Rescued [22]

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I don't know how long I've been reading, but all the while, I feel my gloom lifting. I know I came with a huge burden on my shoulders. I know it has to do with Daniel being in a coma, but I also feel like it might be more.

"Daniel," I say softly, setting my Bible aside as the machine beeps once. "I have to tell you something, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone when you wake up. You can't tell anyone, not even Sarah, okay. Do you promise?"

I wait, watching both Daniel and the machine. It's a long minute before anything happens. Beep.

"You hesitated," I laugh softly. "You know what I am going to say, don't you?"

Beep. Beep-beep.

"Does that mean maybe?"


"Should I not say it?"


"You want me to say it?"


I move to sit on the bed and take Daniel's hand into mine.

"Daniel," I hesitate, shaking my head at myself. "I've been losing sleep over this, and I can't hold it back any longer. Ever since you . . . Ever since you came back, all I've wanted was to be near you again. To be with you. I think . . . I think I've been in love with you."

I pause, looking at the machine. Nothing happens.

"How's it going?"

I look up and see Sarah in the doorway.

I smile weakly. "Just waiting to see if Daniel will keep his promise," I say slowly. "I hope he will."

Beep. I look at the machine as it starts to function like normal.

"What kind of promise?" Sarah asks, sitting in the chair the corner.

"When the time is right," I look at Daniel's emotionless expression. "I will tell you."

The machine's rhythm pauses, beeps once, and then resumes its normal pattern.

"That machine needs to be looked at," Sarah says, and when I look at her, she winks. "Don't you think big brother?"

Beep. I smile; of course.

"Heather," Sarah goes on, touching my shoulder. "Would you pray with me? I think we both could use a little more faith, huh?"

I nod, taking Sarah's hand as we bow our heads. As she leads the prayer, I can't hold back my tears. Sarah squeezes my hand to comfort me, but I hear her voice break.

"My parents are losing their faith," she whispers after ending the prayer. "They don't want to come here anymore. They were talking last night about pulling the plug. And because they have always been my spiritual counselors, I am having second thoughts too."

"Don't say that," I gasp, squeezing her hand. "We can't give up. Daniel plays a huge part in our lives. His job is not done yet, I know it's not. We have to press God further and maintain our trust in Him." Beep. "And Daniel just confirmed what I'm saying. So call your parents and Jacob. Tell them all to come here right now. Drop whatever they're doing and get here. The Word says 'Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, there I shall be in the midst of them'."

Sarah nods and pulls out her phone. She leaves the room when Jacob answers. I turn and look at Daniel.

"Daniel," I say, taking a deep breath to calm myself. "When you left, you took a piece of my heart with you. I know this might sound a bit selfish, but I need you to wake up. I am going to try to not worry about when, but I need you to wake up . . . You in a coma is a test on our faith, isn't it?"

The realization comes over me and I feel a sudden peace envelope. Beep.

"Is it selfish of me to say how much I need you awake?"


"But you don't mind because you know I would never say it if you were awake, right?"

Beep. I sigh; it's true, I'd never have the guts to express my feelings otherwise. I lean over and press my lips gently to Daniel's forehead.

"I miss you so much," I whisper as the tears come again. "So, so much . . . And, Daniel, thanks for the journal."

I get off the bed just as Jacob walks in. He is followed by Sarah and their parents. They must've been nearby to have gotten here so quickly.

"We're going to pray," I announce, ignoring my tears. "We are going to activate our faith and Daniel is going to wake up. He is going to open his eyes, whether it's today, or next week, or next month. The prayer of the righteous availeth much. We are going to lay our hands on Daniel, in our faith, and God will hear our prayers." I look at Daniel over my shoulder. "One beep for yes, two beeps for no, Daniel. Because God can do anything, right?"

I look back at his parents just into time to see their reactions. Beep. His mother covers her eyes while her husband pulls her into his arms.

"Never doubt the power of our Lord," I say, letting my tears go. "Daniel had a faith like I've never known. He had faith that I would soon know Jesus. Why do you doubt that He will open Daniel's eyes?"

Jacob grabs me into a tight hug as I finish speaking. I feel him heave a sigh of relief. I hug him back.

"You remind me of someone special," he whispers before pulling away.

I smile, but it's hard when you're crying. I know he means Karen.

"Mr. Harden," I say, "as the head of your household, and spiritual elder, I believe you should lead us in prayer."

His smile is just like Daniel's as he nods, motioning for us to gather around the bed. Each of us places a hand on Daniel, and we bow our heads.

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