01 || Restart

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The sounds of waves crashing on the shore, and seagulls calling to each other was all Naruto could hear.

Thorough teary eyes he watched as the sun retreat behind the horizon, the sky different shades of blue, pink, purple and orange paint the sky above, but he didn't seemed to notice as he was recalling the events of last night.

He couldn't remember much of last night but the picture of the place he once called home burning to nothing but ash, was nothing but crystal clear in his mind.

"Wh-who would do such a thing" he clenched his first and he shook in rage, tears of frustration ran down his cheeks like waterfalls.
"How could this even happen."

He was so confused. One moment he was helping his mother in the garden and the next moment-
He didn't want to think about it anymore, he just wanted it to all go away.

He stood up, dusted off his pants and walked away from the water.

As he exited the beach he heard a small crunch sound, as if someone was stepping on leaves, but he shrugged it off and went on he way.

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