathan isn't that bad."

"Ha, yeah, you know aside from drinking, drugs, flinging money around, abusing his status to get what he wants, calling his mommy and daddy whenever he gets in over his head, screwing anyone and everyone that's willing, being a huge dick all the time-"

"Okay I get it, I get it, you and Nathan are never, ever, ever going to get together." Rachel purred in a sing song voice.

"I hate that song."

"You hate everything that doesn't have fur, scales or feathers."

"Exactly," You reached over and poked the feather earring dangling from her ear lobe and the dragon tattooed on her right calf. "But you're lucky enough to have these things so I automatically can't hate you."

"You're such a doofus and I have a headache."

You shot up from your bed and pointed a finger to the ceiling, your other hand propped on your hip in a superhero pose. "I shall get you the hangover home remedy my grandmother taught me to make!"

"Tiger, you're nineteen."

"My grandmother started drinking at nine years old during the war."

"...Alright, off you go then."

Rachel brought out the best in you, she brought out the best in most people really. Being around her made you feel like you were twelve again, and you could be as silly and goofy as you wanted. She made you feel like time was just an illusion and a single mistake couldn't ruin your future.

You trotted off down the halls and out the dorms, looking around at the gorgeous sea of green grass with little flowers blooming here and there. Little squirrels were near Samuel as he fed them and a few birds, a couple bees were buzzing around the bushes and the sun was shining brightly in the sky.

You had closed your eyes in bliss as a gentle, cool breeze blew by you.

That is, until someone ran into you and you both fell into the sidewalk.

"Ow! Fuck! Watch where you're going!"

You looked down at a new scrape on your knee, blood was running down your leg, "Asshole much?"

You had realized the person that you collided with was Nathan Prescott.

One hell of a way to ruin the perfect day, huh?

Suddenly, it was a glaring contest between you both, not saying a word.

When you both were ten, you had played a game of truth or dare with other kids and had been dared to kiss. Ever since that day, the routine with Nathan was this, avoid until forced to interact, glare, spit insults back and forth until someone gets pissed off or has somewhere to be. Nathan pretends he doesn't have a crush on you, and you pretend you don't know that he obviously does. You also pretend that you don't like him back, and at this point, you weren't sure if you kept pretending because of embarrassment or because you didn't want to accept it.

Probably both, if you're being honest.

"Watch it." You hissed angrily while he scowled. He stood up and started walking away, "Bitch!"


You stood up and dusted yourself off, quickly noting that Nathan had sat underneath a tree instead of going to his destination to observe what you would do. He noticed your eyes meeting his gaze, so he flipped you off. In return, you stuck up both yiur middle fingers while walking away, limping slightly from the pain of the scrape.

After you had gone out in your car, got everything you needed for the hangover cure at the corner store just down the road, you parked your car and started walking back to your dorm, the pain still very fresh in your knee but you ignored it as best as you could.

You reached the steps to your dorm, and just as the doors opened, Nathan stepped out. You both shared a heated glare before bumping shoulders as you walked inside and he left.

Having stopped and made small talk with a few other girls on the way, but you rushed out of the conversations quickly when you remembered Rachel needed help. You reached you and Rachel's room, reaching for a key when you noticed something hanging off of your door's whiteboard. It was a blue sticky note, with the words "Sorry about earlier" jotted down from your whiteboard's dry-erase marker, and a bandaid resting on top of the door knob.


You unwrapped the bandaid and put it over your scrape, taking the note with you when you unlocked the door and walked inside.

"I got the hangover cure! Orange juice, peanut butter, a donut, potato chips, salt and an energy drink!"

You closed the door behind you when you saw that Rachel was fast asleep in her bed. Well...okay then.

The next morning, half an hour before classes began, Nathan was leaving his dorm room to go get breakfast. He slipped on his shoes after getting dressed, and saw a folded up piece of paper that had been slipped underneath the door's crack. He picked it up and opened it.

"Thanks, breakfast is on me." was written in purple ink and a small, barely noticable hear was disguised as a period at the end of the sentence. He smiled, something that Nathan Prescott only does when no one is watching, and opened the door to find a donut wrapped securely in a napkin resting on the floor, waiting for him.

"Thanks, (Y/N)."

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