5 - Stars and Hearts

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After school, you ended up inviting Michael over.

Squip allowed it, seeing as there was no way he could force you to give up your friendship with Michael. Which he was okay with. Despite how damaging he was for your popularity, he was your friend.

He didn't want you to lose anyone else.

You were waiting on your bed for Michael, and Squip had gone into his physical form.

Surprisingly, he didn't look half bad. Oh wait.

He smirked, and you blushed a bit.

"So... What's it like? Inside my brain?" He snorted.

"It's weird, seriously. There is so much musical stuff in here, it's sickening."

You smiled, falling back and onto your bed. "I suppose.. It's a passion."


You thought for a few minutes, studying his face. "Hmm... Can you change your appearance?" You paused. "Wait, that was a stupid question. Can you change it to anything?"

He nodded.

"Change into something else."

He raised an eyebrow again. "Are you telling me how to exist?"

You nodded, and small smile on your face. He sighed, giving in, as a wave of pixels flew past him, changing his clothes instantly.

"Whoa! That was epic! And so effective! I wish I could do that..." He smiled.

"I know, I'm pretty cool." You snorted, pushing him. He fell back, laughing.

He laid on your bed, and you took this time to take in his features.

He wore a blue shirt, a white hoodie, and some black jeans. His hair a bright blue streak in it. He opened his eyes, staring at you with a smirk.

"You look... Snazzy."

He started laughing again.

"You really do need me. No one uses that anymore..."

You stuck out your tongue, groaning. "Ugh, when is Michael getting here."

"No clue." You looked around your room, bored. And then, you spotted it.

The basket full of pens you bought recently

You grabbed your basket of pens, grabbing Squip and sitting him directly in front of you.

He looked you in the eyes, and you grabbed one of your pens, pulling his face down so that you could reach it.

"What the hell are you doing?"

You smiled, started to draw stars all over his face with all the different colored, sparkly pens.

"(Y/n)! That's cold! P-please don't." You didn't listen, you continued to draw all over his face. "This is so unprofessional..."

You smiled at your creation, but soon frowned. His face ran out of room, and you didn't feel done.

He raised an eyebrow. "You done?"

You thought for a minute, studying his body up and down.

His face turned a bright red, and you started removing his hoodie.

He squeaked, jumping back.

"Wow, you are jumpy as hell. Calm down, just let me do this..."

He sighed, helping you take off his hoodie. He held his arm out, and you started drawing over it, drawing stars, hearts and anything you could think of.

You moved to his other arm, and drew more stars and hearts. He smiled.

"Is this what you do with your life?"

".... I'm only able to do it on my self. No one else let's me."

"Well... This is a one time thing, since uh... I'm here to help you be popular, and more chill."

You frowned.

"I-I don't want too..."

He pulled his arms away, causing you to look at him again.

"... Seriously? (Y/n), that's why I'm here. I'm here to help you be popular and chill. That's why you took the pill, and that is my purpose."

"I thought your purpose... Was to help me with my goal."

"Your goal is to be more chill. I know this isn't the way you'd like, but it's effective, and that's the way I know. So you're gonna have to deal with it."

You looked at him with a frown, slowly putting the cap back on your pens, and putting them away.

He sighed, grabbing his hoodie and putting it on slowly, careful not to mess up the pen marks you drew.

His sleeves were kinda baggy, so it was semi easy.

He rolled up the sleeves, revealing all the drawings on his forearm. It seemed he liked what you had done, he just didn't want to admit it.

"I'm!.... Warm.."

He blushed a bit, causing you to smile back a bit.

That's when the doorbell rung. You squealed, jumping up to get the door.

You opened the door, seeing your best friend standing there.

"Michael!! Hi!" He smiled, letting himself in, closing the door behind him.

"What's up, (y/n)?"

You smiled. "Not much." You went into the kitchen, grabbing a mountain Dew from the fridge, and a crystal Pepsi for Michael.

He gasped. "You have some of these too?? That's amazing! I didn't know you were interested!"

You giggled and gave him a small hug. You quickly handed him the soda, before leading him upstairs.

"Michael." You said slowly, opening the door to your room. "Meet my Squip."


Hhhhhh I did it.

I wanted to make the chapter fluffy? But not to fluffy?

Since it's still the beginning and the two aren't gonna fall in love that fast.

But, I want Squippy to warm up to her, but kinda be mean.

Make sense?

Whatever, it does now.

Also, I relate?

I draw all over myself with pens everyday, I can't stop. It's an addiction.

But that is the end, now tell me friend... Whydoyouactuallyreadthisbecauseitssobad--

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