Rescued [4]

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Thinking back to those days is making me smile. I remember Heather did try to go to the church gathering, but she ended up not going. I do not remember why, but I know it had to do with her getting a job. I think Heather has had, maybe, two jobs before the pharmacy. Then again, I have not seen her since high school. I could be wrong.

I sigh as I get into my car. It is a crazy thought that I still have this old car. It is a good car, and I have kept it in great condition. I can sell it for a good buck, if I wanted to, but it is the only car I have right now. I should be returning home to my mom, with this hair dye, but across the street is an empty lot that is calling my name. I would like to spend some time talking to God. I put the bag in the front seat and lock up the car. It takes me eight long strides to cross the street.

"Lord," I begin to pray, looking up at the sky. "You alone are worthy of all praise. You alone know the plans for my everyday life. I just want to thank You for all You have done in my life. Thank You for keeping my father safe at his job. Being a cop has never been easy. I know You always have a plan, and You know what is best for me. Father, You know Heather's heart. I know You have a plan for her. Help her to see and want to do Your will. Heather has always been in my heart. I know that I stopped praying for her for a while, and it was not until a little while ago that I remembered her. Forgive me and help remind me to keep her in my prayers. Heather is a great girl and I know you have a plan for her. Use her for you glory."

The clouds break, shedding a ray of sunlight. I smile and nod.

"Beautiful," I say to myself, watching a as a bird flies up to the opening in the clouds. "Your creation by far is an art which no one else can replicate. Who can paint the sky, and shine warm light upon the earth? Who has the power to heal the sick, give sight to the blind? There is no one to compare to the Almighty God of Heaven and earth."

All around the trees, the birds seem to be joining me in worship. It reminds me of the scripture, where Jesus replied to the Pharisees about the making the people cease their praise as He entered the Holy City.

"And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out," I quote the verse, smiling. "An amazing concept, I wonder what that would be like."

I sit on the ground, admiring the wonders of creation, and remember a poem my sister had written for Sunday school when we were younger.

To walk in Thy way Lord, I need not a map, Only You, Father.
For it is You who truly knows the right path for me.
To do Thy will, I need not knowledge of man, Only Your word.
For it is by Your word That I live.
I need not see to know that You are there. I only need to believe.
For You have said: "Be not faithless, but believing."

"I believe You have a plan for Heather's life," I say, looking up to the sky once more. "I do not know what it is, and I do not know if I should know. All I know is You are in control."

God is always in control. I do not know what it would be like if He were not in control of my life. All I know is Jesus came to save the world, and I believe in His love.

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