The Intruder

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Winger landed down in a clearing. "Hey, look" Dak said. "Here's some good dry wood. We should probably get some to build a fire for tonight." "Alright" Winger said. "Hey, look, Dak, here's some of that Wonderwood Tree. Remember how Grumblegard told me it would give me the power to do the mega blast, and it turned out that it really did nothing?"

"Yeah" Dak said. "I think the old dragon said something else about Wonderwood, but I can't remember" He took the wood and tied it to Winger's saddle. "Alright, pal, let's wing it back to base"

"Hold on" Winger said. "Wait a minute. I think I see footprints leading into the woods. They look like dragon prints. But not any type of dragon I'd recognize. I think we should get Leyla, she'd recognize them."

"No way" Dak said. "Let's go find that dragon ourselves" Winger sighed but obliged, leaning down to sniff the tracks. "They smell fresh" he said. "Whatever dragon this is should be close"

He slowly moved through the forest, following the tracks. Crack. A twig snapped. "Was that you?" Dak asked. "No" Winger said. "Wasn't me"

"Then who was it?" Dak asked, sounding nervous. "Maybe it was the dragon?" Winger asked, also nervous. Leaves rustled overhead. Both turned to stare at the sound.


And then slowly, two large, gleaming black eyes appeared.

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