Nightmare House

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Sherry POV

Sherry wakes up on the snowy ground to see that she's outside, somewhere deeper into the stratum.

Sherry: Where am I now?

Gabriel's words appeared next to Sherry.

Gabriel: "A deeper stratum."

Sherry: Stratum?

Gabriel: "Yes." "Deeper you go, harder to escape."

Sherry: (gets up)

Gabriel: "Need to leave while you can."

Sherry: I don't want to leave. Not until I find that crystal. I'm tired of being a freak. I want to be with my friends. I want to live a normal life... without this...curse. If that Purifying Crystal can make that happen... Make me normal... Then I'm not going back until I find it.

Gabriel's words appeared to the left, on the fence.

Gabriel: "Stubborn."

Sherry: Yeah. So?

Gabriel's words appear on the ground next to Sherry.

Gabriel: "So... let's get searching."

Sherry: Alright then.

Sherry then goes to a gate for it to open it up itself to proceed forward. Sherry then keeps going down the road for her to see a monkey plushie with a note on it, written in black.

"I know where the crystal is."

Sherry: What's this?

Sherry then proceeded forward down the road to keep going to find the Purifying Crystal to get rid of her powers. Sherry then sees a baby stroller going on by itself for it to stop. Sherry went up to the stroller and sees another monkey plushie with a note on it.

"Will you be my friend?"

Sherry then proceeded forward down the road to go right and kept on going. Sherry then sees a graveyard with tombstones and sees words that were red on the tombstone in front of her.

"Let's play"

Sherry then sees multiple monkey plushies in a stone coffin.

Sherry: I swear I've seen these monkeys before, but...what the hell?

Sherry then moves away from the coffin and tombstone for her to go left to see the doors opened by themselves and for Sherry to go inside. Sherry then sees an elevator for her to go in it and pressed the button for the doors to close, for the elevator to go up.

Gabriel's words appear next to Sherry.

Gabriel: "Something's not right."

Sherry: What's wrong?

Gabriel: "Someone's trying to block me."

Sherry: Okay?

The lights in the elevator flickered and shut off, leaving Sherry in the dark.

Sherry: Wh-What?

The lights turned back on for Sherry to be in another elevator, still going up.

Sherry: Something seems different.

The elevator stopped for the door to open up for Sherry to get out and for her to see two giant stuffed monkeys to the left and right side, under a sign above them.

"Welcome Sherry."

Sherry: Okay, this is weird.

Sherry then moves to a hallway for her to see a note that was on a table for her to read it.

Sherry then realized that this note was the same day where she was going to college with her friends, on the first day.

Sherry: This is-!

Sherry then decides to ignore it the note and went to the hallway to turn right to see a door. The door was locked for a relief of a mother holding a child, but the relief of the child was missing. Sherry then keeps going down the hallway to turn left to see a painting of her on the wall.

Sherry: Why is there a picture of me?

Sherry then goes to double doors for her to open then, Sherry sees tons of monkey plushies in front of her, old music was playing on an old radio. Sherry then sees a birthday cake that was covered in red and black substance from before, and sees meat on the plate behind a cage. Sherry sees the Purifying Crystal in a cage for her to take it, there's no way to get it.

The lights went out in the room, leaving Sherry in the dark, for a voice of a girl to be heard on the radio.

Girl: (radio) It's playtime! You don't need that junk!

The lights came back on for Sherry to see that her weapons are gone, only leaving her with her backpack on.

Sherry: Hey! My stuff!

Sherry then sees a big plushie of a monkey on the table in front of her.
Sherry sees that the plushie's stomach was stitched up, she needs something to cut it open with. Sherry went to a door to open it to go in a medicine room to see the water running in the sink. Sherry goes up to the sink to turn off the water by turning the faucet for the water to turn off. Sherry then opens up another to go through it, to enter another hallway to see creepy drawings that were black on the walls.

Sherry proceeded forward down the hall to hear a weird noise and sees a hole in the wall. Sherry goes through the wall to see more creepy drawings on the walls that are on paper this time. Sherry then sees a drawing on a paper to see a girl with scissors cutting ope the monkey's stomach. She then turns over the paper to see words on the back.

"The stuffed locker, the picture on the bookshelf, the desk covered in stuff."

Sherry puts back the drawing on the same spot where it was and goes to see that she was in another room that was a bit dark with her flashlight on. Sherry sees a cabinet with a lock on it that needed a code for it to open. She then starts to search for the objects where the words said on the paper. Sherry went up to the locker to open it up to see numbers, 02. Sherry closed the locker to hear a loud bang on the door to scare her, someone or something was on the other side of the door, but it was a good thing it was locked.

Sherry then goes up to the bookshelf to see the picture for her to pick up and turns it around to see another code for the lock, 44. Sherry puts down the picture for her to go to the desk, behind it was covered in the red substance a bit, she then sees the final code for the lock, 66. Sherry goes back to the cabinet to put in the codes for on it, for her to unlock it. She then opens up the cabinet again to see a pair of scissors for her to it in her backpack.

Sherry goes back the way she came from to hear a vase being broken by something. She then went back to the hallway to turn left for her to looks up at the ceiling to see mannequin hands above.

Sherry: What the hell?

Sherry then jogged under the hands to not grab her to head on back through the medicine room and back to the workshop to go to the monkey plushie to use the scissors to cut open the monkey's stomach, by taking off the stitches. Sherry sees a relief of a child for her to put it in her backpack. She then hears the voice again on the radio, talking like the monkey on the table.

Girl: (radio) "Ow! That hurt!" (laughing) You won't get the crystal by slicing open your friends.

The monkey plushie's stomach was filling up with black and red substance for the lights to go out again.

Girl: Uhh... You know how to play with dolls, don't you?

The lights came back on for Sherry to see a doll set in front of her.

Sherry: Again? What now?!

Sherry looks at the doll set to see a doll that looks like her, crucified on sticks in a forest. Sherry goes left to see a doll pose that was holding something to pick it up and put it in her backpack to go the medicine room again to see another doll set.

Sherry: So, you want me to play with dolls?

Sherry sees a doll set that represents the bathroom in her college, to see a broom and a spray set up. Sherry went out of the room to go to the hallway again to see more creepy black drawings on the walls and sees the substance ahead of her.

Sherry: Someone really went all out...

Sherry then turned right to go down the hallway and to go left to see the door she saw before. Sherry put the relief of a child on the door for it to be unlocked for Sherry to open up the door and go inside another room. Sherry sees another doll set up that had balloons and a set up for a prank on her. Sherry picked up another doll pose that was pointing for her put it in her backpack to hear laughing from the radio again for it to turn off.

Sherry went back to the hallway to go back to the workshop, but then she sees a mannequin that looks like a female standing there, menacingly. Sherry went passed the mannequin to back through the workshop and back into the medicine room to place the two dolls that had poses. Sherry put the first doll on, that was holding the broom, and she put the second doll on that it was holding a spray bottle.

The doll puzzle was completed for this part for the dolls to laugh and for a drawer to open on the left side, for a red key to be inside. Sherry took the red key to put it in her pocket.

Sherry: Yeah, yeah, I get it. Fuck you.

Sherry picked up the two dolls to put then back in her backpack to out of the room she was in and went left to go down a pathway to go right to see a red door. Sherry used the red key to unlock it to open it to see a stairs that leads down to a dark place. Sherry had her flashlight on to go down the stairs in the dark. Sherry made it to the bottom of the stairs to see the red and black mass covering the well, she used her powers on the sclerotia to destroy it. Sherry heard laughing on the radio, but she ignored it for her to go down the ladder in the well to reach the bottom. Sherry got off the ladder with her feet in the water to turn around to see another doll to grab it and put it in her backpack.

Sherry: God, this is so creepy.

Sherry went back up the ladder to hear noises coming from the room she was in before for her to make back to the top. Sherry goes back to the stairs for her to see the same mannequin standing by the stairs.

Sherry: No way.

Sherry goes back up the stairs to make it back to the workshop, through the doors and goes back to the room where she was before. Sherry place the three dolls in different poses where they were setting up a prank to her to drop water on her. The puzzle was completed by the dolls laughing, for the left drawer to open to reveal a black-haired doll for Sherry to take it with her.

Sherry takes the other dolls for her to make her way back to the workshop. As soon as Sherry opened the doors, the same mannequin was there, waiting for her for Sherry to get scared by it.

Sherry: What the-?!

Sherry then pushed the mannequin to the right side for it to hit the ground.

Sherry: That's what you get for scaring me!

Sherry then went to the table where the doll set up was to put the right poses on the sets. Sherry completed the last puzzle for the dolls to laugh and for the fire to light up, burning the doll that looked like Sherry.

Sherry: Seriously, fuck you.

Sherry saw a Breaker Box Key for her to take it to put it in her pocket. The lights when out again.

Voice: Aww, she's dead. So sad.

Only one light went back on for Sherry to turn on her flashlight again for an old phone ringing in front of her. Sherry then answers the phone with her left hand to put it on her left ear to hear the girl's voice.

Girl: (phone) Jeez, Sherry, you're still looking for the crystal? Fine. I'll help you out. Just take the elevator to me. Mommy might be upset that I'm helping you though...

Sherry: Wha-Who are you?!

The girl's voice didn't answer back, Sherry then put the handle back on the phone for the doors behind her opened. Sherry turned out to see that hallways were dark for her to go ahead to go to the elevator. On her way there, she saw a paper on the wall.

"Let's play Statues!"

Sherry went right and then left to see another paper with words.

"It's game over if they catch you."

Sherry then went to the elevator entrance to see another paper.

"Don't look away."

Sherry didn't know what this means. She went up to the breaker box to use the key to open it up to see a map that shows where the fuse is. Sherry looked at the map to see the that the fuse was in the bedroom. Sherry heard the door opened behind her for her to cautiously go through it to see the mannequin in the room with her, but it's eyes were glowing, knowing that it's alive. Sherry then heard the girl's voice on the radio.

Girl: (radio) (sing-song) Don't let Mommy catch you.

Sherry then looks at the mannequin while walking to the hole in the room where she was going, she jogs to the hole to the other hallway for her to turn around quickly to see the mannequin going to her and stopped in it's position. Sherry walked backwards and quickly jogs down the hallway to make it to the other room for her to go down the stairs and turned around quickly to look at the mannequin stopping in it's tracks.

Sherry went into the kitchen to see the way blocked. The mannequin stopped for Sherry to look at it while using her powers to destroy the sclerotia. Sherry cleared the path for her to walk slowly while looking at the mannequin, then she ran towards the bedroom to open the door and closed it. Sherry saw the fuse for her to take and placed it in her backpack for the lights to go out in the room, with her flashlight still on. Sherry heard the girl on the radio laughing while the door got smashed open from the mannequin for Sherry to turn around quickly.

Sherry: Jesus Christ.

Sherry looked at the mannequin for her to go pass it to go back on the hallway for her to see another mannequin to look at it and goes to to the kitchen and look at both of the mannequins. Sherry turned around to go through the kitchen quickly and went up the stairs to go through the door to see another mannequin for Sherry to look at it quickly and runs to the right to keep on going back to the room she was before, to see another mannequin to look at it and for the other three mannequins to look at them and for Sherry to look at the mannequin blocking the door to quickly go through it and closed the door behind her to by her some time.

Sherry places the fuse in the breaker box to power up the elevator to inside and pressed the button, but the elevator didn't move for Sherry to keep pressing the button.

Sherry: Ugh! Why won't this thing work?!

Sherry hears the girl's voice again, laughing and for the elevator door to close while it went down.

Sherry: Why are you doing this?!

Girl: You're after the crystal, aren't you?

Sherry: Do you know where it is?

Girl: I've gathered some "friends" just for you. (lights went out) Entertain them and maybe I'll tell!

The lights went back for Sherry to see that she was small for the elevator door to open up to see that she was in the same lobby where she was before with different lights.

Sherry: What is going on here?

(Music Playing)

(I do not own this)

Sherry then jogs a little to go down the lobby where she was before to hear the girl's voice again

Girl: Aww. Poor little Sherry. I'm waiting for you in the back bedroom.

Sherry then went to the hallway where she has to go, but then she sees red lights on her left to hear feet stomping making the floor shake for Sherry, then she sees the full figure. It was that Sherry never saw this ever again, but she sees it. It was one of the members of the possessed team RWBY, Yang back then. Sherry quickly went to the left and hide from her to cover her mouth with both hands, to not breathe very loudly. Sherry sees the red lights on Yang's eyes like search lights, to look for Sherry, for not seeing her on the spot where Sherry is. Yang then walks away to find Sherry somewhere else.

Yang: (sing-song tone) Where are you, Sherry? (normal) Oh, come on, we just want to have fun with you, am I right?

Sherry then peeks to the corner where she was, seeing Yang walking away, to see others of the possessed team RWBY going into different rooms.

Sherry: (whispering) I can't them see me.

Sherry then carefully goes down the hallway now in her small form to see that one of the paths were blocked by the red and black mass.

Sherry: (whispering) Dammit. I need to get this out of my way.

Sherry then goes to the right door to a storage room where there were some boxes and other objects she can hide behind while there was a giant possessed Blake in the room where Sherry is to crouch down behind one of the boxes to stay out of sight from Blake.

Blake: Where are you hiding, Sherry? We want to be your friends. Isn't that what you want?

Sherry peeks behind the box where she's hiding for Blake to walk in a different direction for Sherry to quietly sneak behind Blake for her to go hide behind a basket for Blake to keep walking around looking for Sherry giving her a chance to go to the sclerotia and used her powers to destroy it blocking her path in the hallway. Sherry saw Blake walking back where Sherry is for her to see a green lantern to go hide behind a box to get out of Blake's sight.

Blake: Come on, Sherry, we only want to be friends with you. Just come on out, there's no need to be afraid.

Sherry didn't listen to what she said. Sherry peeks out of her spot to see Blake walking to a different direction giving Sherry a chance to go back to the hall to get to the bedroom.

Girl: Ugh, you're so stubborn. Well, there are still plenty of friends waiting.

Sherry continues to go down the hallway for her to see Weiss in the hallway where Sherry is for her to hide behind a box to hide from Weiss.

Weiss: Why so scared, Sherry? There's no reason to hide. We just want to get to know each other, and be your friends.

Sherry: (whispering) I need to lure her out of there. There has to be something I can distract her with.

Sherry sees a sclerotia connected by a bucket behind her. Sherry uses her powers to destroy it for the bucket to drop down to make a loud noise.

Weiss: I heard that.

Weiss went to go to the sound that came from the bucket to go pass Sherry where she was hiding, only to see that it was the bucket that made the noise. Sherry took her chance to go down the hallway to get through the door that lead to the workshop where Sherry was in before, but it was different now that she is small.

Sherry sees the giant possessed Ruby walking around trying to find her, while Sherry saw boxes on top of one another to get out of Ruby's sight to go right and crouched down to go up to see more boxes on top and cardboards blocking Ruby's sight for Sherry to see a sclerotia and the mass blocking her path.

Ruby: (sing-song) Sherry. Come out, come out wherever you are. I know you're in here.

Sherry: (whispering) I just have to get past her.

Sherry goes down from her spot to see other hiding spots to avoid Ruby. Ruby went to a different direction for Sherry to move up quietly to avoid Ruby from getting caught. Ruby turns around for Sherry to quickly hide under a desk for Ruby to look underneath the desk where Sherry is looking with her eyes. Sherry was at the corner of the desk avoiding Ruby's sight for her to stand up to walk around again. Sherry got out under the desk for her to keep going.

Sherry then sees a sclerotia connected to a fragile vase to it. Sherry used her powers to destroy it for the vase to drop down and break for Ruby to hear.

Ruby: I heard that. You must be in here.

Ruby went to the noise, distracting her for Sherry to go to the other sclerotia to destroy it with her powers to clear the path for her to take her chance to keep going.

Ruby: Ugh! Not here!

Sherry then went to the medicine room for her to keep going to go to the door, but then Yang opened the door for Sherry to stop and falls down on the floor for Yang to see her.

Yang: There you are!

Yang then grabs Sherry with her hand and picks her up in her small form.

Sherry: No! No! Let me go!

Yang: We'll have fun together, forever.

Sherry: No!

Sherry then struggles to get free from Yang's hand. Sherry then goes to her backpack pocket to get the scissors she had with her and stabs Yang's hand that was holding her, for Yang to tell in pain. Yang let go of Sherry for her to hit the ground and gets up quickly to run under Yang's legs to close the door behind her as much as she can. Sherry managed to close the door to by her some time to escape.

Yang: (other side of door) Ugh, you little bitch! When I find you, I'll crush you!

Sherry: That was too close.

Sherry then proceeded to the door down the hallway and goes down the cardboard that was covering the stairs for her to go down easily. Sherry then keeps going to see the bedroom, but it was blocked by the red and black mass.

Sherry: I think the bedroom is just over there.

Sherry then went to the kitchen to find the sclerotia to clear the path to the bedroom, but Yang appeared again by slamming the door open, angry while Sherry avoided her.

Yang: Where are you, you little bitch?!

Sherry then sees Yang very angry looking for her and searching the kitchen for her. Sherry went behind the table to hide from Yang. Yang then pushed over a few objects on the floor trying to find Sherry.

Yang: Where are you?! Show yourself! I know you're in here! The longer it takes me to find you, the worst it's gonna be!

Sherry peeks around the corner to see Yang going the opposite direction for her to go around to see the sclerotia and used her powers on it to destroy it. Sherry took a short cut to the other door to go back to the hallway to get to the bedroom.

(Music End)

Sherry finally got to the bedroom, but she sees the possessed team RWBY in the bedroom towering over her from being small.

Weiss: No one likes Sherry.

Blake: Because she's a freak.

Sherry: Hey!

Ruby: She has those creepy powers.

Sherry: What?

Yang: Just like her dad.

Ruby: That's why she doesn't have any friends.

Sherry: Shut up!

Weiss: You know it's true!

Sherry: (looks at Weiss)

Blake: What is wrong with her?

Sherry: (looks around)

Ruby: She's afraid! Look at her!

Sherry: No!

Weiss: Afraid of what she might turn into!

Sherry: (covers ears) Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!

Sherry then runs out of the room while the possessed team RWBY laughs at her for Yang to walk towards her for Sherry to look behind her to get out of the bedroom and closed the door as much as she can. Sherry fully closed the door for Yang to bang on the door for Sherry to close it again to by herself time, for her to run away.

Sherry: I gotta get out of here!

Sherry continues to run down the hallway to see doll heads to appear on the red and black mass.

Doll 1: So you're the girl without any friends.

Doll 2: We want to play with you.

Sherry: Leave me alone!

Sherry sees the red lights, knowing Yang was behind her while she went up the cardboard covering the stairs for the door to close behind her. Sherry saw the path was blocked for her to use her powers on the sclerotia to destroy it.

Doll 3: You should be nice to your friends.

Doll 4: (laughs) Sherry is so disgusting.

Sherry: Shut up!

Sherry keeps going down the hallway to hear more of the dolls.

Doll 5: Everyone hates Sherry.

Sherry: Stop it!

Doll 6: Sherry had no friends.

Doll 7: It's all because of her dad.

Sherry: Just shut up!

Sherry keeps running to turn left, in front of her, Gabriel's words appear.

Gabriel: "I finally found you! Let's go!"

Sherry: Gabriel!

Sherry turned left to be in the same room she was before. Yang tried Sherry for her to on the ground, looking at her, but then Gabriel pushed the bookshelf destroying Yang's arm and turned into ashes.

Sherry was exhausted and tries to breathe correctly.

Sherry: I can't take much more of this... Why are they talking about my dad?! I hardly met him!

Gabriel's words appeared in front of Sherry on the carpet.

Gabriel: "Do you... resent him?"

Sherry: No...I don't know. I don't know the first thing about him. I wish I did. (sits down on floor) All I know is...he died protecting me. Sometimes...I tried to imagine what my life would have been if her hadn't died. Would he have taught me how to ride a bike? Helped me with my homework? Read me a story every night? Would he have been there for me? Proud of me? Sometimes when I feel lost or afraid... (looks at Gabriel's words) I tried to imagine what he might have said to me.

Gabriel: "Come." "I have something you should see."

Gabriel took Sherry into a house back to her normal size, she looked around the house that was amazing and has a lot of space.

Sherry: Where are we?

Sherry looks to see Gabriel's words on a table.

Gabriel: "You're safe here."

Sherry: It feels familiar. (small smile) Like, I've been here before.

Sherry then starts to look around the house.

Sherry: Look at all the decorations... Some kind of party?

Sherry starts to look at the glowing objects. Sherry sees a picture frame of her with her dad and mom, smiling.

Y/n's voice: I'm so lucky to have you both in my life.

Sherry: What's that voice? Is

Sherry then looks away from the frame to look around more.

Sherry: This must be my parents' house when I first came here. I bet other things also have my dad's memories.

Sherry went up to the dinning table to see fresh food and sees a bottle of wine on the stand.

Y/n's voice: She's so little. Hard to believe she'll be old enough to share a bottle of wine with her old man.

Sherry: So dad was a wine drinker.

Sherry then sees a music disc with an album on it.

Y/n's voice: She taps her fork every time I play this. I wonder if she'll be a musician?

Sherry: I wonder if dad played any instruments?

Sherry then goes to the kitchen to see Gabriel's words.

Gabriel: "Take your time and look around."

Sherry looks around the house more, and sees other parts of Y/n's memories. Sherry then sees the music player that was in the living room, to see an album to read it.

"The Ink Spots"

Y/n's voice: Me and Saphron played this song while we having an amazing time with each other.

Sherry: So him and mom were dancing to this song. That was so lovely.

Sherry then goes to see a picture frame of her new mother and father that married.

Y/n's voice: This was a spectacular day for the both of us. I will never forget this moment.

Sherry: So that's them when they got married. They look so lovely together.

Sherry then goes to the hall where the stairs are to see Gabriel's words on the wall next to her.

Gabriel: "Don't forget to look upstairs."

Sherry: Upstairs? I'll take a look.

Sherry then goes upstairs to go look around more in the house. Sherry then sees a music box for her to turn the winding key three times for the music to play and the little figures spin around.

Y/n's voice: This tune has always been special for our family.

Sherry: This music sounds amazing.

Sherry then turned left and went down the hall and went right to opened the door to her new parents' bedroom.

Sherry: This is...their bedroom?

Sherry then went in the other room behind the be the office to look around. Sherry then sees a picture of herself when she was 10.

Y/n's voice: Sherry is going to be an amazing girl when she grows up. I wonder if she'll look like me when she does.

Sherry: He actually kept this picture of me. How thoughtful of you, dad.

Sherry picks up the picture and turns it around to see a key on the back of it. Sherry picks up the key and puts the picture back back on the same spot where it was and went to the drawer and used the key to unlock it. She then opens up the drawer to see a letter for her, so she picked it up to see it.

Sherry: A letter for me?

Sherry then opens the letter for her to take out the note that was inside for her to read it and hear Y/n's voice.

Y/n's voice: Happy Birthday, Sherry! My gift to you is a promise. I'll always be there with you. No matter what. (sherry starts to tear up) I'll be there every birthday to watch you blow out the candles on your cake. I'll be there to make you breakfast and walk you to school every day. I'll be there when you have a bad dream and sing to you until you fall back asleep. I'll hug you tight when you're troubled or worried and tell you that everything's going to be alright. You are my precious Sherry. Never forget that. Dad. :)

Sherry closes the letter to be so relieved that she heard the beautiful words by her father, but then the moment was ruined for a girl to appear behind Sherry.

Girl: No one loves you.

The girl revealed to be Eveline that she summoned black and red mass to drag Sherry down with it

Sherry: No! No! Gabriel? Gabriel, help! Gabriel! No!

Sherry continued to be pulled down into the mass while Eveline watched this happens to Sherry.

Sherry then wakes up back in the room where she is in her normal size to sit up on the floor to look over at Eveline.

Eveline: Guess what? (walks up to Sherry) That thing you're looking for? (leans down to Sherry's face) Isn't here.

Sherry: don't have the Purifying Crystal?

Sherry gets up to see Eveline gone.

Eveline: Of course not.

Sherry heard Eveline's voice from behind the wall for her to go to see if she was there, but she wasn't.

Eveline: For that, you'll have to go deeper... Much deeper.

Eveline appears behind Sherry.

Eveline: Poor Sherry.

Sherry got scared by Eveline and turns around.

Eveline: (sing-song) She can't trust anyone.

Sherry: Why are you doing this?!

Eveline was a few feet away from Sherry.

Eveline: No one loves you! And when you're dead, no one will care! (laughs)

As Eveline goes down with the mass the place started get covered by the black and red mass, for Sherry to run.

Eveline: Enough games. Now you'll drown.

Sherry then runs in the hallway to turn left to see Eveline appear in front of her.

Eveline: I came first. (disappears)

Sherry: First?

Sherry then sees the mass blocking her path to go left went down the stairs to follow the trail to the sclerotia for Eveline to appear in front of her again.

Eveline: Why does he only want you? (disappears again)

Sherry: What are you talking about?

Sherry used her power to destroy the sclerotia to see more of the mass coming out of the floor for Sherry to turn around to see Eveline appear in front of her again to grab her left arm.

Eveline: Look at you! You are beyond worthless! (pushes Sherry)

Sherry: Seriously, what is your problem?!

Eveline disappears again for Sherry to go up the stairs to go through the door to the medicine room and through the workshop to see more mass covering the place. Eveline then summoned dolls to attack Sherry with blades on them.

Eveline: You're just so greedy.

Sherry used her powers to knock back the dolls for more of them to appear.

Eveline: So many friends and it's never enough!

Sherry used her power again to knock them back again. And another pair of dolls appear for Sherry to do the same thing again. Sherry then goes to the door and runs down the hallway, to see Eveline appear again.

Eveline: Where do you think you're going?

Sherry then turned around to see Eveline again with the doors opened behind her to see the mannequins.

Eveline: Oh look, your family's here. (disappears)

The mannequins then started to run at at Sherry.

Sherry: Enough of this shit!

Sherry used her powers to stop the mannequins to turn around and rand down the hallway to go left to see the mass blocking her path.

Eveline: Die. Die!

Sherry used her powers to destroy two sclerotias and kept on going and she reached the elevator. Eveline appeared in front of Sherry again to stop her.

Eveline: This should have been my chance.

Eveline teleported to Sherry to grab her left arm again for a wind blast to go around Eveline.

Eveline: He was supposed to die and join me here!

Sherry: Let go!

Eveline: What?

Sherry and Eveline sees Gabriel's light going towards Eveline to spin around her to stop her.

Eveline: Stop it! How are you even here?!

Eveline disappears again for Sherry to go into the elevator for Gabriel's words to appear in front of Sherry.

Gabriel: "Hurry."

Sherry: Gabriel! Good, you made it out!

Sherry then presses the button for the elevator to go up and Gabriel's words to appear on the door for Sherry to see.

Gabriel: "Be careful." "We're not safe yet." "Eveline's causing this."

Sherry: Eveline? That little girl?

The elevator came to a stop for the door to open for Sherry to exit the elevator to see Gabriel's words on the wall.

Gabriel: "We still can't get out."

Sherry went down the hallway to feel the place shake for Gabriel's words to appear again.

Gabriel: "Use your powers on her."

Sherry turned right to see Gabriel again.

Gabriel: "I can help once she's weak."

Sherry goes to a dinning room to see another purifier flask and a first aid med for her to see Gabriel again.

Gabriel: "These should help."

Sherry took the flask and the first aid med in her backpack to feel more upgraded to her powers again for her to go to the door for Gabriel to appear again.

Gabriel: "Don't panic. You've got this."

Sherry then goes into the room where it's dark for her to turn on her flashlight to see Eveline appear in front of her.

Eveline: You will never leave! Never!

Sherry took cover behind a table for her to see Gabriel again.

Gabriel: "Watch out for her wind blasts."

Sherry sees Eveline using her wind blast once for her to stay behind cover for Eveline to disappear again to see Gabriel's words.

Gabriel: "This way."

Sherry went to another cover to see Gabriel again.

Gabriel: "Wait for an opening."

Eveline: I have been such a good girl.

Sherry stayed behind cover for Eveline to release her wind blasts three times for her to get tired.

Gabriel: "Now! Use your powers!"

Sherry got out of cover for her to use her powers on Eveline to suppress her for Eveline to disappear.

Gabriel: "She's not done. Be careful."

Sherry sees Eveline again for her to take cover.

Eveline: When he died, we were supposed to be a family!

Eveline used her wind blast again for her to disappear and appear again behind Sherry for her to take cover.

Eveline: But he's completely obsessed with stupid old Sherry.

Eveline used her wind blast three times to get weak again for Sherry to use her powers on her to suppress Eveline again for her to disappear. Eveline appeared behind Sherry again for her to take cover.

Eveline: You'll die here!

Eveline used her wind blast again to disappear again for the mass to close in on Sherry for her to see Gabriel's words.

Gabriel: "Watch your step!"

Sherry avoided the mass for Eveline to appear behind Sherry again for her to take cover.

Eveline: If you'd never been born, it would have been perfect!

Eveline used her wind again for to appear on the right side where Sherry is to take cover.

Eveline: This is stupid!

Eveline used her wind blast three times again for Sherry to get out of cover to use her powers on Eveline suppress her. Eveline disappears again to appear on the stairs.

Eveline: Go away!

Eveline disappears once again for her to appear mass on the stairs. Sherry sees two sclerotias and she destroyed two of them to go up the stairs to take cover again to avoid Eveline's wind blast.

Eveline: You're worthless! Nothing! A-A freak with no friends!

Gabriel's words appeared in front of Sherry.

Gabriel: "You have me."

Eveline disappears once again for Sherry to move to another cover to see Gabriel again.

Gabriel: "Over here." Keep focusing. I'll help."

Eveline: You're nothing!

Eveline used her wind blast again three times for her to be weak and Sherry got out of cover to use her powers combined with Gabriel's powers as well to fight off Eveline.

Eveline: No! Stop!

Eveline screamed in pain when she got hit and she teleported on the bottom floor on her knees for Sherry to walk down the stairs behind Eveline.

Eveline: I can't believe how useless I am. No wonder no one loves me.

Sherry: What now...?

Eveline: (turns around) Back off!

Eveline used her wind blast to knock Sherry back as she was getting up slowly.

Eveline: This is all your fault!

Sherry sees Eveline using her wind power in rage to get ready to strike her.

Eveline: And I will never let you have what you want!

Random objects flew towards Sherry, about to hit her, but then someone appears to help her.

Gabriel: (appears) Sherry! Look out!

Gabriel pushed Sherry out of the way for the doors behind her opened up for her to be pushed out of the stratum. Sherry looks to see the figure was Gabriel, but the figure almost looked like someone she used to know, it looked like Y/n. Sherry then fell down again to hear the voice.

Gabriel: Don't give up, Sherry! Find that crystal.

Sherry was then back in the water going deeper down into another stratum to continue to find the Purifying Crystal.

Screen went black

To be continued

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