Chapter 1

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Year: 1998


"🎶Life is the highway, I wanna ride it all night long🎶," I yelled as I drove on the highway,"🎶if your goin' my way, well, I wanna drive it all night long🎶"

I was driving to Raccoon City, taking Henrys body to the authorities, maybe they can find out what the fuck caused this. I sighed as I drove on, it was raining heavy on the windshield, making it barely visible for me to see where the hell I'm going. I sighed as I checked and just great, the gas light was on and that means I'm almost emptying the tank

I groaned as I see a gas station up ahead, well looks like I'm in business here now. I slowed down and drove in, parked next to the pump and got out. I looked around as I saw random car parked around and even a cop cruiser, which was still running and the flashing lights were on, with no one in it. I looked around as I quickly filled my truck up and get ready to leave


I sighed a bit as my instincts were telling me to leave and get away, but my other was saying...

"Fuck," I said and walked inside

When I got to the door I pulled Soulbreaker out and walked in, seeing a mess and blood, just great. I walked down the middle aisle and got to the end, then looked to my right, seeing a man on the floor holding his neck covered in blood. I ran to him and knelt, seeing what I could can do to help, but he stopped me and pointed to the door leading to the back rooms

"Go...cop...stop them," he said as he panted

"Okay," I said and walked in

I walked in as I heard something banging against metal, making me move in deeper into the back room, hoping to spot someone in this mess. I moved in as I opened the door, there I see a cop trying to subdue a man, and he looked just like Henry when I found him. I flinched as I walked up, but the cop stopped me

"Stay back, don't get close," he said to me

"Hey man you gonna move back, don't let him bite you," I said to him

"I have this handled kid, stay back and-GAAAHH!!"

The infected guy pushed him back and got on top of him, biting his neck hard and ripped a huge chunk of flesh off of his neck. It stopped and sallowed the flesh, making it gulp and finally stand up, growling as it looked at me. I sighed as I shook my head and looked at the infected dude

"Why don't people ever listen," I said as I aimed and fired

It struck its head dead center of its head, making it stumble back but it was still standing up fine. I rolled my tongue in my mouth as I aimed again and fired, hitting it again in the head and thankfully it went down and stayed dead. I sighed as I walked to the cop, somehow still alive and rolled onto his back, looking at me as he held his wound and gagged a bit

"," he said

I looked at him and the infected guy, putting two and two together, shaking my head as I looked at the cop

"Sorry pal, but looks like I have to do what I have to," I said

"W-Wait," he said as I aimed my gun

I fired as it hit his head, killing him instantly right there and then. I sighed as I didn't like it, but I had to do it, I didn't have a cure and he would have turned and attacked me. So taking him out was my best option, besides...I think being one of those for a long time is hell itself. I walked to the door and saw it was locked, making me groan and walked back

I soon found a key, making me smile as I walked to the door and opened it, but as soon as I walked out, the guy I found was standing up. I saw him closer and he turned, making me groan as I was about to walk back, but an arm reached out, making me jump back in surprise. I growled as I ran down the aisle and shoulder checked the infected into the ground and ran to the first

I ran down as more arms came out through the glass, making me cover my eyes and got to the door. But suddenly a girl came as I aimed my gund, making her gasp in shock as she held her hands up

"Duck," I said

She did and I blasted the head of an infect off that got right behind her, as I grabbed her hand and ran to my truck. Then I pulled the pumps out and turned the on, making them guzzle gas out of them and all over the place and the incoming infected assholes. I grabbed one of my can containers and looked at the girl at the passenger side.

"Rag," I said

"'Kay," she said and tossed me one

I dosed the rag in gas I had stored up, then stuffed it in the nozzle and got in the driver side and pressed on the gas, running over some infected. I got on the road as I grabbed my lighter and lite the rag on fire and handed the girl the canister

"You know what to do," I asked her

"Oh yeah," she said

She leaned out of the truck and threw the the canister at the fuel covering the ground, it exploded and soon the flames hit the pumps and it went into a small fireball, killing a few dozen of them at least. I stepped on the gas to avoid hitting the shockwave from the explosion, the truck shook but that was all really, making us pant a bit

"Fuck," I said,"that was something! Hahahaha!!"

"Holy shit, that was awesome," the girl said,"nice work there."

"Thanks, now real quick, you bitten?"


"Bitten? Did one of those assholes bite you or something?"

"Oh nonono, I'm clean look."

She showed me her arms and neck, making me see clean and intact skin. I breathed easy as I didn't have to worry about her turning. I put my gun up as I looked at the girl, and offered my hand

"Ben, Benjamin Taurus," I said

"Claire, Claire Redfield," she said and shook my head

"Nice to meet ya, so where ya heading to Claire?"

"Raccoon city, I'm looking for my friend."

"Okay then, thou I doubt it'll be that simple, given our current situation ya know?"

"Yeah, but hey, best we can do right?"


I sighed as I drove on the highway...right into hell.

Present Day

I walked on as I tried to avoid more of those villagers, but sadly this wasn't my lucky day. As I walked on as I heard voices and crouched down, walked to a tree and looked at the source of the voices. It was two people, one with a axe and the over a pitchfork, making me sigh as I didn't want to waste bullets, so I have to be stealthy or use my knife

But...stealth was an option

I walked out as one of the villagers saw me and ran at me with the pitchfork, which I easily side stepped it and when he got close, I grabbed my knife and slammed it into his head. Then I ripped it out as axe user ran to me, which I turned at the last second as the axe user came down on the dead guys back. I pulled out Soulbreaker and put two in his chest

He groaned in pain as he stumbled back in pain, but he was still moving. I frowned as I pulled the blade out and ran at him before he could do anything, so I kicked him in the chest as he slammed into an old rusted truck. He groaned as he tried to get up but I stabbed my blade into his skull, making him gasp and moan in pain as he went slacked and died

"Okay, target the head, seems about right," I said with a groan,"definitely a new virus type or something."

I reloaded as I groaned, definitely need to save my ammo for higher risk situations. Or I can find materials to make more ammo, I did take a lot of courses in survival and ammo maintenance classes, that'll be easy. But I digress and moved on, seeing what other fresh hell is waiting me. I was walking when suddenly my intercom came on and I flinched

"Shit, gonna remember that," I said then tapped it,"go ahead Olympus."

"Hey Ben, just calling to check in on you," Winter said, worry in her voice,"you cut out in the transmission."

"I'm okay Olympus, this isn't my first day on the job ya know?"

"I know Ben, but you've been a little...a little distant the last few days, Claire and Grace just asked me to-."


She gasped on the other line, as I closed my eyes and took a breather and hanged up. I know she'll yell at me later, but right now I need...I needed to be alone. I walked down a trial till I was at a bridge and knelt by a rock, seeing a small village upon ahead. I pulled my binoculars and looked at the village, and seems there was a fire going on

I looked but stopped when I see WHAT was in the fire, a skeleton and remnants of a police officers uniform. I looked as around 6 villagers were seen doing chores around the pyre, all seeming like this fucking normal. I looked as my hand shaked in rage, my blood boiled as memories of what happened over the last few years came through my mind

I growled as I stopped up, pulled out Soulbreaker...and went to bust some fucking skulls in. I walked out in the open, throwing my hand out as I yelled

"Hey assholes, over," I yelled

"Outsider," one man yelled

Soon I counted six attackers, 4 men and 2 women, all holding weapons in their hands. One came at me with a pitchfork as I parried it with my knife, then reversed it and stabbed it into the mans chest, then put Soulbreaker at his temple and pulled the trigger, making a giant hole in his head. He fell down as I leaned back from a downward slash from an axe, seeing it was one of the females

I kneed her in the face, making a nasty crunching noise as I'm sure I broke her nose. I slashed her throat with my knife, making her gurgle on blood as I put two bullets in her chest, making her fall down dead. I click my tongue as I ducked from a machete slash from behind, then I aimed Soulbreaker and unloaded the last four rounds into him, one in the chest and three to the head

I spin kicked the man, making him fall down in a daze, giving me time to jump on his back and jabbed my blade into his head, killing him. I dodged another pitchfork merely hitting my nose, so I grabbed it and pulled it out of the mans hand. Then jammed it into his face then pulled my knife and threw it and it hits the last females eye socket, killing her

I panted as I looked at the last two, one holding another one handed axe and the other a machete, both looked pissed off. I smiled as I reloaded my gun, which made them think they had an opening when really I was just wasting time. The axe wielder came at me, but once he got close and held the axe above his head, I kicked him hard in the chest

He went flying and slammed his head on a brick wall, busting it open hard and killing him. The other was mere inches from me, but I dodged his attack easily and sliced his arm off at the elbow, making him scream in pain. I moved around and stabbed him in the back of the head, making him squirm a bit till he stopped and fell forward onto the floor

"Fucking hell," I said as I panted a bit

I looked around as I see more villagers all armed to the teeth, but suddenly the sounds of a chainsaw came and I looked at the far side at a pair of wooden gates. Suddenly they busted outward where I see a tall ass man with a brown sack on his head. But the eye holes gave me enough to see something was clearly wrong with him, it looked like the skin around his eyes were skinned off

He growled as he revved the chainsaw, swinging it was madly as he marched to me

"...Well fuck me sideways," I said

He came me with sideways slashes but I ducked and dodged as he nearly got me a few times. I growled as I pulled Soulbreaker out and fired my rounds into his chest, which made him hardly flinch from the impacts. I tripped on a rock which I didn't see, making me fall on my ass, giving him a chance to bring the chainsaw down on between my legs, near my dick

'OH HELL NO, I NEED THAT,' I yelled in my head

I rolled back as I ran to the corpse with my knife in her skull, which came out easily. But before I could move, the chainsaw man coming at me and again came down with a downward slash, giving me barely a second to block it with my knife. It was hard as the blades spinned on my knife, chipping it away in seconds, I looked at it and all I saw...was red

I yelled as I pushed him off and then charged right at him, then rammed it upward into his chin. Then I pulled Soulbreaker out and kicked him down onto the floor, I jumped on him and put the barrel at his head and dumped all the rounds into his skull. I panted as I looked at the mans now cracked and exposed skull, which made me see a face that was hardly staying together

I got up and suddenly I see that I was still surrounded by the villagers, who were now charging at me. I growled as I grabbed what was left of my knife and got ready for a long fight. Until the sounds of a bell ringing, which suddenly made all the villagers stop attacking me and stay still, muttering something as they walked by me, even dropping their weapons

"Hour of prayer," they mumbled as they walked by him

One by one they stumbled to a church like building, which had that same symbol on the door. Soon as the last one entered, he turned to me as he smiled a nasty toothy grin as she slowly closed the doors, making a loud thud ring across the area. I stood there as I looked around and wondered what the hell just happened, that was certainly something

"Where's everyone going," I asked myself,"fucking bingo?"

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