Rescued [2]

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I was in my room, at my desk, working on several school assignments that were due the next morning. I was an over achiever, so I liked to check and double-check my work the night before they would be due. I had never received a grade that was lower than a B, but I would not settle for it. School was something I enjoyed. My parents had told me, my first year, that I did not need to go to school if I did not want to. However, I liked the idea of going to school, deadlines, and the extra credit classes. It was my kind of roller coaster.

"Daniel," said my sister, Sarah, as she came and stood next to me. "Mom and Dad won't be back until very late, not to mention it is after dinner. The grumbling monster, known as my stomach, won't shut up."

"And you want your favorite brother to come to your rescue, right?" I asked, chuckling as I looked up at her from my paper. "I can order out, I've got some money. What are you thinking?"

"That sounds good," she replied, smiling. "Well, you know I will eat anything at this point."

"Right, Chinese it is then."

Sarah nodded as I stood and followed her out to the hallway. Our brother, Jacob, suddenly poked his head out of his room, grinning like a goof ball.

"Did I hear the word Chinese?" he asked, joining us as we entered the living room.

"You heard right," Sarah replied, nodding. "Daniel, can you try to get a big order of that Teriyaki chicken? I feel like pigging out."

"Yeah, I'm feeling like pigging out too."

I laughed, "Yes," I said, nodding. "Let's all be pigs tonight. Sarah, you get a movie going, and I will call the Chinese place."

I went to the kitchen to use the phone, and dialed the number. When I returned to the living room, Sarah had the television on while she searched through our dozen shelves of movies. We had a collection that is how many films we had.

"We're older than fifteen," Sarah said, turning around with two movies in her hands. "But I still love watching the old Disney animations. So what will it be? Oliver and Company, or Lady and the Tramp?"

"Let Jacob choose," I replied, "I picked the movie last time."

"Sarah is the sister," Jacob shook his head, "she should pick it."

"At this rate we will never watch a movie."

I laughed and went to give Riley, the dog, dinner. Technically, Riley was Dad's police force dog, but he had to be retired because he was getting too old. Sarah had convinced Dad to let the dog stay with us, because he was still a good dog.

"Daniel," Jacob called from inside the house. "You've got a visitor!"

"Coming!" I called back, patting Riley's head before going back inside.

I expected the Chinese food delivery at the front door, but instead it was one of my classmates, Heather Diaz.

"I am so sorry to barge in like this," she said, passing me through the door. "But I am at a slight disadvantage. We have several assignments due tomorrow, but I missed two weeks of school because I was out of town. No one else has returned my calls."

"You want me to help?" I asked, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Sure, I can do that. If you don't get them finished, you can ask the teachers for an extension."

"I know," Heather replied, nodding slowly. "But my mom and I sort of have a deal going, and in order for me to uphold my side I need to be getting all my assignments in on time."

"Oh, I see. All right, well, come on in. The dining room is to the left."

Heather smiled and went to the dining room with her book bag. At that moment, the Chinese delivery had arrived. I paid the delivery person, gave my siblings their food and went to join Heather.

"You hungry?" I asked, sitting at the table, across from Heather. "We've got plenty."

"That's okay," she replied, shaking her head. "I already ate. You enjoy. Okay, for the English essay. I have an idea of what I want to write, but it just does not make sense when I try to put it on paper."

"Okay, what were you thinking?"

"Shakespeare; I wanted to write something about Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet was on the summer reading list last year, and it influenced me quite a bit. I related it to my mom and my biological father. Except, they did not die in the end, they just chose to listen to the people around them."

Heather handed me her copy of Romeo and Juliet. I put my food down and picked it up.

"You could write a short story," I suggested, skimming the first few pages of the book. "Write about a spin-off."

Heather gave me a questioning look.

"That's a good idea," she said slowly. "But I would never get it done before third period, tomorrow."

"This is where the extension comes in," I went on, going back to my food. "You can't be afraid to ask for an extension, or even for help from the teacher."

"Yeah, well when was the last time you asked for either of those things?"

"Touché, but I take time to work on my assignments, even if I am out of town."

Heather bit her bottom lip; she looked at the table as she nodded.

"Which I did have time to do," she added with a sigh, looking back up. "Okay, I will start the paper tonight, and if I don't get it finished, I will ask for an extension."

"There you go," I said, nodding as I ate another bite of chicken. "Never be afraid to ask for help. Coming here to ask for my help was the first step."

Heather raised an eyebrow, but smiled. I continued to give her little bits of advice for all of her assignments and Heather walked out of my house satisfied.

"Heather Diaz," Jacob said when I joined him and Sarah in the living room. "Very pretty girl . . . You should ask her to the Valentine's Day dance."

"Not a chance," I said, shaking my head. "You know that I don't plan on going to that dance, and quite frankly, I don't think she would go with me anyways. Heather is in all of my classes, but I know for a fact that she is going out with Chris Michaels. Is that not right, Sarah?"

"Yep," Sarah replied, nodding as she finished the last bit of her fried rice. "Heather and Chris have been going steady for a little over a year. I heard that they met at a summer job, and they hit it off."

"And I say it often," I added, "I don't want to meddle with anyone's life if I was sent to do it. Have I told you guys that I have a strong feeling that Heather is going to accept Jesus in her life? Because it's a strong feeling."

"Heather is a nice girl," my sister went on. "I mean, she has gone through a lot, but she did not let it get the best of her. I think all she really looks for lately is someone to talk with."

I gave Sarah a look that said 'I know what you keep playing at, but I don't feel like repeating myself.' No one dragged the subject further the rest of the evening.

When I woke the next morning, I extended my prayer time past the usual ten minutes. I did not take m Morning Prayer time with the Lord lightly. Seeking God in every situation, no matter how big or small they seemed. Always acknowledging that He allowed me another day of life.

"Daniel," my mother called a little while later, from the other side of my bedroom door. "If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus."

"Way ahead of you," I replied, opening the door. "I've been dressed for hours. You know my routine."

Mom smiled and motioned for me to march. I kissed her cheek, as I usually did, and ran for the door. I had a car, but I preferred taking the bus. There had been so many car thefts that I did not want to risk it. I owned an old Ford, Mustang that my uncle had given me when Jacob and I got out licenses. Not that anyone would steal anything from me, the police chief's son, but there was nothing wrong with taking cautions.

~ * ~

As I arrived on the school grounds, my eyes were alert to the scenes around me. Every conversation, every group of friends. My dad had always taught me to be alert; to be ready for anything. Dad was, probably, trying to recruit me to the force at a young age. Four generations of Hardens had been police chiefs. "Dad wants to keep the legacy alive," Mom always said, when my sister would ask about it.

"Daniel," said my friend, Zack, as I entered Spanish class. "I am in a fix."

"If this concerns my relationship status," I began, chuckling as I took my seat. "Dude, you need to just slow down and take a survey of the situation."

"Sure, sure; you lack experience, but I will have you on the market in no time."

I rolled my eyes as the teacher called the class to order.

"I hope you all did your homework," said Mr. Lopez, writing on the chalkboard. "I decided today was as good as any for a pop quiz."

Despite the mass of groans, I sat up straighter in my seat. Mentally prepared, I answered each question directed toward me.

~ * ~

As I walked through the cafeteria, trying to find an empty table, I caught a glimpse of Heather and Chris. As usual, they were sitting at their usual table. The difference between this day and all the other days I had seen them at the same table, they were sitting together. As I passed their table, Heather and I met each other's gaze. I averted my gaze, not wanting to have trouble with Chris. Of course, I had no intentions of hanging out with Heather; I did not want to have anyone start rumors either.

"Yo, Daniel!"

I turned and saw Zack waving at me. I went and joined his table.

"Dude," he said, speaking in a low voice. "Kathy Harris is going to try and talk to you at the next basketball game."

"How do you know that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Have you been listening to the girls' gossip on the school radio again?"

"Real funny, but no. I got this note in my locker."

Zack retrieved a piece of paper, from his pocket and handed it to me. At first, I thought it was a joke, because the handwriting looked similar to Zack's, but then I knew better. The note read: Zack, speak of this note to anyone outside of your friend, Daniel, and you will suffer severe consequences. Kathy Harris would like for Daniel to meet her before the basketball game, this Friday. Next to the bleachers at four-thirty. Thank you. –H.D.

"Who is H.D. anyway bro?" Zack asked, taking the note back.

"No one I know," I replied slowly; I knew someone with the initials 'H. D.' "Whoever they are, they know Kathy. But I have no interest in that."

"At least amuse her. You might like her."

There was no way I would get Zack to leave me alone about it. I agreed to meet with Kathy. I had an inkling who had written the note. If I was wrong, it would not matter. There was nothing wrong with testing the waters . . . right?

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