What was that?

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"You okay?" Leyla said as she crouched down. Dak was kneeling, checking Winger for injuries. "Yeahh!" Dak said. "Totally fine. Why would you think otherwise, sis?" "What about your arm?" Leyla asked frowning. "Also, whenever your voice does that, I know you're lying"

Dak sighed. "Fine, you got me. My arm got injured in the fight. But don't worry, I'm perfectly fine!" He quickly added, seeing the look on Leyla's face. "Fine, fine" Leyla sighed. "Promise me you'll let me look at it when we get home?" "Um...." "It could get infected!"

Dak looked uneasily at the ground.

"Aaaand then I'll have to put stuff on it..." Leyla continued. "Fine!" Dak said. "Fine! You can look at it when we get back" he grumbled.

Leyla turned back to Grumblegard. The Foreverhorn was watching the horizon with an odd expression on his face. Almost... nervous?

"Grumblegard?" Leyla asked. The massive dragon didn't turn around. Dang. Leyla thought. Forgot that he can't hear very well. "Grumblegard!" she called up. He turned to face her. "What, Leyla?" he asked.

"Well" she said. "You know a lot about dragons, and you saw the one that attacked Winger and Dak. What was it?"

Grumblegard paused. "No. Nothing. Didn't see what it was." He said quickly, shaking his head.

Summer narrowed her eyes.

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