Respawn then gone.

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"Hurry, it's up too you!", "Go on without us!"

My team....respawned but didn't come out....their bodies....just laying there....emotionless.

I have to hurry...the control point is almost capped....just a bit more...

I hear footsteps and a decloaking sound, the BLU spy watched as I tiredly and broken-heartedly tried to cap as his team attacked with out mercy. He watched as I killed his teams Scout then Sniper shooting them both with my crossbow.

"Forget about us, it's too late for us to be revived Medic...just...leave us..." My teams Sniper fell into his eternal slumber. Why Mick....~

"Doktor is credit to team....never forget what Heavy say." The Heavy muttered before blackness took over. Killing their teams Heavy brought this memory back~ Misha was a good friend....

"Do not worry about me, Mon ami, go defend ze point for us..." Spy had tried his best to stay alive. Their Spy still stood there watching me....laughing....mocking my weakness~ Achille...I won't let your death be in vain.

"Lass it's too late...give up on me...besides an old thing like me self just needs to move on..." I cried remembering my best friends voice fade. Demoman, you drunken Scottish cyclops....~ Tavish, my closest friend....

" really care about me don't cha toots?...." My brother....the only family I had left...Scout why... This memory....all too familiar~ Judas...I'm sorry brother...

Pyro didn't say anything...I was too late to get to him... He may have been hard to understand but he was a good friend....~ The innocent little firebug known as, Delgato....slain in the most brutal way possible...

"I DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO DIE! MAGGOT....just...believe in yourself...." Hearing Soldier so amazed me but for the wrong reason... The mostly loud and crazed Soldier dying in my arms...~ Jane Doe, Bravest man on the team...

"Frauline...I'm so zorry....I tried my hardezt....but I vas too late...Ich liebe dich und nicht immer vergessen...." I cried softly my boyfriend gone...his final words, "I love jou...don't ever forget it..." Medic why did you leave me....~ Why Josef...

The announcers voice rang in my ears, "Victory for RED!" I laughed weakly and fell.

I woke up in a strange place but what scared me the most was my team standing there smiling, hands outstretched and beckoning me to go to them. My body felt like it went through respawn, seeing my team I went with them before the world around me went white....

Respawn. Then. Gone.

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