Nap/sugar time

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As the younglings started to settle down a little, they all started to yawn and rub there optics. They were getting tired and sleepy. Whirl decided to crawl over to Heatwave who was at his desk. "Daddy?" She asked as Heatwave looked at her. "Yes Whirl?"

"I'm sleepy."

"Me too." Wedge said as he yawned and stretched a little bit. Heatwave eyed all of the younglings and saw that each one of there were sleepy. Even Hotshot. Heatwave turned on the inter-com. "Hey Boulder, can you come into my office for a second?" he asked as he waited a few moments until Boulder walked in. "What is it Heatwave?"

"Is there a place where the kids could sleep? They're getting tired." Heatwave replied as Medix curled up with Hotshot next to her. Boulder thought about it. "I can design the simulator into a nursery so they can sleep."

"Thanks Boulder." Heatwave said as Boulder took the younglings to the simulator.

Once he was there, he designed the simulator into a nursery so the younglings could sleep. "Sleep well you guys." Boulder said as each of the younglings curled up together and went to sleep.


About an hour later, Hotshot decided to wake up. He yawned a little and looked at the rest of his team. "Guys, wake up." he said as he started to shake them a little. They didn't wake up. He decided to walk around a little bit to explore. He looked back at Medix and said, "I'll be back soon." Hotshot said as he waved a little and left.


Hotshot wondered around the academy for a while until he spotted something unusual. Energon. But, it wasn't the type of energon he recognized. He grabbed a piece and decided to taste it. It was super good. It made him wanna eat more, and more and more.

Once he finished the energon cube, he wanted some more. It made him wanna run around the entire world. "S-s-s-s-so g-g-g-g-good." he said as he zoomed to the kitchen to find that energon.

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