Explanation time

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Hotshot and Wedge were now in Hotshot's room, being scolded by Heatwave. "So tell me kids. Why were you in my office at around midnight?" Wedge looked as Hotshot as he gulped and thought of a quick lie. "Uh...because we were looking for markers?"

"Y-Yeah. We ran out of them so we decided to go get some." Wedge said as he and Hotshot gave him a nervous smile. Heatwave eyed them suspiciously. "The markers are in Boulder's room, so why don't you try that one again?"


"Without pillows?"

"We like sleeping on the floor."

"Then you wouldn't mind once I send you both to sleep on the floor instead of your beds." Heatwave replied as Wedge and Hotshot gulped. "So, tell me the truth, or none of you are going to be in a good mood today." Heatwave's arms were crossed now. Wedge looked at Hotshot who sighed in defeat. "It was my fault."

"As always." Heatwave muttered to himself. "I uh...dared Wedge to go into your office at night. I'm sorry." Hotshot left out the Beyoncé part because that'll only result in more questions and anger. "Hotshot, Wedge, both of you are to clean up the academy from top to bottom for exactly 3 days. If both of you fail to do this then I'll have no choice but to put you on house arrest for a week. Am I clear." Both younglings nodded. "Good. Now get to cleaning." He said as the boys walked out of his office.

Wedge looked at Hotshot with a sad expression. "You didn't have to take the fall for me."

"It doesn't matter. It's always my fault." Hotshot said as he walked away, leaving Wedge in the dust.

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