Chapter 8

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Leon decides to report the incident to headquarters.

Leon: Roost, come in! Things went to shit. We took refuge inside a castle, but I've just been separated from Baby Eagle.

Hunnigan: Say---ding you.

Leon: Roost? You're breaking up. Do you read me?

Hunnigan: --dor One! -- in! ---chopper-

The connection is cut off.

Leon: Damn it. So much for that.

Asia: W-where do you think she went???

Leon: Not far from here. Something wasn't right about her.

Y/N: It wasn't her. Something took control of her. She wouldn't do something like that to someone. Especially me, i saw her eyes after she did it. She was sad and felt guilty and scared.

Leon: Alright Let's Go look for her then.

They all go and search for the runaway Ashley and find another of the Merchant's shop.

Merchant: Welcome! Say what happened to the other girl?

Y/N: She ran Off somewhere. You seen her???

Merchant: Nope. I just brought my stuff here.

They upgraded their items and continue looking for her. As they keep going they find a kind of shrine, where a saint sitting in the lotus pose has a giant plaga instead of his head.

Leon: This is messed up.

They go on and find the red-robed Shaman preaching to his flock.

Leon: Is he doing this?

Y/N: Yeah Let's take care of them before we move on.

They kill the gathered fanatics and take the lamp and use it to open the door. Going further, they find a bedroom with the window wide open. As Leon gets a little closer to the window, someone approaches him from behind, pointing their gun at him.

???: You can stop right there, Leon.

The figure then is revealed showing Ada with her gun pointing at Leon.

Ada: Wouldn't wanna make me use this would you???

Leon drops his gun as Y/N and Asia were hiding somewhere in the room with him and her in it.

Leon: Well after six years, that is one hell of a greeting... Ada.

Ada: You don't seem surprised. Interesting...

Leon takes a neat step back as he signals Y/N to attack Ada from behind.

Leon: Y/N NOW!

Y/N then charges at her with his knife until Ada kicks him in the face stunning him as she deals with Leon. As they are having a fight Y/N charges at her once again until she kicks Y/N in his sacred area and kicks him in the face again making him collapse on the floor holding his nose. Each fighter's combat experience is high enough that no one is going to concede to the other, but Leon still manages to put a knife to Ada's throat.

Leon: Try using knives next time. Better for close encounters.

Ada smiles slyly.

Ada: Not a bad move. Very smooth.

Leon: So who are you working for this time?

Ada: Oh, Leon. You know I don't work and tell.

Leon puts the knife away. Until Y/N gets back up and aims his hand cannon at her.

Leon: Y/N. Stand down.

Y/N: What?! This bitch just attacked us!

Leon: Just stand down.

Y/N hesitates but puts his gun away as Asia comes out of her hiding spot.

Ada: Leave the girl. She's lost no matter what. You walk away now... and who knows? Maybe you'll live to meet me again. And then I might get you that "greeting" you were looking for.

Y/N: Look lady idk who You Are but Leon does. And we need to save that girl no matter what happens. Were not just gonna leave her to die out here in this awful place.

Ada: Right. How about we continue this discussion another time?

Leon bends down to pick up his gun, but Ada has already escaped through the open window. Leon smiles, cursing his gullibility - Ada has once again laughed at him.

Leon: Last person I thought I'd run into here...

Y/N: That your girlfriend? Or something???

Leon: More like ex friend.

They both notice a riddle and they quickly solve it as The heavy wall pulls aside, revealing the passage.

Leon: That should do it. All right, need to find Ashley.

Y/N: And fast.

In the secret room, they find a book lying on the table. The book is open on a certain page. Asia was then looking around exploring to find clues.

Asia: Y-Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah??? What happened????

He goes to his sister as he notices a huge plaga beetle attacking one of the fanatics, turning him into a berserker.

Leon: Christ!

Y/N: Stay behind me Asia!

He quickly kills the fanatic with a shot to the head. After wandering through the narrow corridors he finds another Merchant's store.

Merchant: Gun rhymes with fun for a reason, stranger!

Y/N: That's.......... A good point.

Soon they manage to reach the courtyard of the castle. They hear Ramón's voice from the loudspeakers.

Ramón: Oh, dear Mr. Kennedy. You appear to have lost your companion.

Leon: She said meeting you once was enough.

Ramón: How convenient, as I was growing tired of the moderate touch. Let us play this game of ours in true Salazar fashion.

Y/N: Oh Great. This game must be real boring!

In front of them, the suspension bridge that blocked the passage to the other side of the castle is lowered.

Leon: Oh, you were expecting me. OK, I think I see how this works.

Leon walks through the narrow corridors shooting fanatics with his crossbow as Y/N is behind him defending his sister.

Leon: Next?

They climb higher and higher until they reach the roof. There, on the other side, they are greeted by a roaring giant troll, who seems even bigger than the last one. He's wearing a metal mask smeared with white paint, which makes him look a bit like a Uruk-hai, and the whole design is pleasantly reminiscent of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.

Leon: C'mon! Another one? You guys are really starting to become a giant pain in my ass.

Y/N: We can't leave until that thing is dead! We need to find a cannon or something!

Since the giant is on the other side of the wall, Leon first has to get to him. Dodging the garbage thrown at him, he kills the fanatics that get in his way.

Leon: Outta the way!

Leon soon finds a cannon.

Leon: Yes! A cannon! Hope it works.

He brings it up as Y/N points it at the giant.

Leon: Get ready.

Y/N: Choke on this you son of a bitch!

The giant, struck by a cannonball, falls from the wall. Y/N then breaks down the door with a shot so he doesn't have to worry about finding the keys.

Leon: All right, open for traffic.

They pass through the door and walk further up the wall However, the giant has no intention of dying. He climbs the wall and tries to grab Asia as she hides behind Y/N as he shoots the giant with his hand cannon stunning it.

Leon: Sorry. I've had my fill of you guys.

He dodges the giant's grip. The giant, losing his balance, falls off the wall.

Y/N: Asia you ok???!

Asia: Yeah thanks.

Y/N: Stick with me Now ok?

Asia: Hai!

Leon: (to himself) Ashley? Where are you?

They continue walking until they notice Ashley sitting on a bench in the small house.

Y/N: I'll go talk to her.

Leon: Wait Are you sure????

Y/N: Yeah. Plus she's worried about me. Asia stay with Leon ok? And shout if there's any more of those bastards coming.

Leon: Alright.

He enters the house and enters the guest room. Ashley sits on an antique bench and cries. When Y/N slowly approaches her she backs away. She is frightened and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Ashley: Y-Y/N?!! Stay back! I might hurt you again. I'm so scared. When that happened... I wasn't myself anymore. I was something else.

Y/N: Woah Woah Hey Hey. Ashley, Look im ok See? *He shows the knife scar on his abdomen shocking her* that must have been terrifying. Believe me. I know.

She notices that the veins in Y/N's hand, which he held out to her, are also full of blood like hers.

Ashley: You too??????

Y/N answers her confidently. He then sits down by her and talks to her.

Y/N: Ashley listen to me. It's OK to be afraid, you know. But you can't run. You got to keep moving forward. We will beat this. We all will. Together.

Ashley: I don't know if I can.

Y/N: You can. Trust me. *He holds her hand as she looks at him* everything is going to be ok. He caressed Ashley's cheek as she blushed and looked at Y/N. They stared into each others eyes for sometime as Ashley smiles and is relieved.

Ashley: Y/N.......

She then hugs him tightly as he hugs her back.

Ashley: Thank you. *She smiled*

Y/N: Your Welcome. Now come on, Leon and my sister are waiting for us.

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