12 - One Week

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You paced the bathroom floor, trying to come up with a plan to get out.

'Just call Rich, he'll help.'

'I can't just invite Rich into the girls bathroom! I doubt it go well at all. He might try and shove a weird pill down my throat.'

'Wasn't that.... How you got me?'

'Wrong story, buddy.' You sighed. 'But I suppose I should call Rich...i absolutely refuse to go out there while Jeremy is desperately trying to... Love me'

Squip snorted a bit, and you sent him a glare. 'This isn't funny, you know.'

'I know, I know... It's just... I don't know.'

You smiled, and sat down on the floor against the wall. Squip sat next to you.

'Mm... This is nice.. Maybe we should stay here..'

You heard banging on the door, and jumped.

'Annnnnd, that would be Mr. Heere...' You got up again, and pulled out your phone. 'Yep. I'm calling Rich.'

About 5 minutes later, Rich and Jake were able to get out of class, and somehow convince Jeremy get away from the bathroom.

"I don't know what's been up with him. He's acting even weirder now. More stubborn, and... Angry? He definitely had it in for you today. " Jake spoke, crossing his arms and leaning against the lockers.

You sighed. "yeah... I think he's sick of me rejecting him so much..."

"He'll come around, (y/n)." Rich chimed in. "It's only a matter of time."

You nod, looking over at Squip. He gives you a small thumbs up, and you head to class with Rich and Jake.

"Hey, my Halloween party's in a week. You're coming, right?" Jake asks.

"Of course! I'm gonna be going as Veronica from Heather's."

"Nice!" Rich high fives you, and you giggle a bit.

"I'm bringing a friend with me, if that's alright. I need his help with something, and it's really important. I don't know if you know him... Michael Mell?"

The two tilt their heads a bit, and you sigh. "Semi short, red hoodie, headphones, slush-"

"Oh! Antisocial Headphones Kid!" Rich says... Excitedly?

You laugh. "Yes. Him. It's okay if I bring him, right Jake? I know he's not... Cool, or whatever but..."

"No no no! It's totally cool! He seems like a good friends of yours."

"Oh he is. He used to be Jeremy's friend too.. Before.. Uhm, nevermind. Let's get to class."

The two nod, and you all head into the classroom.


After class, you met up with Michael for lunch.

"You have it right?" You ask, sitting next to him outside the school.

"Yeah." He pulled out a bag of you can only assume to be weed.

"Wha- Michael! No! The Mountain Dew red!"

He gives you a look, and then immediately shoves the weed back in his bag, and pulls out Mountain Dew red.

You see Squip tense, and look pretty scared and on edge. I mean, this stuff can end his life, so...

"Don't worry, I won't drink it." Michael hums in confusion, looking up at you.

"Oh. Squip worried?" Michael asks, when he realizes you weren't talking to him.

You nod. "A little. I mean, this thing deactivates him. It's not like I would though, he's pretty great to have around with me."

Squip smiles at your words, and places his head on yours.

"You two seem..." Michael squints "...Close."

You blush a bit. "Wha... What do you mean?"

"No clue, but you do. You seem close. Attached. I mean, you won't deactivate him, and I know you're being extremely cautious about this whole thing."

You rub your arm a bit. "I mean... I just don't wanna lose him, y'know? He's pretty great."

You can feel Squip smile against your head. You smile too.

"Jake approved me coming, right?"

You nod. "Yeah. You don't have to sneak in."



Comfortable silence.

"Hey, (y/n), care to tell me why you have me a fucking black eye?"

You turn, seeing Jeremy.

"Jesus Christ, I didn't think I was that stong. Or you were that weak."

Jeremy grabbed you by your shirt, pulling you up, and staring you down. You gasp a bit, trying to push him away.

"You are RUINING my reputation, (y/n)! Stop!"

"Your reputation?! You think I care about that?!" You shot back, kicking at him a bit. "Maybe I used to, but all I care about now, is you coming back and being my friend!"

He scoffed, throwing you down on the ground.

"Wow. And I though I used to be a loser." You look down a bit, before getting up. He immediately backed you up against the wall.

You looked over at Michael for help, but the moment you saw his eyes, you knew he couldn't. He couldn't ever bring himself to hurt Jeremy.

"You don't understand, (y/n). I'm finally happy! You think I was happy when I was a loser?! You think I ENJOYED it?!"

"Are.. Are you saying everything we all did for all those years... You hated it?"

He didn't say anything for a second.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. You and Michael meant nothing to me."

'(Y/n), you need to get you and Michael out of here. Now.'

You ignored the tears threatening to fall, and tried pushing Jeremy off of you.

"Jeremy! Get off of me!!"

You lift your arm to hit him, but he catches it, twisting it.

Pain went through your arm, and he took this opportunity to swiftly punch you. You assumed this was revenge for the black eye from earlier.

He let's your arm go, and punches you in the stomach.

He was about to punch you again, when Michael threw him off of you.

"Go the fuck away, Jeremy!"

'(Y/n)! You need to go! Now!'

You looked over at Jeremy. His eyes were no longer their natural blue, but a very bright blue. Like Squi- oh shit.

You couldn't move. You were completely stunned. Michael was too, but he looked more hurt than angry right now.

"What happened to you, Jeremy?!" Michael stepped closer.

"Michael, we have to go!"

"Hold up, I'm gonna find out what's going on! Jeremy! What the hell?!"


Suddenly Jeremy looked a lot more angry, and he looked towards absolutely nothing, which was probably his Squip.

Squip materialized into his physical form, and grabbed Michaels and your hands, and started running.

"Hey! What the hell?!" Michael screeched, once you all were far enough.

"I could sense the danger levels increasing, and everything added up to something his Squip would do. You guys are interfering with Jeremy's goal, and his Squip was willing to hurt anyone in his way.."

You and Michael stared at him in shock. "How far would he go...?"

"Pretty far.. He wouldn't kill you. That's get Jeremy in massive trouble, but he'd hurt you pretty bad.."

Michael looked completely distraught. "I... Jeremy wouldn't... Hurt us?"

Squip pointed toward you, and Michael looked down. "Oh yeah..."

"You guys should go home, and take care of (y/n)."

Michael nods, and you all start walking home.

One week.

In one week, it'd all he over.




So... If Michaels not gonna be the conflict, who do you think will? :>

Oof, I completely forgot about this book. I was worried about my oneshots..


Halloweens in like 4 days.

I don't school today, or friday-


Hopes shook, bc she does :)

(Hope you're having fun in school Kaylar890 )

Okay that's the end of this lame chapter. I'm trying so hard to make Jeremy a dick? But like.. Not a creep, y'know? I think I failed, oof.

I'm probably gonna rewrite this stupid book. Ima finish it first, but hhhhh-

Okay bye :)

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