Chapter 3

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Leon's transmitter turns on.

Hunnigan: Roost to Condor One. I've got that intel you requested on Luis Serra. It seems he used to be a researcher for Umbrella.

Leon: Umbrella? I should've left him in that bag to rot.

Hunnigan: I'm sending you the details. Take a look, but Baby Eagle is your priority.

Leon: Copy that. Making my way to the church. Condor One out.

Leon goes to an unconscious Y/N and wakes him up.

Leon: Y/N Wake up we Gotta Go.

Y/N Starts to wake up as his vision is a little dizzy.

Y/N: Ugh........ what the fuck happened.? Did we get jumped by that giant guy again or am I dreaming???

Leon: We Did. He said something about gift in our blood.

Y/M: What?

Leon: It DOESNT sound good. We gotta hurry.

Y/N: Yeah.

He takes the special key and leaves the house, heading for the locked gate. On the way, he hears a piteous howl and finds a dog caught in a trap.

Y/N: Hang in there Buddy im coming.

He slides the flaps of the trap so the dog can get free.

Leon: Take care of yourself, buddy.

Y/N: At least we got him out.

The dog runs away, and Leon opens the gate with the key. After walking a bit down a crooked, untended path, they enter another village quite similar to the previous one, but this village has a lot of palisades. When Leon and Y/N  enter the central square, the bell tower suddenly explodes.

Y/N: The hell?!!

The bell tower falls as demonic looking wolves with huge fangs start attacking them both. Y/N gets tackled by one of them as one of them tries to bite him.

Y/N: Get off me you little shit! *He shouted as he stabbed its neck and kicked it in the face and grabs his hand cannon and shoots it in the face killing it*

Another one tries to tackle Y/N but he simply just uppercuts it on time breaking it's skull and stomps on it's head multiple times before killing it. Leon starts shooting them with his shotgun as Y/N starts doing the same. The last wolf pounced on Leon as he was about to pull his knife out until the wolf pushed it away from him as he struggled to hold the wolfs mouth open.

Y/N: *Whistles*

The wolf then looks at Y/N as the wolf is met with his foot to it's face getting pushed off of Leon. Leon quickly brings his handgun out and shoots the wolf in the head twice before killing it. Y/N helps Leon up and begin to explore their surroundings. In the depths of the village they discover another temple. When they leave the temple they meet again the Merchant who has settled here as well - he has a separate table and some supplies.

Merchant: Welcome back you two! I've got some new items that I'd think you'd be interested in.

After Y/N and Leon get some more gear and upgraded it they headed out to continue looking for a church.

Merchant: Cone back anytime! But not too soon! Hehe.

As they both kept on walking they finally found a church.

Y/N: Is that it?

Leon: Yeah. It has to be.

They open the gate to the courtyard, but the gate to the church itself is locked with a strange circular lock.

Y/N: Oh for the love of....... Why is everything in this place locked?????

Leon then contacts Hunnigan.

Leon: Condor One to Roost. The church is sealed up.

Hunnigan: And Baby Eagle?

Leon: Negative, nothing yet. But they sure do have this place locked up tight.

Hunnigan: I see. I can think of one reason they'd want to do so.

Leon: Oh both of them are here, that's for sure. We'll find a way in. Condor One out.

They examine the church from all sides and find a small room where they discover a photo of Ashley and Asia tied up and unconscious, as well as a map of the area.

Leon: The lake... Let's hope for no more surprises.

Y/N: I guarantee you there's gonna be.

They go further and discover a small settlement. Located on a platform suspended from a rock. As the sign indicates, the road through this settlement leads to a lake. Leon and Y/N are immediately attacked by locals.

Y/N: Shit! They just keep coming and coming! I don't think we have enough ammunition for this shit!

Leon: We can do this!

As they fought off the locals they approache the lake, he discovers a large, fenced-in palisade. Next to the tall palisade is a huge hammer.

Leon: Good luck finding someone big enough to use this thing.

Y/N: Yup.

They go further and through an underground tunnel and they enter another Merchant store, located in the basement.

Merchant: Welcome back to my other shop! I got some new things you might be interested in!

Leon: There are enough weapons here to get a party going.

Y/N: You got that right.

Y/N buys body armor and shoulder pads to protect himself more.

Merchant: Come back Anytime stranger's!

They leave and enter the pier by the lake as they noticed a boat by the docks. Continuing to look around through binoculars he discovers a boat anchorage at the other end of the lake.

Leon: Looks like there's something over there.

He can also see a huge castle in the distance.

Leon: Damn, look at the size of that...

Y/N: i Wonder How were supposed to get over there.

He goes down to the water and tries to start the boat that the ganados came in, but there is no fuel in the tank.

Y/N: What The fuck!

Leon: C'mon, fill the tank when you're done! All right let's search for gas.

Y/N: If there is any.

They look around in search of fuel, but they fall into a swamp by walking on rotten planks.

Leon: Shit. God damn it.

Y/N: Ugh. Gross..

A fat ganado with a sledgehammer and wearing a bull mask is waiting for him in the swamp.

Y/N: *Whistles to get the ganado's attention*

The ganado turns it's head towards them as Y/N immediately shoots him in the head with the hand cannon stunning him. Leon rushes towards the ganado and super kicks him knocking him down.

Leon: Huh!

Leon shoots him in the head with a shotgun Stunning him again. Y/N runs behind the ganado and tries to suplex him but couldn't carry him at all resulting in him getting elbowed in the face and getting grabbed by his neck. The ganado throws Y/N at Leon as they both collapse on the ground. They noticed the ganado about to slam the hammer onto them until they moved to the side nearly getting crushed or worse. They quickly got up as Y/N shot it's leg and uppercuts the ganado killing it instantly. More villagers appears and started throwing hatchets and more until Leon and Y/N took care of the rest.

They explored the swamp more and they finally find a canister of fuel, as well as a new piece of hexagonal key.

Y/N: We got it!

Leon: Let's go!

They head back to the pier and fuel up the boat and start it up. They proceed to ride the boat across the water they both felt the boat shaking.

Leon: Did you do that?

Y/N: No.

They kept riding the boat thinking it was just the water messing with them. They both felt the boat shaking and rocking even more now.

Leon: Y/N Are you sure that's not you?

Y/N: I Promise Leon. It ain't me.

They both then decided to stop the boat and look around. A few seconds of waiting a giant fish like creature comes out of nowhere and tries to eat them
Until they moved quickly getting splashed.



The boat starts getting dragged due to the rope getting attached to the giant fish.

Leon: Y/N! Try and find something to kill the fish!

Y/N starts looking Around the boat and finds harpoons and starts throwing the harpoons injuring the fish.

Y/N: How's that feel fish?!

Leon: Think you can swallow us whole?!

After throwing more harpoons the fish eventually gets killed as its dead body sinks down.

Leon: Finally.

Y/N sighs in relief until he starts coughing and realizes there's blood on his hand. Y/N then falls down on the boat unconscious.

Leon: Y/N?!

Leon himself begins to vomit blood. He loses consciousness falling to the bottom of the boat.

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