Part 4 ( I)

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It feels like an eternity since I last visited Wattpad. I am sorry for being away for so long. Even though the Chapter is not finished yet I wanted to share with you what I had so far , as a thank you for all the patience. I hope you will enjoy it. 



Sitting on that green recliner and spending most of the night talking was like their souls finally found solace. It was like they had never talked before and everything just poured out. She looked up at him and their eyes met.

"Kya Hua?" He asked and she shook her head at him.

"There is one Question left: Can we go on like nothing happened?" She asked and Om looked at her for a second before pulling her into a kiss. Gauri closed her eyes and kissed him back with equal vigor. They both broke off the Kiss at the same Time and looked at each other before Omkara cupped her Face; pulling her forehead against his. Gauri closed her eyes. She was tired of fighting. For once she would choose Happiness. What else could she choose? She knew what it felt like to live without actually being living, when half of your heart and soul was with someone else.

"The Only Thing that matters is Love Ri. Do you love me?" His lips grazed her check and she instantly grabbed his shoulders. How was it possible that a mere touch could make her feel things she never imagined? Things she didn't think she would be able to feel again? All those feelings that were buried deep inside of her poured out with his mere touch. What would happen if he would do more than just touching her, she wondered?

"Do you?" His husky voice asked her again; his eyes still closed

His question made her thoughtful. She had kissed him...she was the one who had initiated this direction their conversation took so why should she lie? Could she lie into his face?

Telling him she didn't love him when she knew that she did? That her heart and her entire being belonged to him? That her every breath called out his name? That her body yearned for his? That her heart never wanted to be loved by anyone the way he did? Of course she loved him. And he knew. She knew he did.

"Do you have any doubt?" Gauri asked back and they opened their eyes to finally look at each other. The love they had for each other was evident in their eyes.

"For a little while I thought I wasn't worthy of your Love but now I think we both could never love anybody else the way we love each other...That only we are worthy of each other...I never doubted your love...Maybe I was scared of losing it but I always knew you loved me...." Om said with a soft smile and tears in his eyes.

"I love you...I do. I always have..." She whispered and he kissed her once more before pulling her onto the bed next to their Son. Gauri looked at him a little scared. It was too beautiful to be real but his Face made her fears vanish into thin air. This was right. This is how it was supposed to be. Them together like this. Their little family being complete. She placed her head on his chest and they watched their Son before drifting into peaceful slumber.

Tej walked past Om and Gauri's bedroom and was surprised by the calmness that Greeted him. He had expected screams and tears but nothingness greeted him. Despite his better judgment he went inside only to stop midway on seeing his Son and his Family so peacefully sleeping. It felt like finally these two lost souls found their home.

And he couldn't have been happier. He had seen the way Gauri had suffered and he had seen his Son suffer too. It had been so hard knowing that he could have brought them back together earlier but it wasn't his decision to make. If Tej Sing Oberoi had learnt one thing than it was to let his Son live his life the way, he wanted to. If he would interfere he would mess it up. With a soft smile adorning his face he tiptoed out of the room and collided with his Wife. They looked at each other until Jhanvi looked away. She knew he knew what she had done to both of them. Maybe he wasn't the best husband or father but she had been just as bad as a mother and a mother in law.

"I hope that he never looks at you the way he looks at me." Tej said and walked off while Jhanvi looked at her Son and his Family sleeping. She hoped for the same.

Omkara opened his Eyes when Sun rays hit his face directly. He blinked before his Vision cleared and what he saw warmed his Heart. His Wife curled up in his Arms and their Son hugging her from behind. All his Life had he wished for seeing this sight- his Wife and their child. If anyone would have told him that he would get all of that, after Gauri left he would have beaten them black and blue. Without noticing his Fingers caressed Gauri's Face and she opened her eyes with a jerk. For a second she looked like she would push him away until he saw her features softening. His Hand cupped her face and she closed her eyes once again.

"For a second I thought I was dreaming." She explained and he smiled.

"This is not a dream. I will forever be here by your sight whenever you open your eyes Gauri. I am not going anywhere. Thank you for giving us another Chance...."

She stopped him from talking further. "I want to be happy. I want us to be happy me and our Dhruv. He deserves the Family we both never got. He deserves all the happiness in the World. Ever since we both grew up we had to face a lot of difficulties and we promised each other that our children would have it better, that they would be loved by both of their parents."

When she opened her eyes she realized how close they were and blushed. Being pressed up against him so intimately reminded her of all those times in the past when they would wake up like this. When he would kiss her neck, her shoulders, any place possible.

She saw the mischievous glint in his eyes and knew what he wanted.

"Don't you dare! Dhruv is sleeping next to us." Gauri whispered and turned her face to look at her Son who was a heavy sleeper. She knew he wouldn't wake up any time soon. But his father didn't and Gauri wasn't ready yet for all the lovely feelings she saw in her Husband's eyes. She would need some more time for that.

"Gauri...."Omkara whined and placed a kiss on her neck before she pushed him off the Bed.

"No!" With that she went inside the Bathroom to freshen up and Omkara broke into a smile.

Gauri leaned against the Bathroom door trying hard to calm down her erratic heartbeat. She had almost forgotten how Omkara could make her feel just by a single touch, the emotions he would evoke. Sighing she walked to the Sink and washed her Face.

Looking at herself in the Mirror she was surprised by the soft redness of her Cheek and the twinkle in her eyes, it has been forever since she looked that happy.

And then it hit her: She was happy.

"Thank you Shankarjii...." Gauri smiled and stepped into the shower. After the past two days she needed to relax and a hot shower always helped her to collect her thoughts.

First of all, she had to talk to Dhruv about her Decision and what that decision meant for them. Gauri wanted Dhruv to never ever part from his father again but she didn't know if she was ready to move back to the Oberoi Mansion. To be again a part of this Family.

5 Years have been a long time and the only one she had felt familiar with was Rudra.

Gauri sighed. She knew she had pushed them all away with the excuse of finding Dhruv but now he was found, now she needed to face them all.

Especially her Mother in Law. Earlier Gauri had loved and adored Jhanvi but now.... her feelings for her had a bitter aftertaste. When Gauri was drowning in her guilt of not being able to Help Omkara with his Drug addiction it was her Mother in Law who had fed her insecurities and had held her responsible for her Son resorting to Drugs instead of his Wife.

The Memories were still fresh in Gauri's mind, the insults, the slap.... everything was still there. The wounds of these Memories were still bleeding.

"You are the worst thing that ever happened to my Boy...How can you not save him from himself? HOW CAN YOU NOT SAVE MY SON???" Jhanvi grabbed Gauri by her Shoulders not caring that she was hurting her in the process.

"I tried...He doesn't let me help him Maaji....What can I do? I try my best!"

Jhanvi pushed her onto the floor and Pinky held her back for a moment.

"Your Best is not good enough! Leave! You are the reason my Son will lose himself. Set him free, go away from here so he will recover! I will not lose my Son just because you are the biggest mistake of his life, just because the woman he claims to love and that claims to love him is incapable of saving him from the darkness he has fallen into. Leave this House....NOW!"

"But Om...I can't leave my Husband....I can't....He needs me....He will get better I-I am sure if only-"before Gauri could finish her sentence Jhanvi had pushed her out of the Door of her Room.

"HE doesn't need you....You can't help my Son why should he need you ? What for ?YOU WILL COST HIM HIS LIFE" Jhanvi slapped her when Gauri tried to hold her Hands and closed the Door in her face. Only then did she allow her tears to fall down.

"Gauri? Are you done?" Omkara's Voice brought her out of her Memory and she quickly finished her Shower. Covering herself with his Bathrobe she came out and was greeted with the most adorable Sight in the whole World.

Omkara's Hair was just as messed up as Dhruv's and both of them were hugging each other tightly while Om was going through some Files on his Lap.

"Thank God Woman. I have an important meeting in an hour and you occupied the Bathroom." He said with a hint of a smile on his Face when he noticed her angered expression. Walking up to him she was ready to tease him right back when she realized that the Knot of her Bathrobe was on the verge of opening up. His Gaze followed hers and his eyes darkened with desire.

"Omkara can you ask one of the servants if I can burrow something to wear from Bhavya or Anika. I brought nothing with me...." Her hands quickly tightened the knot of the bathrobe while he simply put Dhruv down before walking to his closet. Opening her side of it she saw all the outfits she had left behind 5 years ago. All the Sarees he loved on her, all her usual jewelry it was like looking into her past self. Her clothing style had changed over the 5 years she was still traditional but she started to wear more jeans and Kurtis than Salwar Kameez Suits and if necessary she would wear some tight business dresses or pencil skirts.

"You kept them?" She asked while slowly caressing the white Saree she had worn the day she had told him about her love for him. Right next to it the red Salwar she wore the day he first kissed her. Gauri blushed a little remembering all the moments while Om hugged her from behind.

"How could I ever part from anything that belongs to you?"

"You know I took one of your white shirts with be able to smell your cologne, to feel like you would still be with me but after a while the scent went away...I smelled more like Dhruv and me." Her confession surprised her and Om turned her around to look into her face.

"I noticed one of them missing...Your favorite one. The one I wore the day I confessed, the day we finally became one...The very same shirt you wore after I got rid of each piece of your own clothing the night before..." His voice send shiver down her spine and she closed her eyes; lost in the sensation.

"Do you remember that Day?" He asked, his lips only an inch away from hers when they suddenly heard Dhruv call out to them.

"Mama? Papa? I am hungry!"

Om cursed his bad fate and Gauri placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. Her heart was on the verge of bursting from all the happiness and normal family moments she had experienced in the last hour. She had always imagined Omkara and her flirting with each other only to be disturbed by Dhruv and now this dream became a reality.

"Acha Chalo What do you want to eat Champ?" Om asked his Son and picked him up. Gauri had noticed how Omkara couldn't stop himself from hugging and kissing Dhruv. She felt guilty knowing she had spent so much Time with Dhruv while Om didn't even know he existed.

"I want some Toast with Jam and my favorite chocolate Milk." Dhruv hugged his father tightly. He loved the attention his father gave him , it was clearly visible in his eyes.

"Alright I will tell your Aunt Anika to prepare your breakfast while you go and play with Ansh."

Dhruv kissed his cheek and Omkara placed him on the floor so he could run off.

He watched his Son run off and couldn't help his chuckle before gathering his stuff for a quick shower.

"I am sorry...." Her voice made him stop in his Tracks and he turned to watch his Wife's guilt stricken face.

"Sorry? For what?" Placing his stuff on the dressing table next to him he pulled Gauri into his Arms.

"For keeping you away from Dhruv, for not telling you. You missed out on so much...I feel like I took away your rights of being his dad and I can never make that up to you. You missed Dhruv's first words, his first steps, his first Painting....all because of me...."

"It was my fault too Gauri. I don't blame you neither am I angry with you. I was hurt yes but I can understand your point of view as well....You felt insecure and that was my fault Gauri. I made you feel like you were a failure while I was the one at fault. I was the one not worthy of you nor Dhruv and you Leaving me was what I needed to become the man you and my Son deserve. I may not get back those Moments with Dhruv but I will be damned if I miss out on them for any other children to come." When he saw her guilty expression turning into an awkward one he realized what he had said.

"Gauri...I-"What could he say though? He would be lying if he said he just wanted one Child but their relationship was still too fragile to even think about children, let alone the child making process. As if reading his thoughts, he saw her turn red and look away with a slight smile on the lips. To not make the situation any more awkward, he turned to go to the bathroom but was stopped by Gauri hugging him tightly.

"Some day." She said and placed a soft kiss on his back. Smiling to himself he kissed her Hands.

"Some day." He closed his eyes and leaned against her. They knew that after all the pain they deserved those little moments of happiness and reassurance.

And That's it for now. I hope you enjoyed it <3 

There will be the second part of the 4th Chapter and then the 5th and final Chapter.

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