Chapter 4: Dead man walking

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Looking into the basement, Leon and Y/N find the prison cells. Most of the cells are already filled with rotten zombies. In one of the cells Y/N suddenly finds a living person. He sits on the bunk and smokes.

Y/N: Leon! We got a guy over here!

The man instantly looks up and sees Y/N and Leon walk over to his cell.

Man: Hello.

Leon: Hey.

Y/N: Yo.

Man: I don't believe it. Real humans. Hello, humans.

Leon: You been here long?

Man: Long enough. Are we the last ones alive?

Y/N: Nope.

Leon: Well there's a few of us...

Man: Oh... that's good news, I guess. Unless, of course, Irons sent you.

Y/N: Irons?

Leon: You mean Chief Irons? Is he still around?

Man: Who cares. Hopefully, he's somebody's dinner by now.

Y/N: Come again?

Man: He's the bastard that locked me in here.

Leon: I'm pretty sure he had a good reason.

Man: He did. I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass. I'd have done the same thing too, I guess.

Suddenly a loud noise is occurred as Leon and Y/N both look to their left to see if anybody was coming.

Man: Hey! I'll make both of you a deal... Unlock this cell and I'll give you this. There's no other way outta that parking garage! Believe me!

Y/N: Look we're not just gonna let some random guy we don't even know out of a cell. And besides your locked up which means you did something dangerous.

The loud noise occurs again.

Man: Look, we're all prisoners in this station. So either we play nice and help each other out-

The loud noise gets louder and closer as the man backs up.

Man: It's coming.

Y/N: What???????

Leon: What's coming????

Man: C'mon—c'mon, don't be assholes... OK? You need this! Just get me the fuck outta here!

He's standing up against a wall until somebody's hand suddenly breaks through. Y/N and Leon suddenly bring their handgun out and try to aim for the hand but he was moving too fast. The hand suddenly breaks the man's skull in one squeeze. The man's lifeless body falls to the floor as Leon and Y/N are left speechless from the sudden death.

Leon: Oh my god.......

Y/N: What the fuck...............

They both hear footsteps as Y/N aims his handgun in the other direction.

Y/N: Who's There?!!

They both see the woman from earlier walk in.

Woman: It's just me, so you can put that thing away.

Y/N puts his gun away.

Leon: We don't even know what happened— It just... happened so quick.

Woman: I told you to get out of here. You wouldn't want to end up like Ben, would you?

Leon: W-what?

Y/N: Hold on. You knew him???????

Woman: He was an informant. Had information of use to my investigation.

Leon: So what he said was true?

The woman was about to walk away until Leon grabs her arm.

Leon: Hey, you can't keep walking away from us! We don't even know your name! I'm Leon Kennedy.

Y/N: And Im Y/N.

Woman: Find a way out, Y/N, Leon. Before it's too late. Then we'll talk.

The woman starts walking away.

Ada: Name's Ada.

She walks away leaving Leon and Y/N to think about what occurred and what killed the man.

Leon: What in the hell killed him?

Y/N: I have no clue. But whatever it was means we really need to get the fuck out of here.


Y/N And Leon return to the main hall. Leon checks around the station to look for zombies. Y/N went to check on Marvin and notices his skin is pale.

Y/N: Marvin........?

Marvin then wakes up as he's now a zombie.

Y/N: Marvin!

Leon runs over and notices Marvin.

Leon: Oh no. Damn it!

Leon brings his handgun out and puts him down.

Leon: We'll stop This lieutenant... I promise.

Y/N then takes his knife out and places it on Marvin's body as he puts Marvin's lifeless hand on it and closes his eyes. Leon then puts his hand on Y/N's shoulder as he gets back up and continues his mission with Leon. As they were walking through the halls they both heard a weird scratching and licking sound.

Leon: You hear that?

Y/N: Yeah.

They both bring their handgun out and aim their flashlight in the direction of the noise. They both look around until they heard another noise coming from behind them as they quickly turn around. They didn't notice anything until they heard something dripping. Y/N And Leon Look down and noticed a red droplet on the ground. More was dripping on the floor as they both slowly looked up and aimed their flashlight at the ceiling and immediately was horrified to what they saw.

Creature: *screech*

Leon: RUN!

Y/N And Leon start running fast as the creature starts chasing them both as the creature extends it tongue and tries to smack Y/N but he was too fast. As they were about to return to the main hall the creature pounces on Y/N as the creature claws his cheek.


Y/N then stabs the creatures brain and kicks it off him. Leon rushes over and helps him up. They quickly rush back inside the main hall and barricade the door. The creature starts banging on the door until it gives up. Y/N then falls on the ground holding his bloody cheek.

Leon: Y/N?! You alright?!!!

Y/N: Never better...

Leon then brings out a alcohol pad and puts it on Y/N's cheek as he winced in pain.

Y/N: Hurts like a bitch.

Leon: I know but it's the only so that it won't get infected.

A few minutes later they start to walk around again as they made it to the rooftop as it was raining. Y/N climbs down the ladder and makes it down safely. Leon then climbs down the ladder until it breaks as he falls to the ground.


Y/N then helps him up. 

Y/N: You good?!

Leon: Im fine. Ah shit.

They both noticed the helicopter on fire. They decided to find a way to put the fire out, a few minutes pass and they finally put it out. They walk in the hallway with the helicopter in the way.

Y/N: Soooooo how exactly are we supposed to get this helicopter out of the way???

Leon: I don't know. Maybe we could try and find something to lift this up-

He was cut off as they heard the helicopter getting grabbed. They immediately looked at the helicopter and noticed a giant man with a fedora hat and jacket on lift the helicopter up and throw it to the side.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After Y/N finishes his sentence, he dodges the giant man's punch as Leon and Y/N run back outside as the man follows them. Leon Starts shooting the man's head until the man punches him as he gets dropped to the ground and gets grabbed by his head as the man lifts him up. Leon tries to break free until a flash bang was thrown at the ground as the man noticed until it went off temporarily blinding him as he drops Leon.

Y/N: Come on!

Leon then runs with Y/N and return to the main hall.

Y/N: Who The fuck was that?!!

Leon: No idea. But he ain't no cop, that's all I know.

Y/N: Come on We Gotta Focus on getting that keycard.

*Huge timeskip*

After doing the puzzles for all electronic pieces they unlock the cell.

Y/N: Finally!

Leon: That wasn't easy.

Y/N: What's This?

He grabs a tape recorder and presses play.

Ben: But that doesn't explain the rumors about the orphanage. I-I just find it way too coincidental Umbrella's one of the benefactors.

Woman: You told me this interview was about the new scholarship Umbrella set up.

Ben: Come on, Annette. Nobody cares about that. They want to know about the G-Virus, and the—

Annette: Where did you hear about this?

Ben: —and that big fucking sinkhole in the city which, by the way, rumor has it goes straight to your underground lab.

Leon: Lab?

Y/N: Underground?

Ben: Now, are you going to talk to me or are you—

Annette: This interview is over.

Ben: B*tch.

The tape recorder ends.

Y/N: Something's going on here but what does it have to do with umbrella?

Leon: I don't know. We should get going.

They both leave the cell until....


The alarm goes off as all the cells open releasing allot of zombies.

Y/N: Ah shit.....

Leon then grabs a hand grenade and throws it killing all the zombies until the tall man comes back.

Leon: Him again?!!

Leon pulls out his shotgun and shoots the man's head stunning him. They started running until Leon got tackled by a zombie.

Y/N: Leon! 

Leon: Go! I'll be fine! Run!

Y/N runs into the parking lot until the wall breaks as he meets eyes with the tall man.

Y/N: Im screwed-

The man then grabs him by the neck and lifts him up and starts choking him. Y/N's Eyes started to close until he noticed a giant van charging towards the tall man as the van crashed into the man straight into the wall dropping Y/N on the floor coughing. Leon runs into the parking lot and helps him up.

Leon: You Alright?????

Y/N: Y-yep *coughs*

The person then got out of the van revealing Ada.

Ada: This is getting old. Saving both of your asses that's twice!

Leon: I didnt think you were keeping score *he chuckled*

Ada: Is this some sort of game to the both of you??!!

The van then begins to move as the tall man is starting to push it back. Y/N And Leon pull their handguns out preparing to take him out.

Ada: Nothing ever dies down here.

She stylishly blows him up.

Y/N: Let's hope that kills him.

Ada: I take it you have the key card?

Leon: Yeah, and this... throws her Ben's recorder I was hoping you could explain what's on it.

Ada: Maybe... After I hear it. Let's get out of here. We might want to open the shutter.

Leon and Y/N follow Ada until a thought popped in his head.

Y/N(thoughts): Something feels off. That Ada person doesn't look like she's FBI....

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