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Sherry POV

Sherry was walking in the park while the sun was setting, almost nighttime. Sherry then heard her phone ringing in her right pocket for her to get it out see who was calling her. She sees that it was one of her friends, Jaune calling her for Sherry to answer the call to put her phone on her right ear.

Sherry: Hi, Jaune.

Jaune: (phone) Sherry?! Oh, thank god! Where were you?! We've been trying call you for hours! Are you okay?

Sherry: I'm fine. I was... I think it's better if I tell you guys in person.

Jaune: (phone) Okay. Come stop by the house, all of us are here waiting for you.

Sherry: I'll be there soon.

Jaune: (phone) Okay. Just... get here safe.

Sherry: I will. I'll see you there, Jaune.

Sherry hangs up the phone to put it back in her pocket. She then started to go to the house where Jaune and the rest of her friends were at.


Sherry made it to the house for her to knock on the door for anyone to answer. The door opened to reveal Jaune who sees Sherry on the entrance.

Jaune: Sherry!

Jaune then hugs Sherry for her to hug Jaune back.

Jaune: What were you thinking? Going out all day long? You talk to us. Not just leave a text message.

Sherry: I know, Jaune. (gets out of the hug) But, I had a reason for going out all day long.

Jaune: What was it you were doing?

Sherry: ...Can we talk about this inside?

Jaune: Of course.

Jaune let Sherry in the house to see all of her friends other other members of team JNPR and team RWBY. They all gathered around the dinning table to hear what Sherry did the entire day.

After Sherry explained why she was out all day, her friends were in shock after hearing her story.

Ruby: You went through that nightmare just to get rid of your powers?

Sherry: It was the only way for me to be normal, but...I lost my chance.

Jaune: Y/n was there with you? When you were fighting Salem?

Sherry: He was...

Ren: What did he say when you were getting out of there?

Sherry: He told me... He told me that he was very proud of me. He was always there to protect me. And now that I finally got a chance to see him again, I can move on.

Yang: That's good to hear. We all still remember how he died, protecting you and us.

Sherry: ...I want to go visit his grave, tomorrow.

Jaune: Are you sure?

Sherry: I want to visit him every day. Just to talk with him, even beyond the grave.

The. Sherry's friends took a second to think about this. Then, they spoke to Sherry.

Jaune: We'll all go, with you.

Sherry: You sure?

Nora: Of course. We'll be there with  you tomorrow.

Weiss: And it would be nice to visit him as well.

Sherry was appreciated for her friends to be with her to visit her father's grave.

Sherry: ...Thank you...all of you...

The next day

Sherry was in a bus, reading a book for her to close it to reveal the title, "Village Of Shadows".  She looked at her left index finger to see that she had Y/n's ring to keep it with her. The camera shows the inside of the bus where team JNPR and team RWBY wearing their casual clothes on the bus. Sherry then sees a mother and her daughter talking.

Mother: Do you think the boy will be able to touch the moon?

Daughter: Nobody can touch the moon. It's too far away.

Mother: Wait, what if he has a rocket ship?

Daughter: Okay, then you could touch it. But it would be very, very cold.

Sherry then sees the bus came to a stop for her friends to exit the bus first for Sherry to look back at the mother and daughter.

Mother: You were being silly. I don't think the moon feels like a killer whale.

Daughter: I think it does, but-

Sherry then exits the bus for her holding white flowers on her left hand. Sherry sees her friends waiting, allow her to go first leading the way to find his grave.

After a bit of walking with her friends behind her, Sherry found Y/n's grave for her friends to stand by her side and let her talk to her father.

Sherry: Hey, Dad. (crouches down to put the flowers on grave) Happy birthday.

The camere shows the name of the tombstone.

" In loving memory of Y/n L/n

A kind husband and loving father who put family before all else."

Sherry: Sorry I missed last week. I have a lot of tests coming up. You know how it is.

Sherry and her friends heard a sound of a car horn honking for them to see a vehicle behind them with a man in a suit and sunglasses on him.

Sherry: Talk of the goddamn devil. Duty calls. (puts left hand on grave) I love you.

Sherry stands up to turn around to see the agent for friends to talk.

Jaune: Really? At this time? We just got here.

Weiss: Couldn't they just come back another time?

Yang: They just had to ruin the moment.

Sherry: It's alright, guys. It's probably something important.

Nora: You sure? Because it doesn't look like it's important.

Pyrrha: Maybe it is.

Sherry: I'll be okay. I need to go. I'll be back, hopefully.

Sherry then gives her friends hugs for her as a sign of goodbye, for now.

Ruby: Bye, Sherry.

Jaune: Stay safe out there.

Sherry: I will. Bye, guys.

Sherry then walks down to see the agent talking to his earpiece.

Agent: Yeah, I found her... Where else? Today of all days.

The agent sees Sherry approaching her.

Agent: We have a situation. You're needed... Eveline.

Sherry looks at the agent with an angry face for her to grab his tie to pull him close to her face.

Sherry: Don't you ever call me that again.

Agent: Whoa, whoa. It's just a joke, Sherry.

Sherry: I can show you things even Chris doesn't know I can do.

Sherry pushes the agent on the vehicle for her to walk behind it.

Sniper: (earpiece) We have a clear shot.

Agent: Stand down. (fixes tie) I can handle it. She's just a kid.

Sherry enters the passenger seat in the vehicle for her to close the door.

Sherry: (sighs) Way to keep it together, Sherry.

The agent gets in the driver seat to close the door to speak to Sherry again.

Agent: You're a lot like him, you know?

Sherry looks out the window. She then knows that she looks a lot like Y/n with her wearing his jacket.

Sherry: I know.

The camera then shows the car driving away from the graveyard, for Sherry's friends watching as the car drives off on the road.

Team RWBY and JNPR walk away together to go back to their place to live on their days, hoping their friend Sherry will return. And she will return.

The end

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