Rescued [8]

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"I cannot believe you hid for three months," I say, shoving a large bite of lasagna in my mouth.

Daniel is sitting across the table from me. Next to him are his sister, Sarah, and his brother, Jacob. As much as I want to be mad at Daniel, I can't. I am just so thankful to God that he is alive and well.

"Do you know how hard it was to hide from you?" Daniel asks, smiling as he shakes his head. And to hide from my own family. I mean, no one knew I would show up today. However, Jacob sort of knew, because I sent him a coded message. Which would explain why he couldn't look at anyone."

"Dude," Jacob says, chuckling. "Had I been looking up, everyone would have thought I was being disrespectful to Heather's speech. I was grinning, ear to ear. I mean, come on! Everyone in this place was sobbing."

"They were touched by Heather's words," Sarah corrects him, rolling her eyes.

Daniel seems to be ignoring his siblings, smiling from ear to ear. I am still a little overwhelmed by the turn of events.

"Heather," Daniel says, leaning on the table. "Do you remember that night, when you came over to ask for school help?"

I put my fork down, going over my memories.

"I do remember," I reply, laughing in surprise. "The teacher called in sick, which gave me an extra day to work on that assignment."

"One of the several times we spoke to each other," Daniel adds, nodding. "And remember when we were working on the year book?"

"Yeah, we were a good team."

"When you think about it, we spoke often enough."

"Weren't you two voted Cutest Non-Couple?" Sarah asks slowly. "Daniel, I know what you are about to say, but hear me out. There were plenty of people who thought you would be cute together."

"I don't remember anything like that," I say, shaking my head.

Daniel sighs, "I don't think that was ever an option," he says, resting on his elbows. "I mean, Heather, after you left Chris, there was another guy, right?"

"Actually," I reply, "no, there wasn't. I had many guy friends, but I didn't date anyone after Chris. I had planned to wait until I was done with school."

I meet Daniel's eye, but only briefly. I know he never dated in high school, but how could that have been possible? Daniel is very good-looking. I am certain he had many girls tailing him. If asked, I know I will admit him being handsome.

~ * ~

I am working at the pharmacy today. Nothing out of the ordinary, except there is so many new customers. They seem to be coming from all over, because they have heard how God helped me survive a shooting.

"You're famous," Dylan says as I ring up a customer's items.

"I don't see it like that," I say, smiling. "Thank you, come again! God bless you!"

The customer smiles and goes to the exit. For the moment, there is no one else at the checkout. The front door opens, ringing the little bell that has been added to alert the clerks to greet the new customer.

"If you need anything, just holler," Dylan says, waving to the older couple. "Heather, admit it. You are enjoying the spotlight."

"I'm not," I say, shaking my head. "God allowed me to live for a reason. I don't know why, but until I do, I need to focus on listening to His voice. I want to be ready to hear anything He might tell me."

Dylan sighs, nodding slowly before going up one of the aisles. I sigh and turn my attention to my open Bible on the counter in front of me. I am on a roll; I have been reading a chapter a day, in the book of John.

"Excuse me?"

I look up and smile at Daniel. As usual, he has a box of hair dye.

"Too weird?" he asks as I look at the color.

"You should try and get you mom to choose a new test subject," I reply, ringing up the item. "I think I prefer your color hair over bleach-blond. Didn't she practice this color already?"

"Yeah, I know. My hair is going to start changing colors on its own. Heather, are you busy on Saturday?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

Daniel hesitates, "I need to talk to you about something," he says with a sigh. "It's not . . . It's important, and I don't know when else I will get to talk to you."

I nod slowly, prolonging my reply.

"Okay," I say after a while. "Where would you like me to meet you? Or do you want to come to my place?"

"You place would be good," Daniel replies, taking his purchase. "You still live in the same house, right? I'll come by at four."

"Yeah," I nod, smiling softly. "See you then."

He nods and walks to the exit. Daniel has never acted like this before. Something must be bothering him. Whatever it is, it is not something to fret over right now.

My shift has just ended, and I am heading for the parking lot. Dylan is going to be out in a few minutes. He's going to take me home.


I turn and see Daniel leaning against his Mustang, a hopeful look in his eye.

"I thought you had left," I say, going over to him slowly.

"You're off your crutches," Daniel motions to my cane. "God is really working on your legs, huh?"

"Yes," I reply, laughing softly. "God has been healing me more and more, each day. Why are you still here?"

"I thought you might need a ride home. And I am trying to prolong going home to the torture chambers of getting my hair dyed."

"Well, Dylan was going to bring me . . . but if it helps you avoid going home, I am all for it. Let me just text this dude."

Dylan is cool about me changing plans, so I get into Daniel's car. The first few minutes are silent, and I think it is mainly because Daniel is having mental conversations with himself.

"You're deep in thought," I say slowly.

"I am just trying to think of how to break this to you," he says in a low voice. "I want to keep it for Saturday, but something tells me I might not get the chance."

"If you feel you should talk about it now, shoot."

Daniel sighs, heaving his shoulders up, then down. I wait quietly, not pushing him to speak before he needs to.

"I got a letter today," he begins, shaking his head. "I had forgotten I even made any such plans, but today I got a reply. The shooting and going through recovery made me forget. . . I applied for the U.S. Marines, and I have been praying about it. If I am rejected, I would know that God does not want me there. However, if I am accepted, it was God's plan in my life."

"I see," I say slowly, looking straight ahead. "And have you read the letter?"

"No," Daniel replies, "I was thinking of opening it in front of you. I don't know why, I just feel like finding out that way."

I nod; this news is coming as a blow. I never would have expected Daniel to apply for the army. Much less, I never would have expected him to tell me about it. Daniel reaches for the glove compartment, pulls out the letter and hands it to me.

"I-I would like for you to open it," he stutters, pulling up in front of my house.

"Okay," I reply, taking the letter with shaking hands.

Why are my hands shaking? This should not be bothering me, but it is. I pull out the letter and unfold it slowly, looking at Daniel to see his reaction.

"Dear Mr. Harden," I begin to read, tears rolling down my cheeks. "We wish to thank you for your application and congratulate you. Your application has been accepted and your training shall commence on the 20th of the coming month. Please reply within the next 48 hours to confirm."

I cannot read anymore; Daniel is going away, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

"There you have it," I say softly, looking away as I hand him the letter. "Congratulations, Daniel."

"You don't sound too thrilled," he says, speaking at a whisper; probably for the same reason I have.

"You don't sound too thrilled yourself. No one wants to watch his or her friend go away, with a possibility of never returning. You asked God if this was His will, and there's your answer, in ink."

I shove open the door to get out, afraid of crying in front of Daniel.

"Heather," he says, touching my arm. "Please don't."

"God has His plan for your life," I say, trying to keep calm. "And He knows what is best. Please do not make this any harder for me."

Daniel pulls his hand away and I get out, closing the door behind me. I walk to my front door, listening to car's engine as Daniel slowly drives away. Once inside, hidden from anyone who would see me, I finally break. I fall to the floor, leaning against the door, tears streaming down my face.

"Why?" I ask, shaking my head. "Why does he have to go?"

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