The younglings

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"Hotshot. Are you sure you should be doing this?" Whirl asked as she and the others saw Hotshot trying to drink some pink energon. "C'mon it's fine. It's not synthetic energon that's for sure."

"I clearly think that it's suppose to be more dangerous than that." Medix said with her (Yes she's a girl. Thank Danger) arms crossed. "Don't worry. Watch this." Hotshot said as he drunk the energon. Nothing happened. "See it's fine." Hotshot responded as Wedge decided to take a sip as well. Soon the rest of the recruits tried the energon. Little did they know that it did something to them. Something weird.


As Heatwave walked down the halls of the academy, he couldn't help but notice how quiet it was. "Hmm, that's weird." He said as he decided to check Whirl's room cause it was the closest. He didn't see her.

So he decided to check on Hotshot. He wasn't there either. "Where is everyone?"

"I'm gwonna get wou!"

"No wou not!" Heatwave heard two young voices. He looked up to see two younglings running around in circles. He recognized them immediately. It was Hotshot and Wedge. "What the-" Heatwave mumbled in his breath as Hotshot turned his head to face him. "Daddy!" He said as he ran towards Heatwave and hugged his legs. Wedge did the same thing. "Um, hello?"

"Daddy!" Three new voices cried as Heatwave felt three new younglings hug his legs. It was Whirl, Hoist, and Medix. Heatwave looked at them dumbfounded. "Today just got a whole lot harder."

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